Mission 1 Turn 2: Survival

The Second Devil Dawgs Campaign. The Marines find themselves marooned on an uninhabited jungle planet, but find something they did not expect.
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Mission 1 Turn 2: Survival

Post by Corporal Hicks » Sun Jul 14, 2019 6:40 pm

Date: June 22, 2189
Location: Surface of Capua, Nembus System, Andromeda Cluster
Mission time: 00:30:00
As the marines regained their composure from the chaos of the last half an hour, they began to feel a distant rumbling. From the moment it started it began to grow in intensity for several minutes. Each at their own pace, the survivors realized it was the U.S.S. Shiloh plummeting through the atmosphere above them. They glanced nervously up at the top of the lifeboat which was rocking again as if floating on water. They could feel it as much as hear it, and over the thundering sound they heard the rattling of everything in the lifeboat that wasn’t bolted down.

Now the thundering had become a roar, and the lifeboat shook and rattled to a terrifying extent. Some closed their eyes or covered their ears from the oppressive feeling in the air. Even the rudest grasp of the sheer force being exerted above them and the weight of the calamity made them cower, like rabbits hiding underground from a terrible storm.

Then they felt the crash, the vibration jolting through them like an electric shock, and the lifeboat began tipping madly. Then a few seconds later, the thundering sound waves caught up, and the sound of explosion and destruction filled their ears. This continued for about sixty seconds, but it felt like hours to the helpless men and women in the lifeboat. Then gradually, the terrible thunder began to dissipate, and then it was gone, the only reminder being the ringing in their ears and the still intense rocking of the lifeboat.

Sergeant Major Sykes had initially been disoriented by the reentry, but now he had regained control of himself. He made a mental note that Morse had stepped up and taken command when necessary. He would be a valuable asset in the days to come. He had a feeling that they might be on this planet for a long time, assuming they could survive the methane-packed atmosphere.

Sykes barked out orders, “Okay people, listen up! I am ranking NCO, and that means I’m in charge here. We are going to work together and figure out what we need to do to ensure we get rescued promptly. I’m guessing the next few weeks will probably be a shit-fest, but if you all stay attentive and do your duty we should all be sitting in a nice cozy ship somewhere in a few weeks’ time. First thing is first, you are all now acting Devil Dawgs. Until we find whoever is in charge, my unit is taking precedence. I’m counting sixteen people and one robot, that’s enough for two platoons. I’ll hammer out the details later while you’re all doing the heavy lifting. Sergeant Morse and Sergeant Perez will be acting platoon commanders.”

Sykes took a breath and gathered his thoughts before he continued his stream of orders, “Second thing, we can’t sit here doing nothing for two weeks. We need to exit this lifeboat and search for the rest of the survivors. That means we are taking everything we possibly can carry, gather up any rations or anything you can find and pack them in airtight bags. Those who have rebreathers will have to share them if anybody starts feeling woozy from the methane. It looks like we’re all going to be sharing gear for a while.” He glanced at one of the marines from the Shiloh, a young woman who must have been slow waking up because she was still in her skivvies without even a pair of socks. Various others were missing helmets, boots, or rifles.

After a few minutes of hurried work, the marines gathered up everything of value. To everyone’s relief, Corporal Pushkin found a pack of 16 rebreathers in an emergency supply hatch. Corporal Barayev found enough rations to last them about two days, as well as other various gear. Looking for somebody who was unoccupied, Sykes pointed directly at Private Cavalet. “You! Get that fucking hatch open.” He pointed at the ceiling where a small metal ladder led to a roof-hatch.
<Tag Cavalet>
ImageSgtMaj. Danny Sykes - Platoon NCO
USCM Special Forces Recon Team
Serial Number: D26/TQ6.3.48412E9
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Re: Mission 1 Turn 2: Survival

Post by pictish20 » Sun Jul 14, 2019 9:30 pm

"Right!", Cavalet nodded.

Open a hatch, an order. A simple order, perhaps, but at least he was contributing, now.

