Mission 3 Turn 8: Reunion

The Second Devil Dawgs Campaign. The Marines find themselves marooned on an uninhabited jungle planet, but find something they did not expect.
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Mission 3 Turn 8: Reunion

Post by Corporal Hicks » Thu Jan 09, 2020 2:19 am

Mark Giosso fiddled with the door panel controls. They were somewhat primitive and outdated, a security system he wasn’t particularly familiar with. That as well as the pelting rain slowed him down and it took over five minutes to break into the door controls. The metal door shot open, and Fireteam Alpha spun around to see them. The marines had perhaps been prudent to wait and stick together, but the delay would no doubt serve their enemies, whoever they might be. The hallway looked the same as it did before the door had closed. Up ahead was a T-intersection leading left and right.

As Giosso extricated his hacking kit from the door controls, Seaman Darrel Stark offered him the semi-auto security rifle from the dead android. “Better than a sidearm I’d say.”
<Tag Giosso>
ImageSgtMaj. Danny Sykes - Platoon NCO
USCM Special Forces Recon Team
Serial Number: D26/TQ6.3.48412E9
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Re: Mission 3 Turn 8: Reunion

Post by eyeball » Thu Jan 09, 2020 3:32 am

"motion tracker clear, no movement within range." Paulson reported, his eyes rapidly switching from it to the corridor and then back just to make sure.
ImageLCpl. Robert Paulson
incinerator, 2 spare fuel bottles, motion detector, first aid kit, pistol, knife, 2 frag.
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Re: Mission 3 Turn 8: Reunion

Post by Quinn » Sat Jan 11, 2020 10:17 pm

Sixtus settled in, watching his sector with his eyes up, the sniper rifle held at the low ready. At these ranges, the scope would limit his field of vision, which would be a hindrance to spotting a potential ambush. After thinking for a moment, he gave a sideways glance to Morse. ”The Corps might be watching us through surveillance. Probably cameras of some kind.”
Looking back to Quinn as they head off toward the androids, she makes a comment about the remains. "I guess they leave the mess for us. Question is... why do they make synthetic blood white and not red?"
Now that was a question with a bunch of answers. His eyes still up and watching the perimeter for sign of a returning patrol, Quinn answered Sokolova’s inquiry with a hurried whisper.

”Practically, to designate who to triage in medical emergencies. Better to save a human’s life than an android. Philosophically, because human beings find the sight of bleeding to be a part of the human experience, and androids are close enough to uncanny valley as it fucking is.”
Current Gear
M42A Scope Rifle
M4A4 .45 ACP caliber Sidearm, Suppressed
Combat Knife
K52 Medical Kit
Flashlight, Flares (6)
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Re: Mission 3 Turn 8: Reunion

Post by maxvale76 » Sun Jan 12, 2020 4:23 am

Seeing the camera above the door, Samantha called out; "We're being watched boys"; as she raised her Pulse Rifle up, took a long aim and then put a quick burst into the camera to ensure whoever HAD been watching them, wasn't any longer.

A few long moments later, the door opened and she saw Mark and the rest of the Marines and Sailors on the other side of the door. Smiling at Giosso, she turned to Dmitri and Paulson and called out; "See....I told you Mark was gonna work his voodoo and get dat door open". Patting Mark on the arm she said with genuine affection; "Nice work Mark"; before then calling out to everyone.

"They had a camera above de door-"; here she waves to the wreckage of said camera; "-so clearly dey were watching us and trying to separate us. Your call, but I'm all for NOT going down de corridor to whatever trap dey got waiting for us"; she finishes while shooting Morse and Perez a look.

<Tag Giosso>
<Tag Everyone>
<Tag Morse and Perez>
ImageSGT Samantha "Sam" Hall

M41A Pulse Rifle
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Re: Mission 3 Turn 8: Reunion

Post by taimdala » Mon Jan 13, 2020 6:31 pm


Quite a few options occurred to Dmitri. Grenades tossed well ahead of their position would ruin the day of anyone lying in ambush, yet carried the risk of destablizing the structure to the point of collapsing on their heads, to say nothing of killing everyone's eardrums. So, grenades weren't a good idea, especially in such confined spaces. They could spray the way ahead down with bullets, but though they were deadly to fleshly beings, they could also damage essential equipment like door controls. The last thing anyone wanted to do was send an unforeseen door crashing down on a Marine's head. On the other hand, flamethrowers would make it miserable to any would-be attacker and it's quite possible that there wasn't anything other than people and synthetics that were readily flammable. Therefore using a flamethrower might not have the unintended consequence of burning their only bridge out of the place. Then there were the cameras to contend with ... bullets were better at taking them out.

In Dmitri's opinion, sending in two people to scout ahead, armed with something that threw bullets and another that threw fire, with working comms seemed the best option.

"Sarge," he said. "I volunteer to take point. Just need a someone with a flamethrower with me."

