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Re: M2T4

Posted: Tue Oct 26, 2010 9:33 am
by Casey
*Confusion was the catch-phrase of the moment, right along side of the prominantly felt retalliation, but it didn't add up, lobbing smoke when they hafta know that the team has their IR pieces, it was suicidal, add that along with their low silhouette thermal readings, and Corporal Valentine had herself a conclusion, which she barked out amongst the hacking and coughing of others, herself included.*

"Synthetics! Chop em' down!"

*Profanity plagued the words she kept to herself then as she dropped to her right knee, that plated pad bunching atop one of the gas spewing cans and sending it clanking to the right of her as she raised her pulse rifle, elevated it enough for an accurate arch and fired off the grenade launcher with a loud 'KER-THUNK!' towards the center of the four bogeys approaching the unit's rear; the goal, of course was to scrap them all in the blast radius.*

"Morse!? What the fuck are they throwing at us?"

*She podded out onto her thigh and glanced left and right at the second set of projectiles, hoping to make it out before whatever the hell it was got up to bite them in the ass.*

<Roll grenade launcher round, awareness>

<Tag Morse, Marines>

Re: M2T4

Posted: Tue Oct 26, 2010 10:52 pm
by Morse
Morse watched as the strange canisters land near them and start spitting up smoke. Of course Morse wasn't sure what this was, but wasn't above using whatever protect means he had. He reached up under his helmet and pulled down his bandanna over his mouth and nose. He pushed his head forwards a little bit to all the pressure to hold the bandanna in place. It wouldn't do much of anything if the gas was serious, but he felt like giving a try. He squeezed out a burst quickly after

"Fuck knows, fuck cares, fuck em up!" Morse said simply in response to Caseys question. He had no idea what was being tossed at them. He just took a knee and started laying down a heavy spray at whatever was in front of them. He had never activated his IR eyepiece, he'd always refused to do so. So he'd hope for the best, holding down the trigger, hoping that he could hit something with the 300 rounds in his weapon

< Roll M41A-E2

Re: M2T4

Posted: Wed Oct 27, 2010 6:45 am
by Obi
As the tunnel began to fill with a thick hazy smoke that was being emitted from the canister's that had been tossed out of the darkness, Obi watched as Quinn flicked of the ignition flame on his M240 and sprayed the mine tunnel's wall's, ground and roof with pressurised naplam. Nice touch. Obi thought in approval of the medic's tactic. Raising his rifle to his shoulder, Obi peered down the sight's as humanoid silhouette's appeared in the smoke.
Quinn barked "HARD CONTACT!" and washed the area that he had saturated with unlit flamer fuel with a blast from his own flamer, sending the area up in, well, flames.
The sound of rifle fire and the heavy report of a Smartgun opening up echoed throughout the mine tunnel as Quinn shouted and let loose with a burst from his flame thrower, igniting the already napalm soaked tunnel. Obi turned his head away from the searing heat as his world in front of him disappeared in a wall of fire....

Re: M2T4

Posted: Fri Oct 29, 2010 2:02 am
by Dirk Pitt
Dirk saw what was happening and he didn't like it. Unknowns advancing under cover of smoke meant only one thing,, Attack. Spitting out his cigarette he raised his M-41A and aimed at the movement that could be seen in the smoke.

"Open fire, hold the line" Dirk shouted into the comm as he got ready for combat
<Tag 2nd squad>

As the inside of the tunnel was illuminated by the brief flashes of weapons fire and the napalm spray of the flamethrowers, Dirk added his own fire to the mix. Pulling the trigger of his pulse rifle he sent a steady stream of 10mm death at the advancing enemy

Re: M2T4

Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2010 11:37 am
by Darkblade Bug
The moment he saw the smoke grenades, Sam Jack Dunn immediately let go of his Smartgun with his right hand and fished into a webbing pouch he kept especially for situations like this. He grabbed what he was looking for and strapped his chopped-up gasmask to his face, a drill he'd practised constantly until he was able to do it blind - handy, as his eyes were facing the front. The mask only covered his nose and mouth, but he was fine with that - he had some goggles he could strap on too if it turned out to be an eye-effecting gas. If smoke grenades were on the books, he didn't doubt chemical warfare was a risk as well.