A scramble up the lower few rungs of the ladder, a brief twist of the locking mechanism, and a soft push upwards later, the hatch swung open and the pod was exposed to the sky above.

"It's open. Let's see what we can see."

Cavalet pulled himself further up the ladder, until he could see over the fuselage of the escape pod, and he saw...
Pvt. Charlton Cavalet
Corpsman, USS Shiloh, 2nd Platoon

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Re: Mission 1 Turn 2: Survival

Post by eyeball » Mon Jul 15, 2019 12:25 am

At least the swaying had calmed down, the noise and sheer terror of the second Shiloh impact had been worse than the ride down.
Paulson had briefly thought it was coming down on their heads, and then the waves threatening to turn the pod over. now back to some stability orders were being given, chain of command re established, Morse telling him and Giosso to open the hatch and Cavalet beating them to it.
As the hatch opened the stench of methane rushed in, Paulson fitted the re-breather Pushkin had found and then scrambled up to the hatch with Cavalet.
Paulson followed behind and was about to exit when Cavalet stopped to have a look, "what do you see mate, are we fucked ? or just hugely inconvenienced" Paulson inquired, only able to see the sky and Cavalets backside currently.

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Re: Mission 1 Turn 2: Survival

Post by Corporal Hicks » Mon Jul 15, 2019 12:27 am

Bright blueish light streamed into the lifeboat and the fresh air rushed out, popping their eardrums. Those who didn't have rebreathers on yet crinkled their noses at the vaguely unpleasant smell. Private Cavalet looked out and saw a bright green jungle all around them, and saw that they were bobbing on a small overgrown pond. The air above was bright blue but streaked with ugly black smoke trails where the ship had passed overhead. A light sprinkle of rain dropped on his head and left ripples in the pond around him. If it weren't for the unfortunate circumstances, it would have been a beautiful sight.
Capua 1.jpg
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ImageSgtMaj. Danny Sykes - Platoon NCO
USCM Special Forces Recon Team
Serial Number: D26/TQ6.3.48412E9
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Re: Mission 1 Turn 2: Survival

Post by JuanPerez » Mon Jul 15, 2019 8:33 pm

A marine's life is easy. Your superiors give orders and you obey. "Acting Platoon Commander", the Sergeant Major said and Perez obeyed. He knew Danny Sykes so well, they had been going to hell and back more than once, and he was glad to have him in charge here. So, a brief glance and a silent nod was all, what was needed. While Danny gave out more orders, he briefly went through his "platoon" in his mind.

Who could do what? That was the question, that needed to be answered quickly.

The first one was easy, because he knew Lulu Hoops all too well, who she was and what she can do. In short, nasty and deadly as hell, mercyless against opponents and liquor storages quite alike ... and an expert recon specialist. Then Mark Giosso, the hacker, pardon Combat Technician. He remembered the gig at the secret space station. Was that been the very first mission of the Dawgs? Yes, it was and Giosso was supernatural with computers and tech-stuff. Then, there was "Boom" Sarafian, Combat Engineer. This dude lived for blowing stuff up. Robert Paulson, who could do amazing things with motion trackers. Charlton Cavalet, hospital corpsman, stiches up the Wounded and Chip Austin, equally good at poker and shooting things.

He waited for Sergeant Major Sykes to finish, then he took Danny aside to go over the platoon assignments. It did not take long, so he barked ...

"Marines, listen up. Hoops, Giosso, Sarafian, Paulson, Cavalet, Austin, you have been assigned to me. The rest is with Sergeant Morse. And now i want you to get combat-ready in five mikes. Go."
<Tag Hoops, Giosso, Sarafian, Paulson, Cavalet, Austin>

As the marines geared up, he went over to the two smartgun cases, took one of them and went straigth to Sergeant Morse.

