Mission 3 Turn 4: Mysterious Structure

The Second Devil Dawgs Campaign. The Marines find themselves marooned on an uninhabited jungle planet, but find something they did not expect.
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Mission 3 Turn 4: Mysterious Structure

Post by Corporal Hicks » Tue Dec 03, 2019 3:35 am

Date: June 24, 2189
Time: 19:46:15
Location: Camp Sierra, Capua, Nembus System

Gradually the miserable and exhausting day drew to a close. The men and women of the USS Shiloh had spent the entire day looking through the debris of their former home for wounded and dead, as well as anything that could possibly be salvaged. The collection and categorization of the items was not dangerous, but it was very hard and menial labor. The exhaustion of the battle added to the misery of the experience.

But the day finally did come to a close. Lieutenant Nelson granted most of them the night to rest after all they had faced and endured. Initial scans of the giant lizard corpse indicated that it was edible, but only just. It was well enough for the evening meal, but it tasted stringy and gritty. Most of them felt that even if they had more preservatives, this thing would not be worth the use. A couple of the rhinos were in good enough shape to eat, and they were a little bit more like beef. The marines and sailors were issued the last rations of alcohol that they possessed. It was enough to get them fairly drunk, dangerous perhaps but the morale benefit was deemed worth it. It seemed unlikely they would need any of the supplies much longer.

While the men and women drank, the leaders discussed their next move. “I think this proves that we can’t survive much longer out here in the bush, even with all our diminishing ammo.” Said Sergeant Major Sykes.
“I agree completely,” said Lieutenant Nelson. “I think our best chance is to investigate that facility. Even if it’s abandoned as I suspect, it may provide some kind of shelter.”
Lieutenant Daniela Harper sat reclined on a makeshift bed made of crates. The marine officer was rescued during the recent vehicle expedition. She was incapacitated with injury but still valuable in planning. “Camp Sierra is no longer a viable location. Everything else aside, that lizard carcass will draw all kinds of scavengers soon. I think we need to move as soon as it’s light. Pack all the gear and wounded into the vehicles and leave.”

Nelson nodded. “The convoy will be slow and vulnerable. Most of us will have to walk. It will be at least two days to reach the objective. I want to send a recon team with the lighter vehicles to check out the structure. Sykes, I’ll need your help organizing the convoy. You’ll have to pick some people and send them ahead with the buggy and the ATVs.”

“Yes Sir,” said Sykes. “Morse and Perez are up to the task.”

Date: June 26, 2189
Time: 07:13:19
Location: Hidden facility perimeter, Capua.

The marines and sailors who had been chosen for the recon mission parked their ATVs and buggy out of sight. As they approached they saw a small clearing with an overgrown structure in the middle. It looked surreal, the glossy steel structure overgrown with vines and moss and various green growth. The blueish light of morning shone through the fog and the gap in the canopy above.
ImageSgtMaj. Danny Sykes - Platoon NCO
USCM Special Forces Recon Team
Serial Number: D26/TQ6.3.48412E9
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Re: Mission 3 Turn 4: Mysterious Structure

Post by Quinn » Thu Dec 05, 2019 10:38 am

Sixtus helped where he could, bandaging wounds, tending to what amounted to a ton of broken bones and minor lacerations. There was even one hand that was so thoroughly crushed, it had to be amputated. The medic had been known to work miracles, but there was a limit to what even he could do. He even took a moment to see to his own leg, where the overgrown newt had put a ton of small holes in him. The only thing he could really do was carefully apply copious amounts of antibiotic cream and bandages.

Then he moved back to the tank, performing a few minor tests and repairs, mostly in the loading mechanism. The Jackson still had shells, but only twenty high explosive rounds remaining. They were great against soft targets and bunkers, but against armored targets they were next to useless. It was a pity that the tank didn’t have any software for artillery trajectories, otherwise it would have been a welcome ally to have.

