Turn 8: Hangar Assault

The sixth mission. The marines are faced with a new horror that affects the mind and body.
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Turn 8: Hangar Assault

Post by Corporal Hicks » Sat Jun 11, 2016 8:09 pm

"Alright people! Let's be ready for combat! Get off your asses!" shouted the LT. "Five minutes out," came the voice of the pilot. Lieutenant Gruber walked up to the cockpit and looked out. Ahead was a tiny facility, growing larger by the second. It was inconspicuous, probably underground for the most part.

"Incoming fire," said the co-pilot, sounding as calm as if they were out Sunday driving. The Cheyenne dropship bucked left and right as they dodged the missiles. The pilot turned the ship toward the gun that was firing. The ship shook as it released a payload of six auto-targeting missiles at the gun. It maneuvered back to its original track without waiting to see the impact of its missiles. The hangar doors were now visible as they approached. They were set on the roof of the facility, so approaching ships would descend into the facility. The hangar itself was an octogon shape and by far the largest visible building.

Maria walked back to where the marines were situated. "Giosso, set the table," she said. He began working furiously on his computer and she walked back to the cockpit. Several moments passed as another gun began firing at them. Then the hangar doors began to open almost painfully slow. She witnessed the oxygen puff out into the atmosphere in less then a second. The dropship turned away from the guns it had just blown to kingdom come and sped toward the hangar.

As they descended through the open roof, the first thing that they saw was an observation deck that jutted out into the hangar. Men in uniform were scrambling about and typing madly on terminals. "Fire," Maria said, as if relishing the word. The co-pilot squeezed the trigger and several missiles fired point-blank into the observation deck. They shredded the bullet-proof glass and eviscerated everyone in the room. Anyone who survived would surely die of exposure to the fierce atmosphere of Pluto which now filled the hangar.

The dropship carefully landed and Giosso remotely sealed the hangar doors behind them. There was a rush of air as the livable atmosphere returned to the hangar. Surely anyone capable of opening those doors again was dead in the observation deck. The ramp from the dropship descended and the marines of First Squad led the way down. As they looked around the large hangar they saw scattered bodies laying haphazardly about. Maria Gruber followed them down the ramp and looked at the closest set of bodies. Their faces were covered with agony and blotchy red as if all of the blood vessels had burst at once. Many of them were wearing security guard uniforms and armed with police-grade assault rifles and sidearms.

"Looks like they had the table set for us after all," she said. "They fucked with the wrong marines." It was undeniably a marvel how quickly and easily the marines had torn through the lines of defense in the facility. Now they had to carry on on foot. The hangar had two doors, on opposite sides of the room. They were marked H1 and H2. "First and Third Squads are with me. We'll go through H1. Sergeant Abdulov will take Second Squad through H2. We're gonna find the ones responsible for this." They approached the doors and found them both locked and magnetically sealed.
USCM Pluto Base 1.jpg
USCM Pluto Base 1.jpg (13.73 KiB) Viewed 19662 times
ImageSgtMaj. Danny Sykes - Platoon NCO
USCM Special Forces Recon Team
Serial Number: D26/TQ6.3.48412E9
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Re: Turn 8: Hangar Assault

Post by Whisky » Sun Jun 12, 2016 9:14 am

Colson felt uncomfortable using a flamer, against bugs sure, but humans? Didn't sit right. Still, he was a marine and wasn't about to argue with their LT when there was a big stick up their ass.

"Bollocks," he muttered, then louder. "Dirk, how we rolling forward now I'm holding a deathtrap in my hands?"

When the dropship lurched to avoid the incoming fire Colson cursed louder to the air around him. "Bollocks! Keep it steady you bloody nonce.""

Once they landed Colson stepped out onto the platform and sparked up the igniter flame on his flame unit. "You don't need a light do you boss?" He quipped to Dirk, "At this rate I'm going to need a fag myself." Keeping the business end of his weapon pointed up and away from his fellow marines he readied himself to move how he was told.