"Morse, i think this one will come in handy." ... and he handed over the smartgun case to him.
<Tag Morse>

on the way back, he stepped to Danny Sykes and pointed disretely to the unconscious Sergeant Cano ...
"Shall we take turns to carry Cano between first and second platoon? The dude doesn't seem to be fit for walking on his own"
<Tag Sykes>

Then he returned to the other smartgun case and opened it carefully. With speed-of-lightning he got the smartgun prepared. Normally, there would be a computer-assisted checkout sequence, but, for the lack of a computer, he would have to omit this. Rebreathers where found and given out, Supplies were packed and handed out.

While Cavalet opened the hatch, he lined up his men ...

"Hoops, you go out first.
Paulson, you cover her. As soon as the entrance is clear, Giosso and me will follow.
After we secured a small perimeter, Sarafian, Cavalet and Austin will flank our positions.
I want to see a clear dispersal, if anybody trips or slips, i will kick his ass to the moon, if there is one on this planet."
<Tag Hoops, Giosso, Sarafian, Paulson, Cavalet, Austin>

And than, the hatch opened, and the show began.
<Tag Dawgs>
Game Master
Image 1st Lt Daniela Harper - Platoon CO
USCM Special Forces Recon Team
Serial Number A08/TQ3.0.45013E2
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M10 Pattern Balistic Helmet
M3 Pattern Personal Armor
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Re: Mission 1 Turn 2: Survival

Post by CarbebthePoncho » Tue Jul 16, 2019 3:09 am

Fernandez saw the rush to the hatch after the orders were barked out to get outside. He decided to not rush to action as he had no orders from a Navy Officer. Although he had every intention to follow the lead of Morse if he was called out, he saw no reason to waste as much of the existing atmosphere within the ship as the rest of the survivors seemed to. The way he saw it he would have around 30 minutes to take stock of what items he had that suffered damage, that is if they don't leave the hatch open behind them.
These marines had obviously never found themselves adrift before, they only worry about constant action in disregard to the smartest way to handle a situation like this. Useful at times, but now this situation could get hard. Javier was sure his former team would yell at them about spoiling the grog, and that the door shouldn't even be opened until an actual plan was made. But they obviously want to shoot first, and Javier was not about to get in their way.
Javier Fernandez
Petty Officer 3rd Class

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Re: Mission 1 Turn 2: Survival

Post by eyeball » Tue Jul 16, 2019 4:17 am

Paulson followed Hoops up the ladder through the hatch and surveyed the surrounding area, the lush green and bright blue made him squint until his eyes adjusted.
The water was all around them he moved his incinerator to his back with its sling and drew his side arm, the range for any shot as too far to use the flamer and Hoops might get toasted.
As Hoops progressed to secure the immediate area, Paulson scanned around her both not knowing how deep the pool was, but the pod was still swaying but not quite floating, considering their impact probably pretty deep near the escape pod.
<roll awareness>
“sarge, it looks clear, but this jungle is as thick as and we don’t know how deep it is here,”
“My flamer has not got the range can we get another up here while I go down with Hoops?”
Paulson inquired.
<tag Perez>

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Re: Mission 1 Turn 2: Survival

Post by Morse » Tue Jul 16, 2019 5:56 pm

The rebreathers fit on quickly. Morse knew well to get his on tight when instructed. He applied his in such as way that he'd inevitably have to loosen it. But it was better to have to loosen such a thing then tighten it, so for the meantime that was not going to bother him. If the atmospherics of the area were going to be such that they were detailed, he'd rather not pass out due to methane inhalation, and just take the O2 filter that was being provided to them.

Their platoons were broken down quickly, and Morse did not have any complaints. The two were probably going to work in very close proximity with a large degree of overlap so that would be fine. And it was not as though there was any paperwork or pay issues to get resolved when one was stranded on some backwater, so that would take care of the biggest issues that Morse would find himself in.

Beyond that it was just retaining control... which was not going to be difficult for the grizzly, bitter, spiteful, robotic legged Sergeant.

Morse took the M56 Smartgun case that was offered to him. Though Morse was likely the most lethal, and undoubtedly most experienced Smartgunner there, he was not likely needed in that moment. Having the Smartgun would split his focus and vision, drive him back to habits of just needing to kill and split concentration from leading the marines under him. He took the Smartgun regardless.

