Turn 9 Rifle 2

The 2nd Eightballs campaign
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Turn 9 Rifle 2

Post by Nick » Thu Feb 01, 2007 5:20 pm

Date: 17th August, 2080AD, 2100 UT
Location: Barnard's Star, PT-554 (In Bush)
Operation: Training Op
Mission timer: 04:08:00

The running man dropped as three rounds struck his back midstride. He pummeled forward and crashed into the mud, sending branches, leaves and blood splashing all over. The high explosive rounds almost severed him in half. Pieces of tissue, bones and clothes rained down over the limp body. The echoes of the shots rolled over the landscape.

The firefight at the HQs door continued. Pvt Wolf stood at the doorway and fired as Pvt Jones made his way into the building.

Pvt Jones took two steps inside before the first round struck him in the chest. The armor absorbed the first round with a bang but metallic splinters struck his eyes. Staggering he tried to find cover, unable to see anything he stumbled on something on the floor. Two more rounds struck him but the armor deflected these two and sent the ricochettes screaming like mad bees. Blinded Jones desperetaly tried to get out of the way of fire.

A fourth round struck him square in the face, splitting his jaw in half. Blood, teeth and bone splinters sprayed over his chest as he fell over. A whiplike pain shot up into his brain and with a piercing scream he fell, clutching his face.

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Turn 9 Rifle 2

Post by bull30548 » Thu Feb 01, 2007 8:18 pm

Date: 17th August, 2080AD
Location: Barnard's Star, PT-554 (In Bush)
Operation: Training Op

Struggling to hold my head in place and moving away from the firefight. He vainly crawls back towards the Lt, Morrison and Bren hoping one of them can at least stop th bleeding. He moves are very slow and sluggish though in his mind he crawling like a freight train. Trying to mutter medic and help at the same time.

ergeant Gavin 'Wrench' Jones
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Turn 9 Rifle 2

Post by tashw » Thu Feb 01, 2007 11:55 pm

The sound of a scream snapped Eileen's attention back to the HQ building, just in time to see a Jones crawling from the entrance, blood pouring from his face

"Damn it... Bren, get him clear, patch him up. Morrison, no one else goes in that building, anyone heads out, take them down."

Leaving the squad to that task, Eileen switched her communicator to the dropship's channel. "Carsson, can you hear me? I'm currently at the field HQ. LAnd the dropship at my position, soon as you can."

nd Lieutenant Eileen Vincent
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Turn 9 Rifle 2

Post by Jagr35 » Fri Feb 02, 2007 12:04 am

Moving in a crouch after Wolf sprays the room the second time McKenzie his weapon at the ready moves into the room scanning for targets as he moves to the side wall and to what ever cover he can find. All the while speaking,over and over, into his radio over his team channel. "Hang on, buddy. I'm coming..."
VT Hunter McKenzie/K9 Ares
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Turn 9 Rifle 2

Post by Nick » Fri Feb 02, 2007 12:57 am

Carson came in clear over the intercom.

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Turn 9 Rifle 2

Post by Nick » Fri Feb 02, 2007 1:06 am

McKenzie entered the room in a crouch and quickly headed right to get Pvt Jones. He managed to take three steps into the building before the first rounds struck him. One round stuck in the body armor with a brutal crack, while the next penetrated and entered his chest on the right hand side - It stung fiercly and the impact knocked the air out of him. A third round struck his left thigh and his leg bucked beneath him. He saw a glimpse of the shooter reloading his weapon in the far end of the room, hidden behind a concrete pillar, before he collapsed on the floor next to Pvt Jones. His pulse-rifle clattered away on the floor as he fell.

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Turn 9 Rifle 2

Post by Jocke » Fri Feb 02, 2007 5:40 am

tashw wrote:"Morrison, no one else goes in that building, anyone heads out, take them down."

"Copy that." Morrison said in a monotone voice.

His mind was racing, there was not much he could do- doorways equal death when you're up against prepared opponents.

Which they apparently where.

In frustration, he slammed his fist at the wall as hard as he could.

"Cease fire!" he shouted at the still-healthy members of his squad as he did a cutting motion under his chin with his left hand "you heard the boss! Cover exits, but don't enter!"

