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Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2009 7:16 pm
by Nick
2179 AD, 28th September
Location: CSC Sector, Saint John, Anubis station, Sub level 1
Mission timer: 00:00:34:18

The fire flickered in front of section 2 (squad 3 and 4), casting morbid and twisting shadows on the locker room hallways walls. The Marines eyes where transfixed on the far end of the hallway, except for those who carried motiontrackers - Their eyes darted nervously between the tracker and the junction beyond the flames. The air over the fire distorted from the heat. Moments later the Marines could hardly believe their eyes what appeared in front of them.

At the far end of the hallway a large, almost eliptical, grey head slowly and gracefully floated into the junction. The head was mounted on a skeletal body that moved with utter grace, almost cat like. The alien was large, much larger than a full grown man. The creature hesitated, it seemed reluctant to move closer to the flames that where slowly fading. Transfixed by the creature the Marines all held their breaths, only the blipping of the motion tracker was heard. All in all only three or or four seconds had passed, then the creature saw the marines. Without the slightest warning the alien sprung and came flying through the corridor with a hiss, it's huge tail raised in the air above it like a scorpion ands it's teeth and claws glistening. All Marines fired simultaenously and the enormous crescendo almost knocked the wind out of the marines in the cramped area. The alien was struck all over instanteousy and it's head shattered like a smashed egg, it's body covered in flickering flashes of exploding armour-piercing-explosive tipped rounds. The remains crashed down into the almost dead flames of the incinerator, instantly a huge plume of white smoke started to rise from the body and around it.

The Marines didn't get much of a chance before two other aliens entered the corridor in a bull rush, one of them running effortlessly upside down in the low roof clawing inch deep into the steel plating.

The Marines of Section 1 (Squads 1 and 2) followed the action on their motion trackers and by their radios. They heard the awesome clattering avalanche of gunfire echoing through the corridors. Suddenly two contacts broke lose from the main group and closed in on the generator room.


Re: M2T9

Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2009 11:39 pm
by Dirk Pitt
Dirk waited as the fire burned, casting an eerrie light in the dark corridor. He was about to request permition to move forward a bit when he saw it..

It was unlike anything he had ever seen. So much larger than the thing that had burst out of the woman's chest. It moved from the darkness gracefully, stopping at the edge of the dieing fire, but not like an anmial. More like a person finding something new. Then things changed.

It sprang at the Marines with shocking speed. Nothing can move that fast he thought as he opened fire at the same time as the other Marines trring the thing apart, but it wasn'e over. Two other things followed .

"Contact.. Open fire!" He yelled  as he opened fire.

Re: M2T9

Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2009 11:53 pm
by Morse
Morse watched as the hellish figure walked into their hallway. It was like somethin from Dr. Sueses satanist cousin Drew. It had a weird black cucumber shaped head, and was like some crazy bug dog thing. He'd never seen anything like it, and he had seen all kinds of animals back in Marlon.

Christ on cracker, what the fuck is that thing. Morse said dropping the flask he had offered Johnson moments ago. He picked it up and quickly put it in his pocket. As he was doing it he was positioning his M41A and opened fire.

< Tag 4th and 3rd Squad
< Roll M41A

Re: M2T9

Posted: Fri Apr 10, 2009 1:54 am
by MI_trooper
looking down at his motion tracker pvt lippa yelled "two contacts up ont he northan hallway, was anyone assigned to that door!!"

<tag 1st and 2nd squad

he then peered in the direction of the hallway with his shotgun pointed down range, if he saw anything that wasnt wearing tan or green he would blast it on sight

"here you little fuckers i got a present for ya"
(im still at the doorway im just tilitng my body so i can see the edge of the northern door)

Re: M2T9

Posted: Fri Apr 10, 2009 5:00 am
by Raider65
Aye Cpl, Engaging the one on the roof!! 

Erik swung the Smartgun on it's pivot and as he did he switched to full auto and "super" for the ammo. He wasn't going to take any chances with these things. He was having difficulty getting a sustained lock so he went to manual dumb mode. But with the Smartgun being on auto that should make up for the lack of the smart mode's help in aiming.

He lined up on the one on the ceiling and sqeezed the trigger, bracing for the recoil of a sustained burst of full auto fire.

OOC: Smartgun, manual aim, full auto 30 round burst, projectile contact/impact detonation. roll Sg skill.

Re: M2T9

Posted: Fri Apr 10, 2009 6:01 am
by Obi
The contact closing on their position, O'Brien realised that the wall of flames negated the effect of his thermal vision on his M42s scope.  Hmm, IR low light mode will be useless aswell, just have to switch to normal and hope the flames illuminate whatever is heading our way. 

Maintaining his kneeling position he waited patiently for the contact to close.  His patience was rewarded in a way he possibly couldn't imagine in his wildest nightmares.  The creature glided out of the darkness, its unnatural form highlighted from the flickering fire giving it an even more of a hellish appearance. 

O'Briens jaw dropped, the marine was transfixed by the apparition that had appeared seemingly out of nowhere.  He was snapped back into reality with the command of open fire.  Taking a sight picture through his scope he centred the crosshairs on the things unnatural form and squeezed the trigger, feeling the recoil, he allowed the sight to come back onto the centre of seen mass and fired delibrate shots again and again.

"Jesus H Christ, what the fuck are those things?! Obi screamed to make himself heard of the roar of the combined fire of 2 Section.  "Fuck, they can climb, its on the ceiling, on the ceiling! 