<Tag Dirk
Pvt. Thomas Colson
2nd Squad - Medic

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Re: Turn 8: Hangar Assault

Post by Dirk Pitt » Sun Jun 12, 2016 10:00 pm

Dirk stepped off the dropship and immediately lit the cigarette that had hung from his lips as the attack took shape. Looking over at Colson he thought about what the Marine had said before speaking. "You want an M41A, grab one. The flame unit never sat well with me for combat..Other than the bugs" He said as he looked around.
<Tag Coleson>

" Sgt. Abdulov, you have second. Orders?" Dirk said as he looked around.
<Tag Sgt Abdulov>
Cpl Dirk Pitt
First squad leader

Pulse Rifle w/ 4 grenades, 8 canister shells
M1911 Colt .45 caliber Sidearm
Smoke Grenade x2
KBAR Combat Knife
Portable Welder
Ithaca Shotgun

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Re: Turn 8: Hangar Assault

Post by maxvale76 » Mon Jun 13, 2016 10:59 pm

Sam looked up when Private McKenna was assigned to her squad to fill in for Roberts and he asked; "Corporal Hall, is there anything I need to know to work well with your squad ma'am?"

Samantha shook her head and in her Carribbean accented voice she replied in mock exasperation; "Only that you realize I work for a living just like you McKenna.....Sam, Samantha, Hall, Corporal, Corp....any of those will do. I'm no officer like 'Blood and Thunder' over there"; she said with a quiet shoulder-shrug at Gruber when she was sure the LT was out of ear-shot. "Of course, I haven't been able to get Mark here-"; she said with a smile and a head-nod at Giosso; "-to stop calling me ma'am either...but let's not add to the epidemic, okay mon?"; she finished to Clint.

Taking on a more serious tone, she said; "No Private, all I ask for is to do your job, look out for your Squad-mates and try to use your head as much as your trigger-finger. I've seen a lot of bad, scary stuff out there; but I'm still convinced that putting rounds where they count, WHEN they count is way more important than the 'shred anything that moves that isn't us' philosophy that many people around seem to have. You pull your weight McKenna and I promise you I'll back you with everything I've got whenever needed. Welcome aboard"; she finished with a serious head-nod.

Then the boarding of the Dropship began and the surreal feeling of knowing you're a part of a battle you can't see began as the missiles flashed and found targets and the Cheyenne maneuvered to avoid incoming all while the marines aboard were just along for the ride. She cringed a bit at the El-tee's excitement as hits were scored; getting the distinct impression that she would DEFINITELY be one of those leaders that was always happy to volunteer her 'heart-breakers and life-takers' for the most dangerous assignments. Hall was NOT feeling better to have such a leader; but there was nothing to do except be a good marine and get the job done.

As they got ready to deploy, she looked over at Boothe with his Flame-Unit and quietly said; "If you want to sling that and go with your Rifle if we're deployed on our own, I'm fine with that".

<Tag McKenna>
<Tag Boothe, Giosso, Clint>
ImageSGT Samantha "Sam" Hall

M41A Pulse Rifle
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Re: Turn 8: Hangar Assault

Post by Pale Rider » Tue Jun 14, 2016 1:12 am

Sergeant Abdullov sat quiet through the trip. He was thinking back to his time in the Corp. He had enlisted at 18 and had spent the last 14 years slogging through the depths of space and even fought a few battles on Terra Firma. When LT Gruber had requested his transfer to the Easy Eights he had gone willingly.
The two of them had served together the past seven years. Each had saved the other's life numerous times, but they had not encountered anything like this mission. The reports on the Eights was that they were a good squad but they seemed to be cursed with intense missions that tended to send people home in black zippered bags or needing medical attention. Now several of their hand picked platoon members were dead turned into some abnormal monstrosity that had tried to kill them. The sad thing was that other humans had done this to them. Now was the time for payback.

"First and Third Squads are with me. We'll go through H1. Sergeant Abdulov will take Second Squad through H2. We're gonna find the ones responsible for this."


" Sgt. Abdulov, you have second. Orders?" Dirk said as he looked around.

"Second squad on me!"

He waited as they fell into a loose formation before him. He had his reticle eye piece down and was viewing their vitals. "Private Terrence, relax this will be a cakewalk. You have Morse and Dirk to protect you." Terrence's pulse was rapid and his blood pressure was a little elevated.

