Turn 6 - The Hostage - Squad 3,4

The Fourth Devil Dawgs Campaign
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Turn 6 - The Hostage - Squad 3,4

Post by Corporal Hicks » Thu Nov 12, 2020 12:32 am

The sniper/spotter team continued to watch the building from their heightened position. Meanwhile, Davros delivered first aid to the shot Private Fernsby. His moans and screams grew less intense as the initial shock started to wear off. He was not doing well, but Davros was able to stabilize him for the moment. He was at least not in immediate risk of bleeding to death.
(Roll: success)

The Marines on the roof dropped through the breach one by one. The room they saw was very long and somewhat open, similar to a small airport or spaceport terminal back on earth. Large fake plants stood at constant intervals throughout the room. The whole building was dark, though, giving it an unnatural appearance. Sykes used hand signals to coordinate his plan. He ordered McGreggor and Bennett to clear the south side of the room. He ordered McKenna and Mills to come with him to the north.

As the three men crept through the darkness, they heard scuffling and shouting ahead. They came around a corner into a lobby with more fake plants as well as abandoned desks and kiosks. Dusty benches stood about the room as well. Near one of the plants stood a Jingti-Long mercenary without a helmet. His Chinese features were barely visible in the dark but what he was doing was very clear. He was grappling with a small person, maybe a child of about twelve years old. She was whining and trying to fight but his left arm held her tight against him. His right hand held a silenced pistol which was pressed hard against her temple.

The man shouted in Chinese before switching to broken English. “I want free pass to my headquarter. Let go! I shoot girl, let go!”
personnel terminal floor 2 Turn 6.jpg
personnel terminal floor 2 Turn 6.jpg (265.28 KiB) Viewed 12815 times
ImageSgtMaj. Danny Sykes - Platoon NCO
USCM Special Forces Recon Team
Serial Number: D26/TQ6.3.48412E9
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Re: Turn 6 - The Hostage - Squad 3,4

Post by Medic Guy » Thu Nov 12, 2020 3:13 am

As the charge went off, dust lifted from around the hole, and the sound of bits of roofing hitting the floor came up from inside the terminal building. They all tried to look and see what was visible before entering with no one indicating any threats visible. Clint dropped the rope down into the hole and watched as Sykes entered the breach and then followed trying to clear visually while sliding down the rope through his thermal reticle. As the rest of the squad dropped in, each man took a position to cover the areas around them. When everyone was down, Sykes gathered everyone and then indicated where he wanted everyone to go.

Sykes, Mills and Clint started to move North through the terminal. The air tasted stale and the dust from the breach began settling back to the ground. He heard shouting and a disorder out ahead of them. He shifted out toward the right wall. Trying to make sure that he avoided bumping into any of the furniture, he picked up a heat signature ahead of him. He observed the man holding a suppressed pistol against a young girl's head. He started shouting in what Clint thought was Chinese. He had his rifle centered just under the man's nose with his finger picking up the slack in the trigger. He gritted his teeth slightly, thinking about this coward taking cover behind a girl and wanted to put several rounds through the base of his skull.

He spoke in a whisper over the mic to both 3rd and 4th squads, "We have contact in the North end of the terminal. Merc holding a young female hostage...Mills can you let a little light in so that Sokolova and Vasilev have a clear target?" He shifted to the right and spoke up louder trying to draw the merc's attention to himself "It's going to be alright sweet heart, we're gonna make sure this man doesn't hurt you, okay. Let the girl go and you might make it back to your headquarters!" He was trying to give time for the others to decide what to do while the three of them had an opportunity to spread out further making it difficult for the merc to keep up with everyone.

<tag 3rd and 4th Squad
<tag merc and female

<gun combat - expert, scouting - professional>
ImageCorporal Clint McKenna
USCM Special Forces Recon Team
Serial Number: L69/EA5.2.31782M9

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Pvt. Isabel Orozco - Rifleman; formerly of the U.S.S. Shiloh Marine Detachment, currently on public relations campaign.
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Re: Turn 6 - The Hostage - Squad 3,4

Post by Tempeste » Sat Nov 14, 2020 11:31 pm

She shivered as the man's nails dug into her skin and gripped her hard in front of him. He kept jerking her to the left and to the right with every sound he heard to use her as a human shield. She tried to break free, but he was much too strong and the pain in her arm stopped her from straining too much. Guns were pointed directly toward her. She didn't blink, she couldn't blink, adrenaline coursed through her veins and little beads of sweat formed on her brow and trickled down her face. She was in shock and unable to feel beyond the grasp of his hand and the cold steel of his gun pushed against her temple.