Adjusting his aim on the creature clawing its way across the ceiling of the corridor, O'Brien maintained a deliberate rate of fire.  17, 18, 19, 20 click.   He mentally counted off the rounds fired from his weapon.  Upon firing his twentieth and last, his left hand was a blur as it hit the magazine release and let it drop from the rifle to the floor, reaching down with his left, he opened his ammo pouch extracted another magazine and slapped it home into the rifle.  Taking a sight picture through his scope he noticed the first alien was a crumbled heap on the floor, with white whispy smoke arising from its body and floor around it.  He shouted as he pointed to the things body,  "What the fuck is going on with that?!"

With not a moment to lose Obi continued to pour a delibrate rate of fire down the passage way.

Re: M2T9

Posted: Fri Apr 10, 2009 8:51 am
by Kurosaki, Ichigo
Kurosaki was bored. What the fuck were they doing here? He thought. He was about to turn to Sergeant Dugan and say something when one of his charges, Private Lippa yelled out...
MI_trooper wrote: looking down at his motion tracker pvt lippa yelled "two contacts up ont he northan hallway, was anyone assigned to that door!!"

Kurosaki turned to Lippa, grabbing his shoulder.

"Put the shotgun away! The pellets will hit the generator! Use your SMG!" Kurosaki yelled out, practically in Lippa's ear.

"Fuck, we need an incinerator!" Kurosaki yelled. "Does anyone got any?"

Re: M2T9

Posted: Fri Apr 10, 2009 3:05 pm
by Apachetear
Jacob blinked when the creature emerged. He shook his head - was he seeing right?

Then he saw it explode in a spray of blood.

Settling down he started aiming at the creatures, pulling off 3 round bursts as close to the centre of their elongated heads as he could.

He could barely hear the marines over the gunfire, so instead started laughing to himself. The adrenaline rush and the glee at the break of tension releasing itself all at once. He remained that way, chuckling at firing - knowing his marines were well trained, and well placed, even weird things like this would only be questioned after they'd reduced said things to so many carcasses.

Re: M2T9

Posted: Fri Apr 10, 2009 11:45 pm
by MI_trooper
AI sir!! if the contacts keep comming waht should we do sir!?

pvt lippa slinged his shotgun checked his motion tracekr and then pulled out his SMG flipped the safety off then got back into firing position.

<roll awaerness and motion tracker

sir what do you think we are up agianst? from my tracker they move at incredably great speeds.

<tag Kurosaki and 1st and 2nd squad

Re: M2T9

Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2009 8:31 pm
by Ranger2011
"Christ!" Johnson screamed in terror at the thing moments before it exploded. "What the fuck?" Two more of the things came down the hallway at the Marines and Johnson didn't hesitate to loose his ammo on one.

Re: M2T9

Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2009 11:41 pm
by Obi
Ranger2011 wrote: "Christ!" Johnson screamed in terror at the thing moments before it exploded. "What the fuck?"
"What the fuck indeed mate!  Obi screamed back at Johnson while continuing to maintain his deliberate fire as quickly as he could centre the crosshairs of his scope on the creatures.  "More flame guys, burn those fuckers!

OOC:  How many aliens are we up against?

Re: M2T9

Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2009 11:47 pm
by Raider65
"Morse take the one on the floor if you can" yelled Erik into his comm mic.  He was using his training and walking the rounds to the target he'd picked for the attention of the Smartgun.

They sure are ugggly.  He had to bring down the one from the ceiling as quickly as he could. Just looking at their fluid and sinister movements had him braking out in a sweat.

Re: M2T9

Posted: Sun Apr 12, 2009 4:57 am
by Morse
Changin target. Morse said without thinking. He was a medic, and not the best in combat fighter. Eric was holding the smart gun, so if he wanted him to take a different target he'd do it. But Morse was trying to figure out what these things were. Some kind of mutant? He had worked on all sorts of animals, and studied all kinds of human anatomy but this thing was something he didn't understand at all. He continued firing bursts at the one on the floor.

<Tag Eric
< Roll Burst fire on targets

Re: M2T9

Posted: Sun Apr 12, 2009 5:05 pm
by Tyler Ishizawa
As Ishizawa cleared the men's locker room, he then took up position in the doorway and aimed his pulse rifle down the hall. He glanced over to his left, into the woman's change room, and saw what all the previous commotion was about.

2 corpses, one of which was now a smoldering mess, and even from across the hall Ishizawa could make out the gaping holes in each woman's chest. By now, the stench of the burnt flesh entered his nostrils. He gagged, but he did his best to ignore the smell as the marines with the trackers counted down the remaining meters. Then, it appeared.

A strange creature, unlike any other he had seen before. Staring at it, the thing then began to charge, and Ishizawa whipped up his pulse rifle and fired a burst at the creature, although a little later than the others. "What the fuck was that...", he whispered to himself as he stared at the mangled corpse of the creature. Almost immediately after, 2 more began rushing down the hallway.

"Let em have it 3rd!", he yelled as he fired bursts at the creature charging down the hallway.

Re: M2T9

Posted: Sun Apr 12, 2009 6:27 pm
by Ranger2011
"There on the ceiling get it!" Johnson screamed repeatedly as the two creatures rapidly closed the distance on the Marines. He took one hand off the Pulse Rifle and pointed at the one on the ceiling. "Don't let it get too close Marines. Bring it down! Bring it down!" He let loose another burst of his Pulse Rifle.