"Gentlemen, we are going to use the classic wedge formation since at this point security is priority. I will take point. Morse, I want you to take my left. Dirk, you will take the right. Coleson, as medic you will follow behind me. Terrence, you are Tail Gun Charlie!"
He looked at each man, his eyes settled on Dirk's eyes. "Corporal Pitt, do you have any alterations you would like to make? After all this is your squad. If not let's go show these sphincter muscles just why y'all are called the Dead Shots!"
<Tag 2nd Squad>

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Re: Turn 8: Hangar Assault

Post by Morse » Tue Jun 14, 2016 3:50 am

As always Morse had a laundry list of protests that he was prepared to make. His distaste for the mission, the foresight of an inevitable failure, the understanding that there would probably be a few of those continuing that would be dead before the end came. It had all become dryly routine to him, and so he'd opted to not voice his immediate concerns when they were given their orders on how to proceed.

He was satisfied with the death shower that had been rained on their enemy thus far, and was more then willing to continue the slaughter himself. If anything he read the initial attack as a justification for their enemy to start shooting back, or at least start taking up defensive positions. And when it came to a hot zone, anything not immediately identified as a civilian, was considered hostile. At least that was Morse's view of the whole thing.

"Coleslaw movin' up to cooker." Morse commented. "That'll show em were here on a good will mission." Morse chuckled. The notion that their medic was holding an incinerator was laughable. As always they were carrying a flamethrower when they were supposedly checking for friendlies. Still it made Morse feel more comfortable.

Morse moved by Colson to give advice. "If we take fire n' you get to wonderin', who's better to save, it or you." Morse mentioned, tapping on the fuel tank underneath the weapon. "This'll be the one circumstance it's best that it aint you." Most of them had been there during the incident that got Dirk burnt up, and that tank had not even been loaded. Morse was speaking in genuine concern for the squad should the entire fuel tank burst.

Believing that they were prepared, Morse checked his ammunition and moved his eyepiece back in front of his right eye. "We're dealin' with ass end Sol'ers here, Dirk." Morse smirked, referencing the idea that they were fighting humans. "Bullet works on em' fine."

Shifting into position on the left, Morse held his Smartgun down range and prepared to move.

< Tag Anyone
Image-SSG Allen Morse - Squad Leader
-3rd Bn, 2nd Reg, 1st Co, 8th Plt
- M41A Pulse Rifle - M4 Pistol - Med Kit
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Re: Turn 8: Hangar Assault

Post by Medic Guy » Tue Jun 14, 2016 5:00 pm

maxvale76 wrote:Samantha shook her head and in her Carribbean accented voice she replied in mock exasperation; "Only that you realize I work for a living just like you McKenna.....Sam, Samantha, Hall, Corporal, Corp....any of those will do. I'm no officer like 'Blood and Thunder' over there"; she said with a quiet shoulder-shrug at Gruber when she was sure the LT was out of ear-shot. "Of course, I haven't been able to get Mark here-"; she said with a smile and a head-nod at Giosso; "-to stop calling me ma'am either...but let's not add to the epidemic, okay mon?"; she finished to Clint.

Taking on a more serious tone, she said; "No Private, all I ask for is to do your job, look out for your Squad-mates and try to use your head as much as your trigger-finger. I've seen a lot of bad, scary stuff out there; but I'm still convinced that putting rounds where they count, WHEN they count is way more important than the 'shred anything that moves that isn't us' philosophy that many people around seem to have. You pull your weight McKenna and I promise you I'll back you with everything I've got whenever needed. Welcome aboard"; she finished with a serious head-nod.
"I'll try to keep track of the ma'am Corporal, but if I slip it's no sign of disrespect, just my raising," Clint replied back to his new squad leader. He took a few moments while they were en route to the next destination and topped off his ammo. He observed Corporal Hall speaking with the other members of first squad and noticed that Boothe didn't have any hair or eyebrows making him look pretty distinctive. I'll have to ask him who does his wax job after we get back from the mission he thought to himself. He saw that Giosso seemed to be tied up in his e-reader and thought that he'd found himself in a pretty good outfit.

As they approached their next target the dropship began bucking around and Clint thought he might need to use his cover as a puke pail momentarily. It wasn't long before he heard several explosions and then they were being ordered out on an assault of a new facility. He shouldered the sniper rifle in a low ready and exited into the hangar seeing several dead humans and assessing the uniforms and equipment they had. The lieutenant ordered first and third squads to go to H1. As they found the doors to both be locked and sealed, he advised that he had his welder with him if they needed it. He figured odds were that Giosso could crack the doors pretty easily through the computer system and the welder wouldn't be needed.

"Should we be using our breathing masks in case there's some other nasty stuff in here? he asked as he pulled his up to where it could be easily applied.