She heard one of the men before her shout that she was going to be okay... but as far as she could see, she was the only one with several weapons pointed at her. She shook her head slightly- an unconscious motion replying to those words. She did not believe she was going to be okay.

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Re: Turn 6 - The Hostage - Squad 3,4

Post by Corporal Hicks » Sat Nov 14, 2020 11:50 pm

Sykes felt his guts turn over as he saw the child in danger. It wasn't his first hostage situation, however, and he kept an outwardly passive presence. Speaking in a calm, cool voice, he said, "Hey, listen. My name is Danny, I'm somebody who can help you. You're in control here, but we can't help you if you keep your gun pointed at her. We don't want to hurt you. But right now we are all in danger because this situation is out of control." Sykes tried to remember his training in deescalating a situation of this kind. Every word was critical when talking to someone who was this on-edge. "Now listen, I'm going to ask my men to lower their guns. We aren't going to shoot you. But then I need you to do something for me. I need you to point the gun away from the girl. Is that reasonable?" With this, Sykes very slowly knelt and laid his pulse rifle down on the floor. Rising again to his feet, he kept his hands in the air above his head.
<Tag mercenary>
(Roll: Diplomacy - Expert)

Very quietly, he muttered into his microphone, communicating with his sniper team. They were far enough from the hostile that he was sure the man wouldn't hear him. "As soon as he moves the gun, take the shot."
<Tag Sokolova/Vasilev>
ImageSgtMaj. Danny Sykes - Platoon NCO
USCM Special Forces Recon Team
Serial Number: D26/TQ6.3.48412E9
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Re: Turn 6 - The Hostage - Squad 3,4

Post by Tempeste » Sun Nov 15, 2020 12:07 am

She felt the man's grip on her arm release slightly as she saw one of the armed officers- Danny, she thought he said his name was- put his gun on the floor and slowly raise his hands in the air. The gun against her head trembled like the man holding her was considering his options. Danny had asked him to lower his weapon. She held her breath and quietly hoped he would listen. Minutes ticked by but seemed to be drawn out into hours as she waited for his reply.

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Re: Turn 6 - The Hostage - Squad 3,4

Post by NPC » Sun Nov 15, 2020 10:16 pm

Private Vasilev was shaking visibly and Sokolova saw him drop the sniper rifle. He was panting hard and covering his eyes, having some kind of a panic attack. It was clear that he would be of no use for some time. If anyone was going to use the sniper rifle, she would have to do it herself.
<Tag Sokolova>

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Re: Turn 6 - The Hostage - Squad 3,4

Post by Corporal Hicks » Mon Nov 16, 2020 1:30 am

(OOC: I asked Juan Perez to roll the dice since my character is directly involved. Posting results here.)

The black-armored mercenary looked from man to man. After thinking about it, he moved the pistol away from the girl's head and pointed it at Sykes. "I trade her for you."
(Roll: 3 successes)

Sykes stared down the barrel of the silenced pistol, feeling a deep and unsettling dread that his life was about to end. "Take the shot," he whispered into the mic.
<Tag Sokolova>
ImageSgtMaj. Danny Sykes - Platoon NCO
USCM Special Forces Recon Team
Serial Number: D26/TQ6.3.48412E9
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Re: Turn 6 - The Hostage - Squad 3,4

Post by lordstrand » Tue Nov 17, 2020 8:04 am

Davros took his time to continue monitoring Fensby. Making sure that there were no other wounds he had missed. Stick with me here Fennel, We'll get you on the APC and get you a little salt to go with these margaritas we got pumping in you. He then gave Fensby something for pain to limit him hurting himself any further. He took a few minute to study hi motion tracker. It wouldn't do to have just filled in the holes in a comrade just to have someone sneak up and pop a few more in.
<Medical Expert><Motion tracker Pro>
Image LCpl. Strand Davros - Medic
USCM Special Forces Recon Team
Serial Number: S35/TQ9.4.48100E2


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Re: Turn 6 - The Hostage - Squad 3,4

Post by BarbarianMathematics » Wed Nov 18, 2020 2:33 am

Looking down range with the binoculars, she had noticed the shot was clear. She got a sinking feeling in her heart when she saw the figure pull the gun away from the hostage and was aimed at one of the soldiers, feeling that they needed to hurry. Once she heard the whisper over the radio, without hesitation she got the message from Sykes, she ordered Vasilev directly, "Get the headshot now..."

