Mission 3 Turn 12: Acid bath

The Second Devil Dawgs Campaign. The Marines find themselves marooned on an uninhabited jungle planet, but find something they did not expect.
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Mission 3 Turn 12: Acid bath

Post by Corporal Hicks » Sat Feb 15, 2020 4:28 pm

Quinn’s reckless charge was the last thing the xenomorph expected. He pulled out his pistol and body slammed the creature. Its feet were not well planted, and it rolled aside off of the scientist. (Roll: critical success.) He fired all twelve rounds of his pistol. The first eight were pretty wide as he was still trying to get his balance. The last four went home, piercing the black armor as it prepared to pounce. (Roll: neutral)

Sokolova sent a burst downrange at that moment. The creature screamed and the air was filled with acid smoke as its armor caved in under the explosive-tipped rounds. (Roll: Success.)

The creature was still too close, and the acid splashed across Quinn. His body shielded the scientist from the acid. Smoke began to rise as the acid took its effect on him. (Roll: Failure)
ImageSgtMaj. Danny Sykes - Platoon NCO
USCM Special Forces Recon Team
Serial Number: D26/TQ6.3.48412E9
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Re: Mission 3 Turn 12: Acid bath

Post by maxvale76 » Sun Feb 16, 2020 12:24 am

Samantha saw the third Xenomorph in a dark part of the tunnel beyond Quinn and taking a deep breath, she took careful aim, sighted down the barrel of her M41 Pulse Rifle, let the breath out and stroked the trigger....and then repeated the process a second time to try and ensure it was neutralized as a threat....

<Aim for 2 actions, Fire 6 round burst at Gun Combat: Master; aim for 2 actions, Fire 6 round burst>
ImageSGT Samantha "Sam" Hall

M41A Pulse Rifle
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Re: Mission 3 Turn 12: Acid bath

Post by BarbarianMathematics » Sun Feb 16, 2020 4:04 am

Seeing Quinn go down, Sokolova knew something about the sight of him falling and the smoke coming off of him definitely wasn't right. Unbeknownst to her, she didn't expect these kind of defensive mechanisms existed in a creature, though she couldn't just leave him alone.

Ignoring the gunfire to her side, she dashes over toward Quinn to investigate. She sees the armor corroding quickly before her eyes. "Der'mo! I need to get that armor off of you fast! Why did you have to run ahead, durachit'? What do I need to do?" She exclaimed, trying to figure out the best way to cut away the armor.

《Tag Quinn》
《Roll assist》
ImageLCpl. Tanya Sokolova
USCM Special Forces Recon Team
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Corporal Nikolai Pushkin - ComTech
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Re: Mission 3 Turn 12: Acid bath

Post by Corporal Hicks » Mon Feb 17, 2020 2:35 am

Katie Whitehead, the other scientist caught her breath and replied to Oksana. "There were three, down the tunnel. Where the fourth is, I don't know. They killed the androids."
<Tag Oksana and Rai>

Meanwhile, in the admin center, Gibson watched the situation unfold on the cameras. All of his synthetics were destroyed, Erikson had run away, things were deteriorating fast. There was suddenly an intense pounding on the door. Terry screamed as the door began to bend inward from the intense pressure.
<Tag Gibson>

"Hey, stop!" shouted one of the sailors down the right tunnel. They were struggling with somebody. "You little mother fucker!" shouted the sailor. A gun shot rang out from that direction.
<Tag anyone>
ImageSgtMaj. Danny Sykes - Platoon NCO
USCM Special Forces Recon Team
Serial Number: D26/TQ6.3.48412E9
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Re: Mission 3 Turn 12: Acid bath

Post by pants » Mon Feb 17, 2020 4:52 am

Seeing the metal doors to the room start to bend in from the force being applied to them, Gibson quickly got up from his chair and started to activate the secondary escape route.

"Mr Terry if you could please move to the emergency exit right now, we can start extracting ourselves from this situation," said Gibson pointing towards the emergency doorway on the opposite wall of the bulging metal main doors.

Seeing that Terry was about to freeze up Gibson moved quickly to secure his employee and get them both moving towards the exit.

"Come on Mr Terry, it's like you have never had to flee for your life before!" stated Gibson with a wry smile as dragged his employee to the exit as fast as he could move.

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Re: Mission 3 Turn 12: Acid bath

Post by Quinn » Mon Feb 17, 2020 8:01 pm

When he heard the rattle of pulse rifle fire from close behind him, Quinn did what most people do when such a thing occurs. He flinched. His left arm came up to shield his face, which prevented the acid from hitting his face but most importantly, his eyes. The acid set to work immediately, and this was an entirely new experience for the man as the pain struck. Oh gods, the pain. It felt like he was on fire the few places the deadly blood hit his skin.

But a veteran Marine, he was. His hands slapped the quick releases on his chest armor and began stripping his clothes off. The sling for the rifle was eaten through, and it hit the deck with a clatter. His sidearm went after it after being coated in xeno blood. Sokolova came up and began assisting him with stripping him down to his skivvies before the acid could eat through them.

