CHAPTER 5 - Heads Or Tails

The first Devil Dawgs campaign. The Marines travel to Fiorina 161 to respond to a distress call, but find much more than they bargained for.
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CHAPTER 5 - Heads Or Tails

Post by JuanPerez » Fri Feb 08, 2019 7:29 pm

June 7, 2189
Location: Outer Veil, Neroid Sector, Near Former Penal Labor Colony
Mission Time: 07:29:55
End-Of-Turn: 22.02.2019

The Dawgs made their rendezvouz with scout squad at the outskirts of the former penal labor colony area. While Gunny Screaming Eagle and Pushkin interrogated a captured mercenary, the troopers moved up to Sergeant Cano and Corporal Greer, flanking their position. Just as they settled in, there was movement down at the enemy encampment. The three patrolling mercs stopped their circling patrol-movement and began to shout in an unknown language, maybe chinese. It was nearly always the same wording, maybe a name. They adopted a kind of search-pattern around the grid. A few minutes later, two more mercs disembarked the smaller startship carrying big bags and ran to meet the three men. The two newcomers started a short conversation between the two parties. After the talking was done, the two mercs nodded. They opened up their bags and put some strange equipment on the ground. One of the gadgets looked like a mini-tank with some antenna, the other one had the features of a quad-copter. The two mercs pushed some buttons and suddenly the gear started moving. The mini-tank began to track the ground, while the quadcopter rose into the air and startet to circle the initial position, widending the circle each turn.

<Tag Dawgs>
Game Master
Image 1st Lt Daniela Harper - Platoon CO
USCM Special Forces Recon Team
Serial Number A08/TQ3.0.45013E2
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M10 Pattern Balistic Helmet
M3 Pattern Personal Armor
M41A Pulse Rifle (6 Mags, 20 Grenades)
Service Pistol (2 Mags)
Combat Knife
Shoulder Lamp
Portable Command Terminal
M94 Marking Flares

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Re: CHAPTER 5 - Heads Or Tails

Post by Corporal Hicks » Sun Feb 10, 2019 7:15 pm

Sergeant Major Sykes watched the scene unfold from the snowy ditch where they were taking cover. Dozens of options flashed before his mind's eye; risks, dangers, strategies. But he was a man of decision. He pulled out his respirator and quietly issued a series of commands to everyone in the platoon.

"Sarafian, fire the SADAR at the mini-tank."
<Tag Sarafian>

"Morse, Pitt, move up on the right and fire flashbangs and stun gas grenades. After that just open fire." Both items could be fired from the pulse rifles. Some of the mercs had removed their masks to talk, and the gas would put them to sleep.
<Tag Morse/Pitt>

"Grisham, Honeysett, move up on the left. Use the smart-gun to destroy that helicopter then join the fight."
<Tag Grisham/Honeysett>

"Cano, cover the attack with your sniper rifle."
<Tag Cano>

"Once the SADAR fires, it's weapons free. Godspeed marines!"

Danny patted Karl Sarafian on the shoulder, "Okay little buddy, just another day on the farm. Just relax and kick ass." He helped to heft the heavy weapon onto Karl's shoulder. "Just fire when you're ready. No pressure." Danny knew that a lot depended on this shot, and he wanted Sarafian to be calm as a cucumber and not miss.
<Tag Sarafian>
ImageSgtMaj. Danny Sykes - Platoon NCO
USCM Special Forces Recon Team
Serial Number: D26/TQ6.3.48412E9
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Re: CHAPTER 5 - Heads Or Tails

Post by StConstantine » Sun Feb 10, 2019 9:58 pm

Karl dropped to a knee, with help he seated the launcher on his shoulder and took aim down the sight. The complex targetting computer buzzed slightly as it struggled to target a heat signature smaller than it was intended but quickly found a lock as soon as the tank started moving. Karl took one quick look behind him to ensure no marines were in blast back range.
Just fire when you're ready. No pressure.
Satisfied no one was behind him he took a deep breath and called "fire in the hole" depressing the trigger mechanism

<Roll heavy weapons or explosives or whatever fits>

Without missing a beat Karl rolled the launcher off his shoulder and began reloading.
PFC Karl Sarafian
Combat Engineer

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Re: CHAPTER 5 - Heads Or Tails

Post by Dirk Pitt » Thu Feb 14, 2019 12:25 am

Corporal Hicks wrote: Sun Feb 10, 2019 7:15 pm Sergeant Major Sykes watched the scene unfold from the snowy ditch where they were taking cover. Dozens of options flashed before his mind's eye; risks, dangers, strategies. But he was a man of decision. He pulled out his respirator and quietly issued a series of commands to everyone in the platoon.