By the time he was done, 1.83 seconds after his hand left the Smartgun, he saw the first targets. They weren't as visible as he would have liked, the damn smoke was messing with his sensors and trackers, but they were definitely humanoid shapes. Not much heat - that might have been the smoke, but Sam Dunn suspected something was wrong. Either way, he saw they were armed and that made them targets - no civilian advanced on Colonial Marines with grenades and guns without expecting a gunfight. Well, that was what he was going to give them.

From his position, hidden in the darkness, he waited for a moment, sweeping his weapon left to right and making sure the crosshair flew over each target at the pass. He was in concealment, so he could afford to time it right. When he was sure his first burst would hit every one of the bastards in the center of mass, he let his thumb press down on the forward trigger (left hand), and swept the M56D Smartgun from left to right in a long burst, hoping to hit as many as he could, but more importantly hoping to pin the enemy down so that Dirk could pick them off.

Four targets, one tunnel, and a Smartgun at close range. Sam almost felt sorry for these bastards as he hosed them down with a controlled burst of fire. He didn't let his mind totally remain on the targets in front of him, however. He knew these guys could well easily be bait - so he kept an eye on his motion tracker and surroundings. Just in case.


"Hard contact, Sergeant. Four hostiles - IR readings indicate synths. That means we could be dealing with bait - recommend we keep our eyes peeled." He didn't need to shout, he just spoke loudly and clearly so that everyone on the same comm channel as him could hear. After all, they all had radio headsets in those helmets of theirs for a reason.
<Tag Dirk Pitt & 2nd Squad>
<Tag 2nd Squad>

Re: M2T4

Posted: Fri Nov 12, 2010 9:23 pm
by maxvale76
May 22nd, 2180; 0521 HRs; Vaxian Mine Tunnels, Colony World of Forge; Alexandria Sector

The odd shaped bundles hurled by the advancing figures proved to be powerfull flashbangs. The went off with a series of deafening concussions; the devastatingly loud sounds amplified by the narrow tunnels. At the same time; the extreme bright flashes of light seared the vision of the marines and within moments the Marines were all on the ground; unconscious or in a shocked and twitching helpless state.

Before they fell victim to the grenades; several of the marines had the satisfaction of seeing thier LAPET rounds shred what proved to be androids and Quinn has the pleasure of practically melting one with his flamer. The handfull of marines who were conscious could see the surviving androids; all the same model; a slim, dark haired and very pale model with sad-looking eyes; come and pick them up and throw them over thier shoulders. More moved in and collected thier weapons and equipment and they all began moving down the tunnel that had branched off to the right. The soon came to a large room with numerous high-tech computer consoles and several armed men wearing armor labelled with the distinctive mercenary symbols of the "Reavers" company. In the midst of all of this was one rather maniacal-looking dark-skinned man with a mane of wild gray hair; the 'mad-scientist' who had clearly re-programmed the androids and who was studying the xeno-morphs for BioCyte; Doctor Grant...

Re: M2T4

Posted: Sat Nov 20, 2010 12:24 am
by Quinn
(continuing slightly)

Everyone noticed that they were sitting down with their hands restrained behind their back and their ankles tied together. Doctor Grant looked them over the same way one would look over cattle.

"It seems that the Marines simply don't learn." he smiled at the strike team. "You're the second of three teams the Corps has sent in. It appears that I'll have to move my installation again."

He looked to the team of mercenaries. "Move them to the holding cells."

The Easy Eights were roughly handled and shoved into a single large holding cell. There were several other figures inside.