"These gun's are prolly smarter'n any piece a tech on this rut fucked world." Morse noted to Perez. "This's gonna be a long sit." Morse commented. He then looked to Sykes. "Got no issue splittin it 15 minutes a time. Best not to wear out this whole way, but one we find the wreck we gotta shelter up... this green place prolly got some mean shit that wants to meet us out there."

<Tag Sykes

Morse then moved to his unit, a small but effective team a marine unit should be.

"Quinn, Ruskies, Grish, 'Rozco and Spacer. Grab your shit, whatever that shit is. Were pushin out. If you start passin' out, you say somethin' or your ass could have a bigger problem."

<Tag Quinn, Pushkin and Barayev (Ruskies), Fernendez (Spacer), Grisham and Orozco

Morse had no shortage of demeaning or generalized terms he'd throw in for people, and this moment was no exception. He was ready to go, and he'd see that the others were too. When the moment was ready they would proceed out into whatever that world had waiting for them.
Image-SSG Allen Morse - Squad Leader
-3rd Bn, 2nd Reg, 1st Co, 8th Plt
- M41A Pulse Rifle - M4 Pistol - Med Kit
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Re: Mission 1 Turn 2: Survival

Post by eyeball » Wed Jul 17, 2019 12:40 am

As other marines came up from inside, Hoops and Paulson descended an external ladder, the metal was still slightly warm but not hot the heat from reentry bled away by time and water.
Slowly easing themselves into the tepid water they swam away from the floating escape pod, it quickly shallowed out once away from the impact site and they were left in waist deep water, well Paulson hoped it was water.
Pulling out his motion detector and relighting his pilot light they circled slowly scanning the jungle for signs of movement.
<roll awareness>
<roll motion detector>
After a slow circuit near the water’s edge, they looked back at the escape pod, seeing movement on top and others covering them.
“initial circuit complete, no contact, marking entry point, will stay within comms heading into jungle area.”

Hoops lite a flare and marked the point, nodding to the other marines they entered to see what the under canopy held for them.
Paulson let Hoops lead, she was recon trained, and he concentrated on the jungle around him, they left the pool and gradually made it to dryer land, foreign sounds assailed his ears and the rebreather made him feel a little claustrophobic.

After what seemed like too long, they returned round to the flare and exited back into the water to report.
“second circuit finished the jungle is alive with creatures and insects as you would expect sarge, but unknown if they are a threat at this time, nothing moved towards us and motion scanner showed no significant targets”. Paulson reported as they returned towards the pod.

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Re: Mission 1 Turn 2: Survival

Post by Quicksilver » Wed Jul 17, 2019 4:29 pm

Mark kicked back an instinctual acknowledgment and headed back to his seat. Sgt. Perez... It took him a moment to match the name and voice to their last encounter. He hadn't been a sergeant then, just a skilled grunt with a smart gun. Thinking about it brought back the ringing in his ears - that mission had involved a lot of gunfire in very tight, echoing chambers. So they had made him a Sargent? He seemed to be taking to it well.

Mark took a quick inventory of the assortment of material he'd managed to bring with him. The heaviest and potentially least useful was brief-case like portable intelligence unit. Of course, he hadn't taken it because of its usefulness. He took it because the damn thing was his responsibility, both to hold on to and to keep out of enemy hands. He'd run for as soon as the evacuation alarm had started. That decision hadn't given him time to grab much else. A multi-tool, a tablet and a few personal items that had been within arms reach during the evacuation. And as far as weapons were concerned, all he'd managed to was a VP70, a single magazine and a box of rounds. He'd have to make any shots count.