As Sokolova was doing that, Quinn grabbed a specially-marked canteen from his belt. Inside was a solution, with purified water as a base and other strong bases (android Bio-fluid being one of them, oddly enough) which would help counteract the acid enough for it to be washed off. He proceeded to bathe himself in the solution, particular attention to his left arm. There would be scarring, no getting around that. But he could hopefully keep the functionality of his arm and other extremities...

Roll Medical Aid: Grandmaster with Assistance
Current Gear
M42A Scope Rifle
M4A4 .45 ACP caliber Sidearm, Suppressed
Combat Knife
K52 Medical Kit
Flashlight, Flares (6)
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Re: Mission 3 Turn 12: Acid bath

Post by Corporal Hicks » Sat Feb 22, 2020 9:30 pm

Samantha Hall’s burst rang out and the alien screamed at a piercing pitch. It melted down into the floor as it died. (Success)

Quinn pulled off his armor and clothes, assisted by Sokolova. The pain was intense as it burned through and hurt his skin. The two of them were very successful and the majority of the acid wasted itself on his clothes and armor. Sokolova recoiled in pain as the acid got on her palms and began to work it’s hideous magic before it dissipated in the air. Both had suffered painful superficial wounds but luck was on their side and it was no worse. (Critical success)

“Medic!” called one of the Navy guys from the right hallway. There was the sound of a struggle, grunting and clanging. Seaman Apprentice Shields was strangling somebody while Seaman Stark stabbed him in the guts with a service knife. The facility guard Erikson had tried to get past them.
ImageSgtMaj. Danny Sykes - Platoon NCO
USCM Special Forces Recon Team
Serial Number: D26/TQ6.3.48412E9
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Re: Mission 3 Turn 12: Acid bath

Post by Morse » Sun Feb 23, 2020 3:07 pm

This action had begun calm, but had arrived at a juncture where it was more hectic then most. They were in a secret corporate facility on an world that had yet to be colonized, inside of hallways where they were being bombarded by both Androids, Aliens, and human refugees. Morse's mind wondered how long their supply line would be able to support any more of this mess before they fell into a complete collapse, especially as one of their number went down.

It was Quinn, and Morse had witnessed his action. In Morse's mind it had been nearly suicidal. Even for all of the Marines violent tendencies, he never conducted single man charges, or charges really at all. Perhaps in an APC tank at one point in his career, but modern weapons and lethal Xenomorphs kept him as far at a distance as he possibly could at all times. The fact that Quinn appeared alive, and victorious left Morse in awe. Of course Quinn had a wide range of experience such as his own, so at a certain point they were beyond the scope of the average humans capabilities.

There was a roar out for a medic... and that was a problem... as Quinn was the medic. Morse did not have a full status on him, but if his whole face or torso was not melted off and he was not impaled in any particular manner, he'd get out of there the same as the rest of them. But soon Morse would be ready to break the entire facility down.

Morse himself had been a medic for a series of incursions, and he assumed he was the next qualified.

"Sam, nice shootin'" Morse commented. "Now get these civies talkin' while I go figure out what the fuck ship rats are yellin' about." Morse said moving towards the right hall. "One a you come with me, don't matter who." Morse directed so he was not moving alone.

<Tag Sam and one other

Morse moved quickly, rifle at the ready down the hall towards whatever struggle was in progress. He did not hear small arms fire, which was a good thing. And instead of screams and cries for help it seemed like a man on man fight. That was preferable as he did not want to have to spray the deck with more bullets and more acid.

Upon arriving at the scene, Morse was met by the image of a two on one fight, as two navy men were trying to hold back someone who had not been among their number. There was blood, sweat, and aggression on their open faces, and while Morse did not know what was happening, he certainly knew out to end it. Though their ammunition situation was not ideal, one round was not wasted to end this skirmish.

Morse selected semi-automatic fire on his Pulse Rifle, directed it to the ground as one would to a clearing barrel, not endangering anyone other then with the sound.


The pulse clanged and rang in all ears, followed by the screaming that one would expect from a Boot Instructor.

"Cut the fuckin' shit'r I'll fuckin' melt you!" Morse trained the weapon at the new man that was struggling with their Navy counter parts. "Ship-rats. Sound off." Morse demanded of the Navy to give him a status. He could not get close to handle medical aid until the situation was more secure.

< Tag Anyone
< Roll Awareness
Image-SSG Allen Morse - Squad Leader
-3rd Bn, 2nd Reg, 1st Co, 8th Plt
- M41A Pulse Rifle - M4 Pistol - Med Kit
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Re: Mission 3 Turn 12: Acid bath

Post by Corporal Hicks » Sun Feb 23, 2020 11:49 pm

The sound of the pulse rifle startled the fighting men. Stark stopped stabbing the prone victim and Shields stopped strangling him, instead pinning him to the ground.