Re: M2T4

Posted: Sat Nov 20, 2010 2:32 am
by Obi
From his position Obi watched as the canister bounced once, twice and then detonated in an almighty flash and bang. Dropping his rifle, Obi clamped his hands over his ears, squeezed his eyes shut and staggered about. Disorientation over took him as he tried to fight the effects of the flash bang. Dropping to his knees he groped about blindly for his rifle, tears streaming from his eyes combined with blurred vision made the task almost impossible. Feeling the familiar shape of the pistol grip on the Pulse Rifle Obi tried to raise it weakly as a figure loomed over him. Shaking his head in a vain attempt to combat the effects of the flashbang, Obi's vision cleared enough to see the figure cock back a fist before it slammed down lightening fast and connected with his jaw. Obi eyes rolled back and he slumped to the ground as darkness over took him.......

The cold sensation of a metal deck pressing into his face, was the first thing that Obi noticed as he slowly came too. Trying to lift his head weakly he realised that he was laying on his side as his jaw and the entire left side of his face was throbbing in a dull pain. His attempt's to right himself were hampered even further as some part of his brain realised that his hand's and ankle's were bound together.
"three team's the Corps has sent in. It appears that I'll have to move my installation again."
Said a strange voice in a slightly mocking tone, as Obi opened his eyes slowly as he tried to identify it. His vision blurred, Obi could only make out figures before he felt himself being hauled roughly to his feet.

The strange voice spoke again.
"Move them to the holding cell's."
As Obi found himself being launched through the air and his face slamming into the hard metal floor, and once again his vision wavered and darkness over took him and he knew no more....

Re: M2T4

Posted: Sun Nov 21, 2010 5:42 pm
by Duncan
Duncan sat in the cell, working on the duct tape around his wrists. He had found that working the edge of the tape against the edge of his boot's sole was the most effective means of removing the restraints, given the lack of tools. The guards regularly replaced the tape, but he had managed get the entire thing off once or twice. Usually, they just sent the synthetics to wrestle him down so they could tape him back up. However, having a task kept him sane and motivated for whenever a moment might present itself.

The sound of footsteps caused Duncan to position his body so he could slide his legs through the loop of his arms, so they would be in their original position behind his back. All things being equal, he didn't want to lose the progress he had made.

The cell door opened and the guards began shoving people inside. From the look of their field uniforms, they were also Marines. The first one tossed in hit the floor hard. Duncan rocked himself to his feet and scuttled over towards new guy. Rolling him on to his back with foot, Duncan looked for the man's name, as well checking his for any obvious injuries.

"O'Brien. Corporal O'Brien. Can you hear me?"


Re: M2T4

Posted: Mon Nov 22, 2010 6:04 pm
by Morse
The gas had filled up the entire tunnel, and there was no way around it. Morse's bandanna seemed to have provided a limited amount of protection from the gas. However what strange tolerance he had for the iron burn drink he kept in his pocket, had absolutely no bearing here. He just fell backwards, his finger on the trigger releasing a final burst, though it wasn't likely to hit anything. He was out flat, and that was all there was to it.

He final began to regain consciousness, and he was being held over someones shoulder. It was apparently one of those robots from earlier as it was holding him up without issue. Granted he wasn't a very heavy person, but with his gear it would be rather hard. He tried to move his hands and feet, realizing they were bound. A sort snide concession came into his mind, as he determined that his situation was utterly hopeless. "Fuck." He said with a bitter smile on his face, as he was taken to where ever.

They finally reached what he determined to be a holding cell. Morse was dropped down flat on his stomach. He came down with a clump, turning his face to the side so his helmet would take more of the hit. It did, but it was still an uncomfortable landing. "Ow. You asshole." Morse said in sarcastic sort of way. It hadn't hurt that much, but he didn't like it. He remained sitting on his stomach and looked and saw there were some other figures in the room.

He started to laugh in a sort of disbelief of what was happening. He thought about the other marines that were being dropped off. "Hey Sarge." Morse said still laying on his stomach. He could have rolled himself over and sat up, but he really wasn't feeling like it. "I'm thinkin' I'm in the wrong line a work. Requestin' permission go AWOL sir!" Morse said, really to anyone. But every thought he'd ever had about deserting came right to his head that very moment. Part of him actually thought he was dead, and this was limbo.