"Morse, Pitt, move up on the right and fire flashbangs and stun gas grenades. After that just open fire." Both items could be fired from the pulse rifles. Some of the mercs had removed their masks to talk, and the gas would put them to sleep.
<Tag Morse/Pitt>

"Grisham, Honeysett, move up on the left. Use the smart-gun to destroy that helicopter then join the fight."
<Tag Grisham/Honeysett>

"Cano, cover the attack with your sniper rifle."
<Tag Cano>

"Once the SADAR fires, it's weapons free. Godspeed marines!"
Dirk listened to the orders and everything melted away. The depression, the emptiness, all swallowed up in an instant. Now there was only the mission, combat. His life might be out of control, but he knew how to do this.

Moving quickly to the right he looked over at Morse. “On your order Morse”
<Tag Morse>
Cpl Dirk Pitt
First squad leader

Pulse Rifle w/ 4 grenades, 8 canister shells
M1911 Colt .45 caliber Sidearm
Smoke Grenade x2
KBAR Combat Knife
Portable Welder
Ithaca Shotgun

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Re: CHAPTER 5 - Heads Or Tails

Post by Morse » Thu Feb 14, 2019 11:35 am

Their opposing force was presently small, a simple and easy take down would be in order if they executed their movement properly. But the size of a force meant nothing in the age of advanced machinery and synthetic soldiers. The human body was almost becoming an obsolete relic of the past, especially for soldiers who all too often these days were modified by enhancements both biological and mechanical. But for the moment they may have had an advantage as there were no alarms and no firing. Mercenaries did not tend to keep the most disciplined ranks, and were easy to force panic. Money may be good, but living was always better. That was where the marines had them beat. The pay wasn't what motivated them. It was the delusion of national pride or the thought of no other way out that kept them going. Though they fought also for their lives, they could be marked as a martyr. A dead mercenary just meant the final total for a backer would be cheaper.

The initiating order was simple, and the call for weapons free was even easier to comprehend. Morse and the other would have no trouble with that. But while in years before he would have seen no issue in expending half of their ammunition on these few hostile actors, he had grown a maturity to his madness, and recognized that they could not afford the waste, nor the attention that would come from a prolonged fire fight.

"Orders aint mine." Morse remarked. "Just the will to make some soon to broke corporate fucks lose a lotta cash a cred on a life insurance policy." Morse smirked at the idea of a corporate backer or hostile nation lose a mass sum of money due to this ambush. That was the real satisfaction that came now, knowing that you hurt a pocket book. The lives of people were all but considered expendable in the new century.

Moving up to position with Dirk. Fortunately they'd brought plenty of assault options, and they took up their grenades. Gas and flash. Easy confusion. Followed by a rain of precision. Dirk would be the better shot with an M41A pulse rifle, but Morse would have better luck with the grenades for sure. He readied himself for the explosion of the SADAR, and the rain of death to begin.

The mercenaries would die in a hail of confusion and would never even know why... and in many ways... Morse knew one day his fate may be the same.

< Roll Awareness
< Tag Dirk
Image-SSG Allen Morse - Squad Leader
-3rd Bn, 2nd Reg, 1st Co, 8th Plt
- M41A Pulse Rifle - M4 Pistol - Med Kit
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Oliver Grisham
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Re: CHAPTER 5 - Heads Or Tails

Post by Oliver Grisham » Sat Feb 16, 2019 8:07 pm

A look of grim purpose settled itself on Oliver's face. His had not been an easy life and the small glints of hope and happiness, his family, his friends, had been tucked furtively between the grind of poverty and suffering, like a flower pressed flat between the pages of an encyclopedia. Yet since his conversion to Christianity he had been driven to pursue a distant light, masked by fog, yet never extinguished. To lift a heavy weight and bear it, that was the only meaning that made sense to Oliver. To shoulder the burden willingly and to serve the almighty, the good. To be the uncomplaining grunt, to sweat and suffer, but never to falter. That was all there was.