Peering over, noticing that Vasilev was hesitant, she pulled the gun away from him in a hurry. "Give me that... I'll do it," she told him.
Taking quick aim, she scoped down the rifle, making sure to adjust the crosshair for the distance. In her heart, she knew the situation at this point was desperate, so without hesitation, she pulled the trigger.


<Roll aim x 5 + fire>
ImageLCpl. Tanya Sokolova
USCM Special Forces Recon Team
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Corporal Nikolai Pushkin - ComTech
(Currently recovering)

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Re: Turn 6 - The Hostage - Squad 3,4

Post by lordstrand » Wed Nov 18, 2020 3:04 am

(ok so not sure how to edit this prior post so I move to strike it from the record please your honor) hehe
Here's the real post:
Davros took his time to monitor Fensby until the APC arrived. Once the APC arrived he carefully loaded Fensby into a stable position, and used the big bag of supplies to make sure he would remain in stable condition. "Hey droid" He said, "Here's one of your new jobs, if he begins to struggle or looks like he's gonna open these wounds give him another shot of the purple stuff." With still no reaction from the light quip he sighed. "Give him another shot of the Morphine." He was sure that the droids would know what to do, they did check them out during the wake up drill after all. As Private Vasilev came stumbling into the APC looking very worse for wear, Davros gave him a quick once over. Looked like he just had a mental break, it happens out in the field. It would be something he would have to work on after they got back to the real world. "Take a seat here little man. Your job is to make sure he doesn't hurt himself any further." He knew when someone breaks it sometimes helps if you give them something to focus on. "Take two of these and call me in the morning ok." He handed Vasilev some tranquillizers, not enough to knock him out to enough to keep him calm. "Keep an eye on that one too." He glanced at the droids to make sure they understood. He resupplied his smaller first aid bag, and made for the APC door. He walked cautiously over and grabbed his motion tracker and cautiously made his way up to the sniper position to where Skolova was dug in. He noticed her with the sniper rifle and decided it was one of those times he should keep his mouth shut. He laid down on the ground next to her and took a peek at his motion tracker, making sure no one else was close to them. <motion tracker Pro>
Then he picked up the Binoculars that were resting on the ground next to Skolova and began to apprise himself of the situation inside of the hanger.
Image LCpl. Strand Davros - Medic
USCM Special Forces Recon Team
Serial Number: S35/TQ9.4.48100E2


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Re: Turn 6 - The Hostage - Squad 3,4

Post by BarbarianMathematics » Thu Nov 19, 2020 3:44 am

(I'll add a little flavor text to add on to your post there strand)

The shot having been fired, she noticed movement on her side, immediately reached for her main rifle until she recognized the uniform, then the face. It was Davros, albeit having cleaned the other soldier's wounds no doubt. She murmured over to him, noting the binoculars in hand, murmuring, "Taking spotting role, da? How is that shot?"

<Tag Davros>
ImageLCpl. Tanya Sokolova
USCM Special Forces Recon Team
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Corporal Nikolai Pushkin - ComTech
(Currently recovering)

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Re: Turn 6 - The Hostage - Squad 3,4

Post by lordstrand » Sat Nov 21, 2020 6:20 am

(assuming she hits, I mean of course she would hit....not second guessing...J/k)

"I love hide and seek ma'ma. You keep painting those walls with brain matter gray. N' I'll find a good carpet, it will really tie the room together man." Davros said as he looked back through the binoculars.
Image LCpl. Strand Davros - Medic
USCM Special Forces Recon Team
Serial Number: S35/TQ9.4.48100E2


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Re: Turn 6 - The Hostage - Squad 3,4

Post by JuanPerez » Sun Nov 22, 2020 11:15 am

The sniper shot hit the chinese hostage taker into his head, spraying blood, bone and brain matter all around. A last ditch reaction of his brainless body was to squeeze the trigger of the silenced pistol, pointing towards Sykes and the signature *THUMP* sound of a muffled shot was heard. But the kinetic impact of the sniper bullet rotated his whole body slightly, so that the bullet went over Sykes head into the terminals ceiling. The lifeless body of the merc dropped to the ground.
The kid, sprayed with some of the gore and ... other things too, was pale white in her face, frozen in shock, but otherwise unhurt.
Game Master
Image 1st Lt Daniela Harper - Platoon CO
USCM Special Forces Recon Team
Serial Number A08/TQ3.0.45013E2
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M10 Pattern Balistic Helmet
M3 Pattern Personal Armor
M41A Pulse Rifle (6 Mags, 20 Grenades)
Service Pistol (2 Mags)
Combat Knife
Shoulder Lamp
Portable Command Terminal
M94 Marking Flares


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