“He shot Singh!” said Stark in distressed explanation. Petty Officer Singh lay against the wall with a hand over his gut and blood seeping through his fingers. The pistol that had done it lay a good distance from the site of the brawl. Singh was breathing with some difficulty.

Erikson lay there, coughing blood and cradling his injured torso which bore roughly twenty stab wounds. Stark had gone berserk on the man who shot his Petty Officer.
ImageSgtMaj. Danny Sykes - Platoon NCO
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Serial Number: D26/TQ6.3.48412E9
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Re: Mission 3 Turn 12: Acid bath

Post by Morse » Mon Feb 24, 2020 12:30 am

The altercation that had happened on this end of the hall was a scene that left Morse feeling like a cop more then a Marine. Neither of these men were overly familiar to him, but the man that had apparently been stabbed was soon to be described as being stabbed to death. If he had shot one of their own, then he was nothing more then a few puffing gasps of information, and if those were worth anything was not likely given the circumstance. But Morse's thoughts were occupied by the potential of saving one of their own, and not continuing a fight.

This battle was over, now he just needed everyone in the facility to figure that out.

"You." Morse read his uniform tag. "Stark. Get that fuckin' pistol'n keep it ready. If he does much more struggling before he dies, make it faster for him. N' see what the fuck he knows!"

Morse waited for him to acquire the weapon before moving over to check on Singh. Morse had years of experience as a medic, and though he was in no sense as good as Quinn, he knew certainly what he was doing.

He reach to his medpack upon slinging his weapon, and applied medical aid for a gunshot wound in the Petty Officer.

<Roll Medical
<Tag Anyone
Image-SSG Allen Morse - Squad Leader
-3rd Bn, 2nd Reg, 1st Co, 8th Plt
- M41A Pulse Rifle - M4 Pistol - Med Kit
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Re: Mission 3 Turn 12: Acid bath

Post by BarbarianMathematics » Mon Feb 24, 2020 1:40 am

After noticing the acid having done some superficial burns to her hand, but having noticed how much it hurt, she pulls her hand away for a moment while wincing at the fiery pain. "Need some cloth for the burns!" she calls back to the group.
《Tag anyone 》

Checking Quinn's condition, she murmurs to him, "We still have a few on us. You holding up? And what kind of stuff was that? Stomach acid?"

Having offered her hand to him with one hand, keeping in mind the pain from the burns, she gets the rifle ready with the other once she hears the ruckus down the opposite hallway. Looking down the hall she sees the third alien fall, she looks for any movement.
《Tag Quinn 》
《Roll awareness 》
ImageLCpl. Tanya Sokolova
USCM Special Forces Recon Team
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Corporal Nikolai Pushkin - ComTech
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Re: Mission 3 Turn 12: Acid bath

Post by eyeball » Mon Feb 24, 2020 4:56 am

Paulson checked the motion detector again they had been surprised by the rapid arrival of scientists and xenos alike he was planning on that not happening again, they knew that a fourth creature was out there somewhere but they had not seen it yet
<roll motion detector>
ImageLCpl. Robert Paulson
incinerator, 2 spare fuel bottles, motion detector, first aid kit, pistol, knife, 2 frag.
special weapons tech
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Re: Mission 3 Turn 12: Acid bath

Post by eyeball » Tue Feb 25, 2020 9:34 am

Paulson heard the return noise and looked again at his detector, " 3 contacts right side, approaching you sarge" he directed towards Morse who was now treating a wounded navy rating "distance is unknown, give me a second" he continued
OOC try to get distance and speed is that possible?
ImageLCpl. Robert Paulson
incinerator, 2 spare fuel bottles, motion detector, first aid kit, pistol, knife, 2 frag.
special weapons tech
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Re: Mission 3 Turn 12: Acid bath

Post by Corporal Hicks » Tue Feb 25, 2020 5:43 pm

Distance: 30 meters, targets are diagonal, not straight down the hallway. Two in the front followed by a third.
ImageSgtMaj. Danny Sykes - Platoon NCO
USCM Special Forces Recon Team
Serial Number: D26/TQ6.3.48412E9
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Re: Mission 3 Turn 12: Acid bath

Post by taimdala » Sun Mar 01, 2020 12:46 am


"Thank you, Katie." Oksana hugged Katie hard and patted her back, hoping to reassure her colleague that everything was going to be okay. Or at least, better, now that they had some firepower on their side. Before she could say anything else, gunfire rang out again and screams, mostly from a xenomorph, filled the corridor. She heard the distinctive his of acid spraying and smelled that particular tang in the air of the acid melting through metal, plastic ... and human flesh. Turning around, she saw Quinn shedding his armor and another Marine helping him do it.

Pushing Katie gently toward Ria, Oksana rushed forward to offer her assistance to Quinn.

TAG: Katie, Rai, Anybody
ImageCpl. Dmitri Mikhailovich Barayev
Current Gear
Light Armor
M41A Rifle + 2 clips
VP70 Pistol + 2 clips
8 grenades
Entrenching Tool
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