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Mission 2 Turn 4: The Supply Locker

Posted: Sat Oct 19, 2019 3:07 pm
by Corporal Hicks
Date: June 23, 2189
Location: Surface of Capua, Nembus System, Andromeda Cluster
Mission time: 01:40:00

By the time they neared their objective, all the marines and navy crewman were fully awake. The unpleasantness of the jungle was constantly pressing in upon their minds. Their boots were soaked with muddy water, and they were scratched and bitten. After an hour and a half they neared their objective. Lance Corporal Mark Giosso raised his arm and signaled to Morse that they needed to turn left. He nodded and snapped his fingers, pointing to the left.

Corporal Nikolai Pushkin was the first to peer out from the edge of the trees. There was a long brown furrow in the earth, scattered with the splintered forms of tree trunks, uprooted by the force of the crash no doubt. At the end of the long divot was another chunk of the ship’s hull. This one was much larger than the small compartment they had entered on the previous day. Its jagged metal form reached higher than the canopy of the trees and it still sent curls of black smoke up into the sky.

Pushkin heard the rustling of Perez and Barayev not far behind him.

Re: Mission 2 Turn 4: The Supply Locker

Posted: Sat Oct 19, 2019 10:31 pm
by Morse
The mighty wreck was an impressive site to the uninitiated... but Morse had seen too many. It was like a fiery outpost that had been dropped in the middle of the jungle from his eyes, but that was the same as all the others. It was intact for the most part and not sprayed metal chunks over three hundred miles, which was a positive.

As always his mind was cautious. A new curious object may have attracted hungry predators or parasites and theyd be ready for whatever the situation was. The marines were the smartest and most lethal creatures in the galaxy and Morse didnt mind any opportunity to show it.

"Form a perimeter at the nearest access point. Half eyes on the door, half out. Com techs on it, see if you can get an active console for an air lock and get us inside... and keep a hand on your weapon, if you get that shit open you'll be at point and we cant replace you.... everyone else... get ready for a walk in the dark."

Morse moved up to face the interior, knowing anything that would breach the perimeter would be spotted and shot before he'd need adjust instruction.

< tag everyone
< roll awareness

Re: Mission 2 Turn 4: The Supply Locker

Posted: Sat Oct 19, 2019 10:40 pm
by BarbarianMathematics
As Pushkin finally goes through the dense forest, having smacked his neck for the umpteenth time from the biters in the air, he readies his pistol just in case if any of those lizards showed their ugly heads again (though the sound of something better than the laughable excuse of what the military calls stroganoff seemed appealing in his mind). Once in visual range, having noticed the clearing being nothing more than furrowed dirt and rocks, he looks for a place that would have reasonable cover, moving in between the crevasses while looking for an opening in the hull's framework that was left behind, either an opening made from the crash or a man-made entrance, both likely to have smoke billowing out of them.

<Roll Awareness>

For the moment however, he took the time to contact the rest of the platoon. "I do niet see anything at the moment. Keep eyes open for lizards though."

<Tag Anyone>

Re: Mission 2 Turn 4: The Supply Locker

Posted: Sat Oct 19, 2019 11:01 pm
by Corporal Hicks
As Pushkin approached the wreckage, he noticed a large ten meter gash along the side of the wreckage. He saw a lot of movement by the opening. Soon he realized that there were small mammalian creatures hopping in and out. They looked like large rodents, almost similar to the elephant shrews of earth. They ranged in size from a large rat to a small terrier. He could hear a faint chittering sound coming from the creatures. He could see at least two dozen around the gash. One of the creatures hopped past him on two large hind legs. It had an MRE in its mouth.
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Re: Mission 2 Turn 4: The Supply Locker

Posted: Sat Oct 19, 2019 11:23 pm
by BarbarianMathematics
Pushkin squints a bit when he sees the little creatures going in and out of the wreckage, though even more surprised to see the brown packaging of the MRE, though he checks to see what kind it was (hoping that either it was something that was slightly edible this time, or just stroganoff).

