Turn 5 Descending - Easy eights

The joint campaign of the 8th and 9th platoons
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Turn 5 Descending - Easy eights

Post by AstroBoy » Wed May 23, 2007 6:24 am

Bojan, not being one to talk too much except to close friends saw what was going on, and with no better solution allowed it to play out, mostly successfully.

"Everyone stay sharp, we can't let this happen again. I want everyone taking a look at everything as we go along. Same formation.", said Bojan. "Also, is everyone alright?", he asked.

OOC: I want everyone to roll perception tests unless they specifically don't want to.
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Turn 5 Descending - Easy eights

Post by Nick » Wed May 23, 2007 10:34 am

The tracker showed nothing. All that could be heard was the soft gurgling from the spring that ran nearby. The wind howled ambiently, the air seemed more moist down here and the temperature was slightly higher.

The pillars of light from the marines shoulder lamps showed nothing that held proof of an ambush or aliens lying in wait.
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Turn 5 Descending - Easy eights

Post by Dugan » Wed May 23, 2007 11:24 am

Simovic finished helping Hawkins & Jonsson to their feet "Man that was close! I think we'd best radio in to the other platoon in case they heard the shooting and are wondering what happened". Simovic then stepped back and again covered the rear nodding to Huey for covering in his absence.

(Roll perception)

O.O.C Do we need to keep track of ammunition?
Image Ssg Dugan Simovic, Platoon Sergeant                 

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Turn 5 Descending - Easy eights

Post by Atypicalkiller » Wed May 23, 2007 12:34 pm

"Everyone stay sharp, we can't let this happen again. I want everyone taking a look at everything as we go along. Same formation.",

"Well let's Move it knuckleheads, this ain't the icecream social" Tarik grumbled with his ciggy in his mouth.

He exhaled smoke through his nose as he pressed foward, Huey was right. There will be more. "Breakshots listen up chumps I want a flare every 15 meters got it we'll rotate sparking them till we run dry...we may not know whats up ahead but we sure as Hell aren't getting picked off from behind.."

Khan reached up and switched over the the platoon frequecy, he radioed an old friend " Jonesy, this is Khan..we ran into a Hostile, it escaped watch your back what's your statis?"

OOC NICK I'm assuming we have flares as standard issue.. if not please ignore
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Turn 5 Descending - Easy eights

Post by Corporal Hicks » Wed May 23, 2007 3:38 pm

[quote=""AstroBoy""] "Everyone stay sharp, we can't let this happen again. I want everyone taking a look at everything as we go along. Same formation.", said Bojan. "Also, is everyone alright?", he asked.


"I got a flashlight on my gun, facing up. Hopefully we'll be able to watch the ceiling better now," Eric said. "I think my nose is broken, but I can hold point. Nasty fall there," he added. "Hawkins, can you check it out? I might need to stop the bleeding if it's too bad, which is something I can't judge. Wouldn't wanna bleed out or faint, especially when I'm leading us in. Also, if anyone wants a flashlight, I've got two spares, and it looks like they'll be useful now that we know the enemy can come from any direction. Up or down even." He was surprisingly calm, even through the immense pain of the nose injury. At least his backpack was starting to lose some of its weight, making it easier on his back, what with the enormous gun in his hands.

(OOC: I brought two packs of five M-94 marking flares each. I've got ten, but I just checked the Wiki, and it's 1 pack of five as standard issue, which puts me at 15, and anyone else at five plus any others they brought along)
ImageSgtMaj. Danny Sykes - Platoon NCO
USCM Special Forces Recon Team
Serial Number: D26/TQ6.3.48412E9
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Turn 5 Descending - Easy eights

Post by bull30548 » Thu May 24, 2007 1:03 pm

"We just shooting at ghosts here we are moving onward."
ergeant Gavin 'Wrench' Jones
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Turn 5 Descending - Easy eights

Post by Atypicalkiller » Thu May 24, 2007 5:41 pm

"Roger that Jonesy" Khan looked over at one of the Marines from first squad fumbling with some flashlights. He looked like an old time strobe light. Tarik shook his head.. He took another drag off his smoke and thought to himself We're gonna die... he looked over to Dugan as he sparked another flare. "Well at least we know who they'll spot first.."

The red glow of the flares illuminated the path behind them as the marched foward. Khan started to have doubts about the agenda of the Marine Corp. Sending grown men to die in some hole that could easily be cleared out with a tactical Nuke. Tarik wasn't the brightest soldier but he definatly could tell there was more too it than just extermination duty. He grabbed his vid-link that showed everything he saw and read his vital signs. He knew they could see it back in the APC...for a moment he wondered if the General was watching from some secure ship in orbit. He considered ripping it off and destroying it along with his personnel transponder locator. He hesitated and sighed deeply as he crushed his cigarette out on his forearm.
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Turn 5 Descending - Easy eights

Post by Dugan » Thu May 24, 2007 6:28 pm

[quote=""Apachetear""] ""Well at least we know who they'll spot first.." [/quote]
Dugan grinned "rather him than me", he quietly replied.

By now the increasing heat of the tunnel and the exertion of the firefight had started to make him really sweat and he rolled up the sleeves on his fatigue jacket. Unfortunately the way the tunnel extended down into gloom didn't make him think they'd be seeing daylight for any time soon. While Bojan spoke to 9th Platoon Dugan unclipped his canteen from his belt and gulped down a few mouth falls, he then ran his hands over the silver cross neckless he'd worn since a child, he needed his faith now more than ever, but somehow recent events were starting to make him even question that. After Bojan had finished his radio communication he belted his canteen and carried on moving backwards watching the rear with weapon at the ready.
Image Ssg Dugan Simovic, Platoon Sergeant                 

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Turn 5 Descending - Easy eights

Post by Corporal Hicks » Fri May 25, 2007 12:17 pm

"Hey, maybe we should tell the Delta Dogs that those things can go on the ceiling too. They don't know to cover the ceiling yet." He shook his head slightly, some of the blood building up on it flecked onto the floor and out towards the tunnel walls.
ImageSgtMaj. Danny Sykes - Platoon NCO
USCM Special Forces Recon Team
Serial Number: D26/TQ6.3.48412E9
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