Oliver nodded at Honeysett and then darted left seeking cover

<roll awareness>

He raised his weapon as he ran, his movements swift but unhurried. When the quad copter came within range he fired at the blades.

<roll gun combat> ?

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Re: CHAPTER 5 - Heads Or Tails

Post by Apachetear » Sun Feb 17, 2019 2:22 pm

Corporal Hicks wrote: Sun Feb 10, 2019 7:15 pm Sergeant Major Sykes watched the scene unfold from the snowy ditch where they were taking cover. Dozens of options flashed before his mind's eye; risks, dangers, strategies. But he was a man of decision. He pulled out his respirator and quietly issued a series of commands to everyone in the platoon.

"Grisham, Honeysett, move up on the left. Use the smart-gun to destroy that helicopter then join the fight."
<Tag Grisham/Honeysett>
Jacob nodded.

These were the moments he waited for. The tension started to build, and with it he felt the familiar intoxicating rush of adrenaline starting to flow.

Nodding at Grisham, he started to move out. Covering the smartgunner and proceeding to some cover that would afford him a clear line of site to the fallout. Smartguns were devastating things, and he expected the helicopter to be reduced to scrap metal in short order.

In the meantime,he started to breathe in a familiar pattern for these moments. He'd breathe in three times, then exhale twice. It kept him in rhythm. He aimed down his sights. As soon as the smartgun had finished shooting, he'd begin. He wouldn't allow any respite or chance to respond. As he waited he quickly scanned for the next bit of cover to move to. It got him into trouble sometimes, he always looked for the way to move forward, applying pressure to the enemy. Not allowing them respite.

He was willing the gunner to begin. Impatient to get things underway.
Oliver nodded at Honeysett and then darted left seeking cover

<roll awareness>

He raised his weapon as he ran, his movements swift but unhurried. When the quad copter came within range he fired at the blades.
As the gun roared to life, Jacob started to fire a couple of three shot bursts at the mercs. Aiming for the gut, and allowing the recoil to cause the bullets to stitch up the body. They could get a headshot a bit later, right now...drop them to the ground.

The smell of cordite and smoke wafted through the air, and it made his heart beat all the faster!

He caught Grisham's eye, and nodded towards the next bit of cover. Preparing to move up.

[roll awareness]
[roll gun combat]

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Re: CHAPTER 5 - Heads Or Tails

Post by Corporal Hicks » Fri Feb 22, 2019 3:30 am

After the SADAR fired, Sykes fired a few bursts downrange, but he kept his eyes open on the battlefield and his surroundings. They had enough firepower that they didn't need his rifle as much as they needed him to make the right decision. He watched for any changing conditions that would affect their actions.

(Roll: Casual burst fire)
(Roll: Awareness)
ImageSgtMaj. Danny Sykes - Platoon NCO
USCM Special Forces Recon Team
Serial Number: D26/TQ6.3.48412E9
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Re: CHAPTER 5 - Heads Or Tails - New Turn

Post by JuanPerez » Mon Feb 25, 2019 10:16 pm

<End Of New Turn: 02.03.2019>

<GM Section

<Karl Sarafian's Actions: Roll Heavy Weapons -> Dice Roll: Sarafian Professional Level Skill vs. moving small target -> Result: 1 success>
The SADAR rocket launched and hit the target. The hit was not a "bull's eye", because the tank made a slight slittering move just before the missle impact. Anyway, there was an explosion. KA-WOOM. Now, everybody in the near vincinity is clearly awake and the mini tank seems to be heavily damaged.

<Morse and Pitts Actions: Throw grenades
-> Dice Roll Morse: Professional Level Skill vs. human-sized target -> 0 successes, Pitt's Expert Level Skill vs. human-sized target>
-> Dice Roll Pitt: 4 successes, 1 of them a perfect 10>

Morse and Pitt readied their grenades, pulled the splints, aimed and tossed it. Morse grenades went too far, but Pitts presents were lethal. Pitts merc went down, coughing heavily. Morse Merc was irritated just a moment, rolled into cover and opened fire

<Oliver Grisham's Actions. Roll Machine Gun -> Dice Roll: Grisham Expert Level Skill vs. moving small target -> Result 3 success>
Grisham's Smartgun tracking system had no problem locking on the infrared heat signature of the mini chopper. A burst of lightning-speed bullets hit the chopper square. It exploded in mid-air, raining down small metal peaces and parts onto the chinese mercs.