Given he had out his gun, he moved ever so quietly closer to where the creatures were stealing from the ship's supplies, readying it to aim at the creature with the ration if it turned out to be a good meal. He saw with dismay that it was indeed beef stroganoff and he let the creature go its way in peace.
(Result of GM Roll)

However, having seen the furry creatures, he made sure to go toward the entrance nice and cautiously, just in case if they were dangerous, having his gun at the ready and aimed into the crowd of them. Once he was within a close enough range, yet also still in cover, he quietly calls out on the comm system, “Some odd things I see in ship. I see maybe ten meter cut in hull, but I see what looks like little furry things that steal supplies from ship. One went by with MRE moment ago. They were size of small dog. Should I engage with them with warning shot or I just go in gap?”
<Tag Morse and Perez>

Re: Mission 2 Turn 4: The Supply Locker

Posted: Sun Oct 20, 2019 12:54 am
by eyeball
Paulson was still bring up the rear when he heard the descriptions from up ahead. he wondered about ration comparability if they could eat our food could we eat them? then remembered all the things that were poisonous all around the galaxy and decided it was unlikely but maybe flame grilled dog thing might be ok who new.
the large chunk of ship came into view as they rounded a corner and as people had not broken cover the creatures where still scurrying into and out of the ship apparently stealing supplies.
Morse gave the order to form a perimeter around the access point and Paulson prepared to move off to do just that.

Re: Mission 2 Turn 4: The Supply Locker

Posted: Sun Oct 20, 2019 3:57 am
by taimdala

Perimeter, aye, Dmitri thought to himself as moved into position. He wanted to tell Pushkin to stop sightseeing and do his job. Don't care how cute or fuzzy the beasts are. This planet's not a fuckin' petting zoo.

He kept raido silence—no need to clutter up everyone's comms with stupid shit—and kept his head on a swivel. One eye on the wreck and one eye on the jungle, just as ordered.

Re: Mission 2 Turn 4: The Supply Locker

Posted: Sun Oct 20, 2019 12:55 pm
by Morse
It was no unexpected that animals were already taking a look around the crash site. The primitive beasts couldn't help themselves was a touch of Earth's machinery laid itself upon their worlds. The most advanced and plentiful thing that could possibly happen, that in their brainless eyes was some sort of miracle of fortune... in one way that it likely landed on predators and not on them... and in another that it came with bounty for them to take. But this vessel had landed with humans close in tow, and they would not be letting it go.

"Leave em fuckin' be, less they make any kinda charge or snarl. They'll prolly' run second thems sees you." Morse noted to the question. "Perez n' Push... on point through the gap... Push track the motions." Morse assumed in there they would need it.

He would follow along closely behind, ready to tear up whatever was left after Perez started firing.

<Roll Awareness
<Tag Anyone

Re: Mission 2 Turn 4: The Supply Locker

Posted: Sun Oct 20, 2019 7:21 pm
by JuanPerez
Morse wrote: Sun Oct 20, 2019 12:55 pm "Perez n' Push... on point through the gap... Push track the motions."
Perez covered the section against anything, that would run, walk, fly or crawl out of the jungle, as Morses order came in. He acknowledged Morses order, turned around 180 degrees in a circling move, the barrel of the smartgun followed smoothly. Moving forward carefully, he headed towards the gap of the downed vessel.

"Push, get your tracker going and follow me. Call out anything, that moves inside the ship"
<Tag Pushkin>

He activated his shoulder lamp, gripped the smartgun firmly and advanced step by step, slowly and carefully entering the ship, behind him the ComTech. As soon as they had entered it, Perez came to halt and took his time to take a closer look ...
<Roll Awareness>

Re: Mission 2 Turn 4: The Supply Locker

Posted: Tue Oct 22, 2019 12:56 am
by BarbarianMathematics
”Morse” wrote:"Leave em fuckin' be, less they make any kinda charge or snarl. They'll prolly' run second thems sees you." Morse noted to the question. "Perez n' Push... on point through the gap... Push track the motions." Morse assumed in there they would need it.
Nikolai struggled to understand exactly what he was being told. The language barrier was exacerbated by Morse’s thick Texas accent. “Tracking motions, yes Staff Sergeant.” He fiddled with the muddy M314 Motion Tracker and the screen lit up. He had shut the device off for the march because it kept going off at nothing and he didn’t want to waste the battery. “Right behind you, Sergeant Perez.”