Morrison then turned and slapped the LT on the thigh: "Hey, Vinnie" he whispered "what if we ask for a cease-fire to get our men out of there? I volounteer to go in and get the wounded if they agree." Morrison sighed as he finished the sentence- the fear and frustration of losing more men was beaming from his blank-eyed face.
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Turn 9 Rifle 2

Post by bull30548 » Fri Feb 02, 2007 5:51 am

Date: 17th August, 2080AD
Location: Barnard's Star, PT-554 (In Bush)
Operation: Training Op

Crawling his way up beside Mckenzie he rolls the big man onto his chest and puts Mckenzie hand to Jones' face. He takes his free hand now to help hold the wound on Mckenzie chest closed. He slips his rifle on his shoulder and slowly begins dragging them both towards the exit. Tapping Mckenzie shoulder of the unoccupied arm hoping the big man gets the hint to start dragging us back to the door since it getting hazy for Jones.

ergeant Gavin 'Wrench' Jones
Section B Second Squad
Squad Leader
3rd Battalion 2nd Regiment 8th Platoon
"Easy Eights"


Turn 9 Rifle 2

Post by Kagaroth » Fri Feb 02, 2007 7:02 am

Jones barely made a few steps inside the building when a few shots could be heard inside and as a result Jimmy fired his pulse rifle again aiming to the place where he thought the shooter was. The light coming from his pulse rifle lid the room and he saw his fellow marine down sitting in his own blood, damn they hit Jones, "Man down, man down, Jones was hit by enemy fire, I repeat Jones was shot, request permission to engage the damn fuckers," another burst from his rifle flew straight to a shadow inside the doomed room while Wolf waited for reply from his superiors.

"Aff, stop firing and cover this damn exit, just give me the order and I'll breach through and kill everyone inside," his blood boiled inside his veins and anger just turned him in the killer he was and the only thing that stoped him was his orders.

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Turn 9 Rifle 2

Post by pants » Fri Feb 02, 2007 12:26 pm

Code: Select all

"Papa Bravo this is Yankee One Zero.  Both November Five Five and Yankee One Zero have fallen back to the tower and are now securing the perimeter.  What are your orders?"

<Tag Lt Vincent>
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Turn 9 Rifle 2

Post by tashw » Fri Feb 02, 2007 1:04 pm

Morrison then turned and slapped the LT on the thigh: "Hey, Vinnie" he whispered "what if we ask for a cease-fire to get our men out of there? I volounteer to go in and get the wounded if they agree." Morrison sighed as he finished the sentence- the fear and frustration of losing more men was beaming from his blank-eyed face.
"No cease-fire," Eileen grinned at him without a trace of humour, "Dropship will be here soon. When it hits I'm getting the APC. You and Wolf load up, Bren keeps the door covered, and then we're going to go make a new entrance about there," she pointed to the rear of the HQ building.

"Soon as we're in, we exit the APC and clear that building before they get a chance to recover. Questions?"

nd Lieutenant Eileen Vincent
Platoon Commander
3 Bat, 2nd Reg, 8th Platoon

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Turn 9 Rifle 2

Post by tashw » Fri Feb 02, 2007 1:11 pm

"Papa Bravo this is Yankee One Zero. Both November Five Five and Yankee One Zero have fallen back to the tower and are now securing the perimeter. What are your orders?"
"Hold the tower Yankee One Zero. We've got two people down and hostile forces inside the HQ. The dropship's coming in on our position, I expect to clear the HQ shortly after. We'll co-ordinate regrouping once the HQs secure."
nd Lieutenant Eileen Vincent
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Turn 9 Rifle 2

Post by bull30548 » Fri Feb 02, 2007 2:48 pm

Waving off Wolf as he approaches the doorframe. A helping hand or two right now wouldn't be bad. But getting more people shot for his stupidity would be worse. Grabbing the lower edge of the frame Jones drags himself and Mckenzie into the mud their blood mixing with it quickly. He just keeps pulling and pushing until him and Mckenzie are flopping around in the mud like dead fish. Hopefully clear of the fire he grabs Bren's leg and begins dragging himself over to the medic.

ergeant Gavin 'Wrench' Jones
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Turn 9 Rifle 2

Post by Jocke » Sat Feb 03, 2007 6:19 am

[quote=""tashw""]"Soon as we're in, we exit the APC and clear that building before they get a chance to recover. Questions?"[/quote]

"None, whatsoever."

"Just hang on guys, we'll get ya! As for you others, you'd better surrender or run..." Morrison thought to himself, bitterly.

He then turned his full attention to covering- making sure that the people inside wouldn't get out in one piece.
LcCpl Conrad Heart

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Turn 9 Rifle 2

Post by Nick » Sat Feb 03, 2007 2:30 pm

Suddenly a distant high pitched whine appeared. It seemed to grow, until it was a raging crescendo of screaming jet engines. The dropship appeared over the thick jungle canopy, its wings extended menacingly. Slowly it began to descend towards the main road - It touched down and lowered its ramp.

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