USS Heimlich - Crew and Compliment

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Corporal Hicks
Posts: 1734
Joined: Wed Apr 11, 2007 10:13 pm
Location: Utica, Polaris System

USS Heimlich - Crew and Compliment

Post by Corporal Hicks » Sat Mar 14, 2020 10:18 pm

USS Heimlich – Stealth Ship
Flight Officers
• Ensign Patrick Yu
• Chief Petty Officer Zoe Barr (pants)
Navy Crew
• PO3 Javier Fernandez - Navy Research (CarbebThePoncho)
• BM Bryant (LT_Chun)
• SN. Darrel Stark
• SA. Trey Shields
• 1 other Navy crew
Marine Detachment
• SgtMaj. Daniel Sykes - NCO (Corporal Hicks)
• SSgt. Allen Morse - Squad leader (Morse)
• Sgt. Juan Perez - Smartgunner (JuanPerez)
• Sgt. Samantha Hall – Rifleman (Maxvale76)
• Cpl. Sixtus Quinn - Corpsman (Quinn)
• Cpl. Dimitri Barayev - Rifleman (Taimdala)
• LCpl. Robert Paulson - Special Weapons Tech (Eyeball)
• LCpl. Mark Giosso - ComTech (Quicksilver)
PFC. Oliver Grisham - Smartgunner -WIA
• PFC. Karl Sarafian - Combat Engineer -KIA
• Pvt. Isabel Orozco - Rifleman
LCpl. Tanya Sokolova - Spotter (BarbarianMathematics) -WIA
Pvt. Josh Henniger – Rifleman (LT_Chun) -WIA
Pvt. Korben Poole- Smartgunner -KIA
• Pvt. Dawn Rinzler - ComTech
Sgt. Lulu Hoops - Smartgunner -KIA
• Pvt. Isaac Cohen
• 6 other Marines
Civilians and other
ECA Preacher - Executive Officer/Science Officer -Destroyed
• Oksana Barayeva
Cpl. Nikolai Pushkin - Coma
ImageSgtMaj. Danny Sykes - Platoon NCO
USCM Special Forces Recon Team
Serial Number: D26/TQ6.3.48412E9
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