<Apachetears Actions: Roll Gun Combat -> Dice Roll: Expert Level Skill vs. human-sized target -> Result 3 success, 2 of them a perfect 10>
Honeysett's Pulse Rifle opened up on one of the mercs. Three controlled burst shots were fired. 10mm explosive tipped light penetrating ammunition went to work. The head of the merc exploded in a bloody mess.

<Cano's Actions: Roll Gun Combat -> Dice Roll: Expert Level Skill vs. human-sized target -> Result 4 success, 1 of them a perfect 10>
Cano breathed in and exhaled slowly, while aiming at a merc. Although it was not the toughest of challenges at this distance, he concentrated hard and took the shot, just as hell broke loose. One of the mercs went down with a headshot, while Cano reloaded the rifle.

Result of the Dawgs first strike:
- Mini Chopper -> destroyed
- Mini Tank -> damaged, but aiming
- 2 of the 4 mercs dead
- 1 stunned
- 1 rolled into cover and fires a burst salvo

<random dice roll to determine his target,
1 Sykes, 2 Sarafian, 3 Grisham, 4 Honeysett, 5 Morse, 6 Pitt, 7 Cano
Result 2>

<Mercs. Expert Level Gun-Combat vs. small-target (Sarafian fired the SADAR and reloads, while covered) -> Dice Roll: 1 Success>
the mercs automatic rifle opened up on Sarafian with a burst. Although he was mostly covered, one of them found it's way into Sarafian's left shoulder. His armor prevented serious damage, but he felt, that some warm blood ran down and the shoulder went numb instantly.

<Sykes Actions: Roll Gun Combat -> Dice Roll: Expert Level Skill vs. small-sized target -> Result 0 successes>
Sykes aimed at the remaining merc, but his burst shot did not came through, but nailed the merc behind his cover

END OF GM Section>

The Dawgs executed a coordinated attack on the two machine like gadgets and the four chinese mercs. The later were caught by surprise, and, lest one, went down in order.

<Tag Dawgs>
Game Master
Image 1st Lt Daniela Harper - Platoon CO
USCM Special Forces Recon Team
Serial Number A08/TQ3.0.45013E2
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M10 Pattern Balistic Helmet
M3 Pattern Personal Armor
M41A Pulse Rifle (6 Mags, 20 Grenades)
Service Pistol (2 Mags)
Combat Knife
Shoulder Lamp
Portable Command Terminal
M94 Marking Flares

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Re: CHAPTER 5 - Heads Or Tails

Post by Apachetear » Tue Feb 26, 2019 2:46 pm

It was like a panoramic shot. Everyone working in synchronisation. It was almost artistic.

He saw his salvo find its mark, the merc falling down, neck pumping blood over the floor as it spasmed briefly. There were still some targets left alive, though he couldn't imagine they'd put up much of a fight.

Jacob started to aim at the mercenary in cover, waiting for an opportunity to snap off another salvo, he had no doubt the others would be doing similar...

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Re: CHAPTER 5 - Heads Or Tails

Post by Corporal Hicks » Sun Mar 03, 2019 6:29 am

Sykes watched with satisfaction as the SADAR struck its target. He was pretty sure he missed with his burst fire, but he had been distracted anyway. When he saw the tank move again, he grabbed another rocket and shoved it into the waiting SADAR launcher.

Sykes saw the blood splatter from Sarafian's shoulder. "Shit, get down!" he exclaimed and dragged Sarafian down into the ditch. "Medic!!!" He popped his head out and saw the tank realigning itself.
<Tag Morse and Sarafian>

"Stay down!" barked Sykes in his best NCO voice, and he yanked the SADAR rocket out of Karl's hands. With a grim, determined look he jogged a few yards down the trench. If that thing fired at him, he didn't want Sarafian to get killed too. Leaning on the edge of the ditch, he looked down the sight. It had been a while since he had tried one of these things, but he had a grasp on it. Lining up his shot, he exhaled slowly and depressed the trigger.
(Roll: SADAR anti-tank gun)
ImageSgtMaj. Danny Sykes - Platoon NCO
USCM Special Forces Recon Team
Serial Number: D26/TQ6.3.48412E9
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Re: CHAPTER 5 - Heads Or Tails

Post by StConstantine » Tue Mar 12, 2019 1:52 am

Karl felt the impact of a bullet hitting him in the shoulder. Years of marine training kicked in and he dropped to the ground on his back behind cover. "Agh they fucking shot me" he groaned.