He found Isabel inside, also performing some maintenance before any “festivities” would commence (such as they were on this planet). She was poking at the drive train, which seemed intact. Quinn made idle chat with her during their shared work, which continued as they ate some purple “rhino” meat, although Sixtus preferred the lizard analogue. It was less... disturbing to him. Then the alcohol came, and he passed his ration to Isabel. As badly as he wanted to get drunk, it was a bad idea for the unit’s medic to be shitfaced in the field. But he did give a rare smile during the celebration.

(GM roll made)

Isabel had consumed both her alcohol ration and Quinn’s, the two carrying on a conversation until it was time for everyone to sleep. The girl obviously had other things on her mind when she dragged the medic over to the tank and started to have her way with him. After a day of survival against the odds, surrounded by death, it was good to indulge in the act of life. However, it didn’t last long, as the alcohol got the better of her and she started throwing up. All over Sixtus, before anything had even seriously happened. The Medic, after long years of practice, pivoted and held Isabel as she continued evacuating the contents of her stomach. She started swearing in her native tongue, which Quinn found both amusing and somewhat endearing.

Instead of continuing their illicit rendezvous, Quinn helped Isabel back to her bunk and hooked up an IV to her arm. After the failure to launch of a seduction, the last thing he thought she needed was a blistering hangover the next morning. He then scrubbed his pants of what could be termed a “protein spill”, and hit his bunk. It had been a helluva day...

The next morning, when everyone else was nursing hangovers (from lack of proper hydration, as he sternly noted to everybody as he hooked up IV units to those worst affected), Sixtus gave a once over at the medical tent before Morse tasked them along to the mysterious structure they were to reconnoiter. Hefting the Sniper Rifle, Sixtus sat himself in the buggy and planted his aching leg up on the frame of the vehicle.

Upon arriving at the designated drop point, Sixtus creeped along, his big rifle in his hands. Besides the smartgunners, his rifle had the best chance of dropping any megafauna they might come across. But they were lucky, and made it to the clearing where the structure stood. It was covered in the flora that one would expect with the jungle, but something didn’t seem right. If it were sitting here long enough, there would have been trees up against the perimeter of the place. But that wasn’t the case, with a gap between the trees and the structure itself. He sat in the treeline, his eyes taking in his surroundings, trying to note anything not quite obvious...

Roll Awareness Proficient
Current Gear
M42A Scope Rifle
M4A4 .45 ACP caliber Sidearm, Suppressed
Combat Knife
K52 Medical Kit
Flashlight, Flares (6)
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Re: Mission 3 Turn 4: Mysterious Structure

Post by BarbarianMathematics » Sun Dec 08, 2019 4:20 am

Date: June 24, 2189
Time: 19:46:15
Location: Camp Sierra, Capua, Nembus System

Having a little time to clean up the mess around base and clear off the debris of bodies and scattered materials, Tanya finally manages to find some time to have a meal for the evening, finding a surviving ration in the rubble earlier to go along with the tough chewy meat from one of the rhino-like creatures, though using the ration to doctor up the meat to make it taste somewhat decent.

However, the taste of the ale quickly washed out the flavor of the meal and gave her a time to rest and talk to some of the other marines present whilst awaiting for their next orders in the remains of what was their camp. However, wanting to get an early start at rest and hopefully secure a tent, she went salvaging during the evening for enough materials to properly make a tent before their new objective orders came in.

<Tag anyone>

Date: June 26, 2189
Time: 07:13:19
Location: Hidden facility perimeter, Capua.

Having had her name come up for the people headed out to the perimeter, Tanya took sight of what was around them the entire way. She kept her hand on her rifle most of the time, save for when they needed to take routine stops, but her eyes never strayed far from the woods near them. In her mind, given from the strange and gigantic creatures they had run into two days prior, there was no saying what the recon group might run into. When they came to the clearing, she got off the back of the ATV she had been riding on. She looked at the one in charge of the recon group, Morse.
(Roll: Awareness)
ImageLCpl. Tanya Sokolova
USCM Special Forces Recon Team
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Corporal Nikolai Pushkin - ComTech
(Currently recovering)


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