Tag first squad and Lt Gruber
ImageCorporal Clint McKenna
USCM Special Forces Recon Team
Serial Number: L69/EA5.2.31782M9

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Pvt. Isabel Orozco - Rifleman; formerly of the U.S.S. Shiloh Marine Detachment, currently on public relations campaign.
Private Dave Halbert - unknown location

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Re: Turn 8: Hangar Assault

Post by Dirk Pitt » Tue Jun 14, 2016 5:48 pm

Pale Rider wrote:
"Second squad on me!"

He waited as they fell into a loose formation before him. He had his reticle eye piece down and was viewing their vitals. "Private Terrence, relax this will be a cakewalk. You have Morse and Dirk to protect you." Terrence's pulse was rapid and his blood pressure was a little elevated.

"Gentlemen, we are going to use the classic wedge formation since at this point security is priority. I will take point. Morse, I want you to take my left. Dirk, you will take the right. Coleson, as medic you will follow behind me. Terrence, you are Tail Gun Charlie!"
He looked at each man, his eyes settled on Dirk's eyes. "Corporal Pitt, do you have any alterations you would like to make? After all this is your squad. If not let's go show these sphincter muscles just why y'all are called the Dead Shots!"
<Tag 2nd Squad>
Dirk listened to the sergeant's orders with no small degree of satisfaction. He had, during many years in the Corps, seen C.O.'s and NCOIC's come and go and for the most part they all wanted to lead from the rear with the gear. Ready to send both he and his men into combat without getting their manicures dirty. While Dirk had always liked to be first in and last out. Now, this Sargent wanted to take point.
"Thank you Sargent, I'll let you know if I think of anything. For now it seems my people are in good hands." Dirk said as he moved into position to the Sargent's right.
<Tag the Sargent>

Then looking over at Morse he allowed a small grin to cross his lips. "Hay Morse, what do say we keep this one alive this time?" He said jerking his head in the Sargent's direction.
<Tag Morse>
Cpl Dirk Pitt
First squad leader

Pulse Rifle w/ 4 grenades, 8 canister shells
M1911 Colt .45 caliber Sidearm
Smoke Grenade x2
KBAR Combat Knife
Portable Welder
Ithaca Shotgun

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Re: Turn 8: Hangar Assault

Post by Pale Rider » Wed Jun 15, 2016 2:24 am

Jacob grinned at the fellow veteran and turned to walk down the tunnel they were ordered to inspect.
"Hey Doc, how about getting out your handy dandy fish finder and see if you can pin point some fish in a barrel for us to bag and tag!"

<Tag Colson>

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Re: Turn 8: Hangar Assault

Post by maxvale76 » Wed Jun 15, 2016 3:30 pm

Samantha disengaged the safety on her Pulse Rifle, tucked it into her shoulder, made sure her finger was off the trigger but close by and moved up towards the 'H1' entrance that the LT had directed they would move through. In response to Clint's question, she said; "Well, it can't hurt. I'll ask the El-tee." Calling out to her squad-mates she said; "Okay boys; we're gonna move in a 2 by 1 by 1 pattern with me and Boothe up front; Giosso with his motion tracker next and MacKenna; you've got the drag. Watch the corners, ceilings, any shadowy places where people or booby-traps might be hiding. Keep it frosty mon and stay alert"; she finished with more of her Caribbean accent coming through than usual; which tended to happen in tense situations.

When her squad-mates had filed into position, she moved up to Gruber and said; "First Squad ready El-tee; how do you wanna go about this and do we keep on our masks?"

<Tag 1st Squad>
<Tag LT Gruber>
ImageSGT Samantha "Sam" Hall

M41A Pulse Rifle
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Re: Turn 8: Hangar Assault

Post by Whisky » Wed Jun 15, 2016 4:16 pm

Pale Rider wrote:Jacob grinned at the fellow veteran and turned to walk down the tunnel they were ordered to inspect.
"Hey Doc, how about getting out your handy dandy fish finder and see if you can pin point some fish in a barrel for us to bag and tag!"

<Tag Colson>
Colson grunted at the instruction. He wasn't rated to use one but he wasn't about to argue with his Sargent. Turning round to Terrence he slung his and snapped his fingers in the marine's direction. "Here, let's have that tracker then." Taking the tracker off Terrence he started fiddling with some of the controls and couldn't get get anything. "God damn it." He mutter to himself, turning he smacked the tracker against a support strut with a clunk. With a bleepwhoop sound it came on, "Huh, well boss, to start we have to contacts moving away. Tags id them as civies." Colson reported "My left nut they are civies" He muttered to himself afterwards.