<Tag Morse/Perez>

<Roll Motion Tracker>

Getting into position, he readies his pistol as he gets ready to move into the smoking hole the carcass of a ship left behind.

Re: Mission 2 Turn 4: The Supply Locker

Posted: Tue Oct 22, 2019 1:22 am
by Corporal Hicks
As Perez stepped among the hopping creatures, they skittered out of the way, chirping with outrage. He had to duck to enter the jagged tear in the metal. He had to wait while his eyes adjusted to the unlit room. Corporal Pushkin was not far behind him with the motion tracker. It blinked in and out, the little hopping rodents were interfering with the signal. As he stepped into the dark behind Perez, he saw a large dot start blinking eleven meters ahead and to the right. From out of the darkness came a low grunting sound.
<Tag Perez/Pushkin>

Paulson stood on perimeter duty, who so far had been at the ass end of everything. Staring out into the trees and listening to his stomach growl, he suddenly perceived a large form moving around in the trees. After a few seconds it came out of the foliage and into the light. It looked a bit like a boar for lack of a better comparison. It had scarred and leathery hide, and hooves like a cow. Rising above its head was a huge hunch-back that rose about 2.5 meters in the air, but it was eye to eye with Paulson and it looked straight at him. It let out a harsh squealing howl and scuffed its feet on the ground. The sound was terrifying and earsplittingly loud. It stood not ten meters from Paulson.
<Tag Eyeball>
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Another one exited the woods on its left and cast its beady eyes on the scrawny form of Mark Giosso. It let out its own squealing howl and started forward, baring its long fangs.
<Tag Giosso>

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Re: Mission 2 Turn 4: The Supply Locker

Posted: Tue Oct 22, 2019 2:13 am
by eyeball
the cow thing looked pissed and decidedly aggressive,
"close contact too the rear" Paulson reported checked his fire zones and upon seeing them clear he was not taking any risks with native creatures after last time.
the creature was big, Paulsons pistol was small he quickly leveled his main weapon checked the pilot light and opened fire.
<roll shooting flame thrower>
the jet of flame belched out obscuring his sight, the noise deafening even the roar of the creature out even if he missed everything was afraid of fire right?

Re: Mission 2 Turn 4: The Supply Locker

Posted: Tue Oct 22, 2019 3:06 am
by taimdala

Dmitri turned at the growl and before he had the time to spit out an expletive, Paulson's flame thrower was shooting across the landscape.

Welcome to the Barbecue!

Dmitri backed up Paulson's fire with short controlled bursts from his M41A rifle.

<roll shooting M41A rifle>

Re: Mission 2 Turn 4: The Supply Locker

Posted: Tue Oct 22, 2019 11:59 pm
by pants
Looking towards the sound of the pulse rifle fire Lieutenant Davenport moved into a more secure position within the established Marine perimeter. She wasn't afraid as such, more disgusted at the immediacy of close quarters combat. She had trained to fight her battles in space over vast distances as part of a well drilled and trained crew, where combat was decided in a more regal fashion, not in these tight quarters, where you could actually physically see your opponent!

She waited to see what would happen but cast a well trained eye over her small naval unit. If she was to die this day to some filthy animals it would not be said that she died like a coward!

<Tag Anyone>

Re: Mission 2 Turn 4: The Supply Locker

Posted: Wed Oct 23, 2019 4:23 am
by CarbebthePoncho
Fernandez was spacing out for a majority of the walk and barely noticed the smaller animals that ran out of the giant vessel they came here for. His newly bestowed rifle chafing his shoulders, he was constantly readjusting.

If the small animals didn't grab his attention, the aggressive hogs definitely did. And even then Paulson's flame thrower would have been enough to get anything's attention.

Fernandez raised his rifle and opened fire on the same hog that Paulson let loose on.

<roll shooting rifle>