"If we're all leaving the lifeboat, sir, we should leave some kind of note and heading behind. If anyone follows the distress beacon here we'll want them to be able to catch up with us." Mark noted in the general direction of the Sykes.
Pvt. Mark Giosso
3rd Bn, 2nd Reg, 1st Co, 8th Plt
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Re: Mission 1 Turn 2: Survival

Post by Corporal Hicks » Thu Jul 18, 2019 3:36 am

JuanPerez wrote: Mon Jul 15, 2019 8:33 pm on the way back, he stepped to Danny Sykes and pointed disretely to the unconscious Sergeant Cano ...
"Shall we take turns to carry Cano between first and second platoon? The dude doesn't seem to be fit for walking on his own"
<Tag Sykes>
Sykes nodded gravely in response. "Yes, I suppose we will be carrying him for a while. What do you think Morse? Quinn? Can he be moved?"
<Tag Perez/Morse/Quinn>
"If we're all leaving the lifeboat, sir, we should leave some kind of note and heading behind. If anyone follows the distress beacon here we'll want them to be able to catch up with us." Mark noted in the general direction of the Sykes.
"I had the same idea. There's gotta be some techy way of doing that, see what you can figure out. Worst comes to worst just scribble out a note with the direction of our march and our comms channel and serial numbers. Thanks buddy," he replied, squeezing Giosso's shoulder as he turned away. He could see that Giosso was a ComTech, but he had never served with him before and didn't know he was more like a Tech Wizard.
<Tag Giosso>

Danny ascended the ladder with his usual enthusiastic vigor. Standing on the roof of the lifeboat with a few others, he looked at their surroundings. The middle of a damn jungle, that might be a good thing but more likely a bad thing. At least they weren't floating on a fucking ocean which had crossed his mind once or twice. "Hey, Paulson! Hoops!" Sykes grabbed a line of synthetic blue rope and dexterously tossed one end to the marines on shore. "Tie it to a tree and we can tow ourselves in! I'd love a nice refreshing swim but I don't think I can justify it on duty!" He grinned at his own stupid joke as he tied the rope onto a rung of the ladder.
<Tag Eyeball>
ImageSgtMaj. Danny Sykes - Platoon NCO
USCM Special Forces Recon Team
Serial Number: D26/TQ6.3.48412E9
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Re: Mission 1 Turn 2: Survival

Post by eyeball » Thu Jul 18, 2019 4:05 am

"tie to a tree, aye SgtMaj." Paulson replied.
<roll finding tree?>
spotting a suitable candidate Paulson and Hoop cautiously approach and securely tie off the other end of the rope.
"rope tied sgtMaj"Paulson reported, then settled with Hoops to defend the tied end.
<roll awareness>
ImageLCpl. Robert Paulson
incinerator, 2 spare fuel bottles, motion detector, first aid kit, pistol, knife, 2 frag.
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Re: Mission 1 Turn 2: Survival

Post by Oliver Grisham » Fri Jul 19, 2019 6:37 pm

Oliver Grisham's had an unusual collection of beliefs, none of which were ever articulated but rather evidenced in his reactions to the world around him. His first belief was that all events were inevitable and all human effort futile. This was a product of a life marked by wild calamities which he in his very limited intelligence he had never really been able to process. His second belief was an unwavering sense of duty.

He was basically unphased by the chaos of the evacuation and the destruction that followed. Hie interpretation of events was as follows: "bloke says I've gotta get off the ship cus it's broken or somethin' so I gets off sharpish like. Load of crashing and booming and I got roughed up a bit - no worse than I deserve I wager."

"and now I'm here" he said aloud "bit wet this place ain't it." he gathered up his equipment, ready to move out before addressing his commanding officer, pointing out the unconscious man as he did so:

"looks like we got a bloke who ain't fit for walking. I'll take first shift carrying 'im if you've nuthin' to say 'gainst it?"

<Tag Morse>

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Re: Mission 1 Turn 2: Survival

Post by CarbebthePoncho » Sat Jul 20, 2019 9:13 am

Fernandez heard the call from Morse to grab his shit and get out into the world. Taking one last look at his thing and seeing that everything was miraculously in order, he slung his bag over his shoulder and headed into the waters.
Javier Fernandez
Petty Officer 3rd Class


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