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Character Ages/Returning to Play

Posted: Sun Jan 06, 2013 9:30 pm
by Pale Rider
If I may step over my status on the board these days I would like to make these suggestions:
1. Morris is correct in stating that the time lines have danced around. Based on the info that I could find from my first time playing the timeline was 2180, then some of the games coming later were classified as 2179. So that is no help.
2. Once Nick has returned and Quinn has setup the Roster based on actually people playing I will gladly establish an age that fits the current setting. Since we are playing with James as being a previous member of the unit it only fits that he would be older.
3. If Quinn can give me his character's age based on our first time playing together and current, I will gladly add two years to James age above his character's age. Age is simply a thing, however; if James were to be 60 I don't think he would be all that spry! :P

Also I will be typing up my replies tonight to the posts from Quinn and Dirk Pitt. I have been training a new inspector for the property that I work at and have not had the free time to really post or read anything. Sorry for the delays. But I really want to play with ya'll again. I don't want to run the board again, but I will gladly assist in anyway possible!!!! So those who are moderating the sight please don't think I am back to take over. Simply let me help where I can and I will gladly do what I can. Nick has always done a great job here and he is a good judge of character on whom he gets to help him.

Thank you and good night!!!

Charles H. Tucker
James Screaming Eagle

Re: Character Ages/Returning to Play

Posted: Mon Jan 07, 2013 1:06 am
by maxvale76
Doh! I wish I had seen this post before I responded to the other thread.....basically; you'll see my thoughts on this matter over there...and they are ones I've expressed in similar threads over the past few years; so they probably sound annoyingly repetitive to others on these apologies for that! :)

In essence; I believe that most USCM characters would be older at pretty much every rank than their present-day equivalents. Off the top of my head; I'd say a Master SGT (an E-8 rank); in the USCM would most likely be in their 40s.

Al Matthews (the actor who played Apone) was 43-44 when filming Aliens; and he is somewhere between an E-5 and a E-7 in rank (see my other post for this). If we allow for a few years in either direction based on appearance (i.e. someone looking older/younger than they are) and DON'T indulge in too much "he was demoted for insubordination....twice" speculation; it would seem to follow that we could say reasonably that senior NCOs in the USCM are likely to have served for 20-25+ years; and this would place them solidly in their 40s.

OF COURSE; there is always the possibility of early promotions/combat promotions; but either way; using the Movie as a guide; I'd highly doubt an E-8 would be much less than late 30s in age. Now; this is just my two cents; and Nick is of course the final arbiter....I just thought I'd throw my reasoning out there. Take it/leave it as you like; in the end; I'm just here to game and have a good time! :)

Re: Character Ages/Returning to Play

Posted: Mon Jan 07, 2013 1:33 am
by Pale Rider
Amen! All I want is to have fun. Rank is irrelevant to me as is age. I will gladly play him at my actual age of 42. Lol

Re: Character Ages/Returning to Play

Posted: Mon Jan 07, 2013 8:16 am
by Morse
Why does everyone say Morris? This happens like 4 times a year. Anyway, my only real concern is the chain of command. Pale Rider is substantially higher rank then Quinn, but he's also been out for years. And the current platoon is set and knows Quinn. Personally I would demote everyone that isn't acting Sergeant to Private, PFC's, Lance Corporal, and Corporal like we had for a while, but that's just me. I think there being like 3 sergeants + an ex sergeant running 4 corporals and like 2 active privates is funky. - But its just me, I just need to know who I blame for the decisions (I say decisions, because as far as Morse is concerned they're all bad)

- Also, in case you didn't see, this takes place some time after Gateway. At least long enough for all wounds sustained to have been healed

Re: Character Ages/Returning to Play

Posted: Mon Jan 07, 2013 2:04 pm
by Pale Rider
Sorry Morse!!!!

Re: Character Ages/Returning to Play

Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2013 5:11 pm
by Nick
Quinn is still platoon Sergeant and should still be the highest ranking player character. We will adjust Screaming Eagles rank and age until it fits with the concept of the game.


Re: Character Ages/Returning to Play

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2013 10:58 pm
by Quinn
Couldn't get out of being platoon Sergeant again. *snaps fingers* Damn! :D

Anyway, I've seen Quinn as being in his mid-thirties, but I've never given a hard age on him.

Re: Character Ages/Returning to Play

Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2013 11:13 pm
by Obi
As long as you don't start Morris dancing Morse I think we will all be ok. :)

Just a question, does the USCMC ranks run off the current US Marine Corps rank structure?



Re: Character Ages/Returning to Play

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2013 2:42 pm
by Pale Rider
Morse, I hope you understand that I am just playing James the way I invision him. I have no true problems with your character's feelings as a matter of fact it is not to disimilar to how many veterans felt during Vietnam when a fresh faced LT would come in to run the platoons. It wouldn't be too long before the new LT learned to accept the wisdom of the Older and more experienced Sergeant.
Quinn is still platoon Sergeant and should still be the highest ranking player character. We will adjust Screaming Eagles rank and age until it fits with the concept of the game.
And as stated in the game post once we have our rank and file in order James will fall in wherever it may be. ;D

Re: Character Ages/Returning to Play

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2013 5:57 pm
by Morse
No I know. I'm not exactly one who doesn't aknowledge rank. But Morse is not me. Unfortunately your gonna have some serious problems with him for a while because you 'over stepped' as far as he's concerned. Which is good, because it just wouldn't be Morse if he didn't hate someone in the platoon. All I can say is, fun times ahead.

Re: Character Ages/Returning to Play

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2013 4:09 pm
by maxvale76
I think a better question might be; who does Morse NOT hate in the platoon? :)

(Samantha: "Whoa now Morse; point that Smartgun at somebody else that new senior NCO who just ticked you off!")

Re: Character Ages/Returning to Play

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2013 5:02 pm
by Morse
He's never had a problem Dirk, and hasn't had one with capone so far. I'd say others, but I remember that Morse used to spit at Obi for suggestions he'd make years ago. In general, few get through without some altercation with him.

Re: Character Ages/Returning to Play

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2013 5:27 pm
by maxvale76
I'm sure Morse is a BIG hit with the ladies as well! :)

I'm glad so far Sam seems to be on the "okay" list! :) Just in case anybody missed it; please know that I am just joking! (I figured I was being pretty obvious, but just thought I'd cover my bases!)

Re: Character Ages/Returning to Play

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2013 5:36 pm
by Apachetear
Would 25 be an acceptable rank for my character? (seeing as that is my age)

Re: Character Ages/Returning to Play

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2013 10:05 pm
by Pale Rider
Apachetear wrote:Would 25 be an acceptable rank for my character? (seeing as that is my age)
Jacob, if you are playing the same one as previous, then you would be closer to James age. LOL