Drawing his side arm so he could still use the motion tracker Colson advanced with his squad, weighed down by his SMG, Flamer, tracker and medical kit he started muttering darkly under his breath about being being squad donkey again despite his small frame.

<Tag Sarge
<Tag Terrernce
Pvt. Thomas Colson
2nd Squad - Medic

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Re: Turn 8: Hangar Assault

Post by Quicksilver » Wed Jun 15, 2016 5:01 pm

"Ma'am." Mark noted as acknowledgement as he drew his usual armament of pistol and motion tracker, crossing them in front of him. It was a trick he'd picked up from a cop girlfriend, once upon a time. The main benefit was that it let him keep a very close eye on the 'tracker the whole time. Particularly useful now as it let him notice the soft beep of unmoving people.

"Four contacts, non-moving." Mark announced, pointing towards where they were headed. "Marked civilian – staggered in the hallway."

<Tag - First Squad>
Pvt. Mark Giosso
3rd Bn, 2nd Reg, 1st Co, 8th Plt
Security Systems Master
Communications / Computer and Motion Tracker Operation Expert
Surveillance Equipment Operation Professional

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Re: Turn 8: Hangar Assault

Post by Medic Guy » Thu Jun 16, 2016 1:25 am

Clint took up a position behind Giosso Boothe and Cpl Hall. He flicked his sniper scope over to infrared and took a bead on the ceiling and ducts above and ahead of the squad. The imaging assisted in locating any potential hide holes and hopefully any would be snipers trying to lay out a trap for them. He pulled his breathing mask up and figured it couldn't really hurt. He could see the soft glow of the motion tracker ahead of him in Giosso's hands. "Got your back buddy," as he patted Giosso on the shoulder.

With third squad behind them Clint focused on what was up ahead of him as they prepared to exit the hangar.

Awareness and Scouting
<Tag 1st and Gisso
ImageCorporal Clint McKenna
USCM Special Forces Recon Team
Serial Number: L69/EA5.2.31782M9

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Pvt. Isabel Orozco - Rifleman; formerly of the U.S.S. Shiloh Marine Detachment, currently on public relations campaign.
Private Dave Halbert - unknown location

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Re: Turn 8: Hangar Assault

Post by Corporal Hicks » Thu Jun 16, 2016 6:02 am

The Lieutenant thought about Corporal Hall's questions. Breathers couldn't really hurt, but they already had the plague so it seemed kind of pointless. "They could be civies... but let's not bet our asses on it. Giosso, get that door open if you can. Everyone else stand clear. First Squad stay close to the side, be ready to breach and butcher. If anyone has a flashbang or teargas, now would be a good time." Then, as an afterthought, "Oh and breathers... I don't care. Personal preference."
<Tag Hall/First Squad>
ImageSgtMaj. Danny Sykes - Platoon NCO
USCM Special Forces Recon Team
Serial Number: D26/TQ6.3.48412E9
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Re: Turn 8: Hangar Assault

Post by Medic Guy » Thu Jun 16, 2016 1:43 pm

Corporal Hicks wrote:The Lieutenant thought about Corporal Hall's questions. Breathers couldn't really hurt, but they already had the plague so it seemed kind of pointless. "They could be civies... but let's not bet our asses on it. Giosso, get that door open if you can. Everyone else stand clear. First Squad stay close to the side, be ready to breach and butcher. If anyone has a flashbang or teargas, now would be a good time." Then, as an afterthought, "Oh and breathers... I don't care. Personal preference."
<Tag Hall/First Squad>
"I've got 2 flashbangs and 2 rubber stinger grenades ma'am" Clint replied back hearing the Lt's suggestion. "Ready to deploy whatever's needed on your orders" he continued as he pulled a flashbang up in his left hand.

<Tag Gruber, 1st and 3rd squads
ImageCorporal Clint McKenna
USCM Special Forces Recon Team
Serial Number: L69/EA5.2.31782M9

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Pvt. Isabel Orozco - Rifleman; formerly of the U.S.S. Shiloh Marine Detachment, currently on public relations campaign.
Private Dave Halbert - unknown location


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