TAG: Sam, Perez, Morse
ImageCpl. Dmitri Mikhailovich Barayev
Current Gear
Light Armor
M41A Rifle + 2 clips
VP70 Pistol + 2 clips
8 grenades
Entrenching Tool
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Re: Mission 3 Turn 8: Reunion

Post by pants » Tue Jan 14, 2020 5:19 am

A monitor went black as one of the soldiers shot it out. Annoying thought Gibson as he brought up a new camera angle.

"How are things progressing Mr Erickson? Are units 7 and 10 in position?"

"Uh yeah, but the scientists are giving units 1 and 3 some trouble," responded his employee.

"After we have dealt with this distraction we shall ensure that they are firmly handled."

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Re: Mission 3 Turn 8: Reunion

Post by Morse » Wed Jan 15, 2020 1:47 am

There was a point that Sam made. The droids out front, while having the means to put up a fight, had hardly put up one at all. Regardless of whether or not they were specifically programmed for advanced combat, the fact that they opted to attempt to fire and did not was very odd. To make matters more suspicious, there had been no attempt to make contact with the Marines by anyone who would have asserted it was a mistake, and they simply put up a barrier to impede their progress.

Morse looked at the small unit before him. "Na, Sam's right." He commented on the situation. "S'atrap." Morse was not sure what their next move should be, but for the moment their adversary was not able to see him, by the grace that Hall had shot out the camera.

Their options were few at that point. They did not know what was there inside of the facility, but they had only just gotten inside of it. They had not had additional contact, nor attempt at communication with the occupants. But with nothing to do but either push forward or observe the place Morse was at a loss.

"Shit I don't know." Morse groaned out, rolling his eyes around. Whoever was in the facility was no doubt a corporate, since they were the only spineless weasels that ever played those games. "Look around for a terminal or some patch. Just any old shit that Giosso can plug into to either get us a map... or a reading... or an image... or a fuckin' mic to the intercom to tell em to come the fuck out." Morse directed. "Just keep a visual and at the ready, cus I don't want that trap walkin' at us without gettin' made dead first."

Morse then started to look around to see if there was something that the Com Tech could use to get them a little more information.

<Roll Awareness
<Tag Anyone
Image-SSG Allen Morse - Squad Leader
-3rd Bn, 2nd Reg, 1st Co, 8th Plt
- M41A Pulse Rifle - M4 Pistol - Med Kit
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Re: Mission 3 Turn 8: Reunion

Post by eyeball » Wed Jan 15, 2020 2:08 am

Just need a someone with a flamethrower with me.
"i have a flamer" answered Paulson, "i'm with ya" even before he realized that he had responded.
he moved up to the point positions ready to move off when the time came.
"no friendlies in here right?" Paulson queered "this thing isn't very selective".
<tag Damitri>
Paulson checked the motion detector again more out of habit than anything else then let it hang from his hip before asking,<roll motion detect>
"anyone else good with one of these? hard to use flamer and scan it properly"
<tag anyone>
"ok ready to go" Paulson finally said unsure whether he was trying to convince himself or others.
ImageLCpl. Robert Paulson
incinerator, 2 spare fuel bottles, motion detector, first aid kit, pistol, knife, 2 frag.
special weapons tech
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Re: Mission 3 Turn 8: Reunion

Post by Quicksilver » Wed Jan 15, 2020 3:21 am

“Thanks,” Mark said as Stark handed him the rifle. In reality, he reflected, it seemed he rarely used his rifle outside of patrol and practice. He wasn’t the strongest of Marines, and somehow there always seemed to be something more important to carry. Still, Stark wasn’t wrong - A rifle could be useful. He slung it over his shoulder.

He took a step forward towards the now open door and quickly met up with Sam. He smiled in appreciation and in genuine gladness to see her safe and sound. Getting split off from her had felt a bit like he’d failed. He shook off the feeling.

Taking Morse’s initiative, Mark also started searching the walls for some kind of input into the base’s security system. Well, another input, he knew there would be one behind the camera that Sam had just shot, but it wouldn’t be in the best condition. Not to mention he would have to find something to stand on to splice into it.

<Security Systems?>
Pvt. Mark Giosso
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Re: Mission 3 Turn 8: Reunion

Post by BarbarianMathematics » Mon Jan 27, 2020 8:29 am

Sokolova shrugs at the response. "Perhaps not red, but white does have look of other... things," She remarked to Quinn. "Either way, I found nothing here of note. We'll just wait for the door then."

《Tag Quinn》

Finishing up with the remains, she looks for a nearby leaf to smear the synthetic blood off of the barrel of her rifle before resting the gun on her shoulder. She reported back in over the headset, "No signs of anything significant found."
ImageLCpl. Tanya Sokolova
USCM Special Forces Recon Team
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Corporal Nikolai Pushkin - ComTech
(Currently recovering)


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