Karl shuffled around on the ground on his back feet towards the enemy and began priming his grenade launcher. "You fucking fucks shot me" he yelled at the Mercenaries "you shoot me again and I'll skull fuck your corpses you back water Boonie merc fucks."

Bracing the rifle stock against the ground, Karl sighted and launched a grenade in the general direction of the Mercenaries.

<Roll grenade launcher with a frag>
PFC Karl Sarafian
Combat Engineer

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Re: CHAPTER 5 - Heads Or Tails

Post by Morse » Wed Mar 13, 2019 1:58 pm

Morse should have known better then to use a grenade. He was a good shot, he was not a good toss. Something about the coordination of the lob always eluded him especially in gear. Though the blast radius was wide it was never enough to compensate for how wide or short he would often throw the small explosive devices. Somehow he thought he may have been better off bringing the M56 Smartgun into the fight, rather then a medical kit. Sure they had another Smartgunner on the team, but Morse was probably the best operator in the entire USCM with that. His medical skill were more necessary though as being slightly better or worse with the Smartgun was not pertinent to most combat situations. Even though it was a precision killing instrument, the mechanism and targeting computer still did most of the work.

But a call went out that confirmed his initial suspicions. "Medic" Rang out in the ears of all.

Someone was injured.

Morse did not know who, and he was not entirely sure where. He did not recognize the voice but he did know that he would need to act fast depending on what the wound was. But they were still in combat. They were still taking fire. And if Morse went charging out of his position, or even had covering fire, the precision machines firing on them would likely just mulch him to pieces as he ran and then they'd be down a medic.

"Who's hit! Where at!?" Morse yelled in his radio. "Finish them fuckers so I can get over there!" Morse roared in rapid succession.

He was yelling over the radio loudly and had no idea what was following, as a SADAR round burst was ejected from the launcher tube. Morse had been taking cover as he yelled out, but he knew that explosion may not entirely care.

< Roll Cover
< Tag Anyone
Image-SSG Allen Morse - Squad Leader
-3rd Bn, 2nd Reg, 1st Co, 8th Plt
- M41A Pulse Rifle - M4 Pistol - Med Kit
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Re: CHAPTER 5 - Heads Or Tails

Post by StConstantine » Thu Mar 14, 2019 3:04 am

Who's hit! Where at!?" Morse yelled in his radio. "Finish them fuckers so I can get over there!" Morse roared in rapid succession
<Over comms>
"I'm hit in the shoulder, I'm fine, let's fuck them up and deal with it later"
PFC Karl Sarafian
Combat Engineer

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Re: CHAPTER 5 - Heads Or Tails

Post by JuanPerez » Sun Mar 17, 2019 5:33 pm

<GM Section

<Danny Sykes's Action: Shoot SADAR at Mini-Tank -> Roll Heavy Weapons, Syke's Skill Level: Certified vs. Tank -> Result: 2 successes>
Sykes pulled the trigger and rocket launched, hitting the mini-tank.ka-woom The tank explodes after the smoke clears, parts of it are shattered all across the floor.

<Karl Sarafian's Action: Karl sighted and launched a grenade in the general direction of the Mercenaries -> Roll Heavy Weapons, Sarafian'S Skill Level: Professional vs. covered target -> Result: 2 successes>
the grenade launched with it's signature sound - bloop - resulting in an explosion at the mercenary's cover-site. A short, but intense cry was heard, cut off appruptly. Then - silence.

Result of the Dawgs second strike:
- Mini Chopper -> destroyed
- Mini Tank -> destroyed (status-update, former status: damaged)
- 3 of the 4 mercs dead (status-update, former status: 2 of 4 mercs dead)
- 1 stunned

END OF GM Section>
Game Master
Image 1st Lt Daniela Harper - Platoon CO
USCM Special Forces Recon Team
Serial Number A08/TQ3.0.45013E2
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M10 Pattern Balistic Helmet
M3 Pattern Personal Armor
M41A Pulse Rifle (6 Mags, 20 Grenades)
Service Pistol (2 Mags)
Combat Knife
Shoulder Lamp
Portable Command Terminal
M94 Marking Flares


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