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Posted: Sat Apr 04, 2009 9:00 am
by Nick
2179 AD, 28th September
Location: CSC Sector, Saint John, Anubis station, Sub level 1
Mission timer: 00:00:32:38

Squad 3 and 4 slowly inched their way towards the solid contact in the womens locker room. Meanwhile Squad 1 and 2 entered the life support / generator area.

The life support / generator area seemed to be source of the fire, everything in here was charred black from intense heat. The large square generators loomed in the corner of the room. The smell of burnt plastic was almost overwhelming and the clouds of whirling particles drifted across the floor from some draft nearby.

Squad 4 got up to point as they had the most firepower and filed up outside the entrance to the locker room to make entry. The tracker signal was still solid and only seemed to move slightly. Cpl Pitt pointed at Stormhurst and Morse and they moved past him and turned their lights off and instead flicked down their IR visions. Pitt flicked on his incinerator unit, the small bluish flame hissed anticipatingly casting a faint light around them.  Morse and Stormhurst gave eachother a glance and then burst into the room moving towards the contact, rifles at shoulder.

The locker room had been somewhat spared by the fire, although it was covered in the fine powdery ash as the rest of the floor. The lockers covered the long sides of the room and several of the lockers stood open, the floor covered in litter and something else. It looked like some kind of resin, it glittered in the IR vision of the marines.

As they moved further down the room the residue got thicker until they reach the far end of the room where it covered the whole wall. In the middle of the wall two female hung as it melted into the resin, they where both ghastly pale. One of them moved slightly.

The Marines neared her and Pitt was just about to contact her when she made the most horrible sound they had ever heard, a roaring high pitched cry quickly transforming into a guttural bubbling. A fountain of blood shot out from her nose, mouth and even eyes as she was clawed open from inside. Just where her collarbones met on her chest a blood soaked small head with silvery glistening fangs appeared, shrieking wildly as it tried to free itself from its host.

They all reacted at the same time, Morse and Stormhurst let loose with their M41 and M56 respectively while Pitt let a stream of fire engulf the corpse and critter.

The little horror screamed a high pitched wailing that pierced their ears and almost hurt. It kept on for several seconds before a slug severed it's head in a yellow and grey explosion of tissue and blood. The human corpse heaved and rattled under the merciless barrage of slugs impacting her body.

The sound of the last round echoed through the facility and an almost deafening silence replaced it. Only the crackling of the burning hair of the woman was all that could be heard. A sickening smell of burnt flesh and hair was spread in the room.

Squad 1 and 2 heard the distant bursts of fire, both the M41 quick rattle and the heavier M56 staccato. Sergeant Dugan was just about to open up his com when Pvt Patch interrupted him. "Contact...several...can't lock in. Wait...there...multiple contact heading this way. 75 meters and closing. Fast..."


Re: M2T8

Posted: Sat Apr 04, 2009 9:49 am
by eyeball
patch briskly moved to the corner of the long corridor heading towards the generator sweeping the motion scanner to get a good fix on the targets.
multiple signals, good strength 75, 70, 65 meters closing bloody fast, too fast to be a person even running, signal still clean.. 60 meters.. from the lifts too sub level two, someone get that smart gun up here and tell me what the god damn shooting was about!!

patch checked his saftey was off, someone had started shooting, chances of hostiles was extremely high...

weapons free sarge? patch asked over the comms

(roll motion tracker and perception)

Re: M2T8

Posted: Sat Apr 04, 2009 10:06 am
by Apachetear
"Pitt. Stormhurst. Outside this room and move back so that you aren't visible from doorway to this room, or the one across the corridor with your flamer and smartgun now. I want you to burn the corridor as added insurance for the smartgun. If it gets too heavy, fall back into this room."

Jacob lent down and lit a cigarette off of the starter flame from the incinerator unit.

Turning round he pointed at another marine.

"Morse, check those 2 poor girls, see if the other one has a hole in her chest - if she doesn't, put a bullet in her head and then a few in her chest. I don't want a distraction when we've got contacts. When you're done head over to the doorway and crouch infront of Johnson...Listen to his orders when I get to them in order to know what you're doing."

He looked for the next marine he'd had in mind...exhaling through his nose - his eyes flashed with a drive and determination. The fear was gone now, replaced with a sense of purpose...

"Mongo, go prone in front of Dirk and Stormhurst, tell 'em whats coming by looking down your scope - feel free to take shots as well!"

Pinching the bridge of his nose he thought for a second...

"Johnson, get to the doorway and aimed as best as possible down the corridor from the doorway - dont move outside, there's a smartgun in the hall that'll hit you as much as them! O Brien, take up position on the opposite side, so we can hit any that make it past these doors - we're in a natural chokepoint, lets make them understand how one is meant to be used!"

"Monks, mirror O Brien in the room across the hall - I'll be mirroring Johnson. Tyler, I want you to explore the room we're entering. Put a bullet in the head and chest of anyone you find if they don't look well. I can't be bothered with playing the good guy at the moment...give constant motion tracker updates, when you're done I'll crouch and you can fire over my head."

Flicking his comm switch as he moved into position he commed to Dugan

"We're taking up defensive positions, I'll inform you as to any developments."

Taking another drag on his cigarette, Jacob smiled grimly. This would be interesting...

(OOC: Have done picture, will add later if I can work out how...)

Re: M2T8

Posted: Sat Apr 04, 2009 1:05 pm
by Obi
Maintaining his position as the rearguard for 4th and 3rd squads, Obi kept a constant scan of the passage way through the rifles scope.  The stale air tingled with anticipation as 4th squad made their entry into the female locker room.    Passage way still clear  His thoughts were interrupted by a piercing blood chilling scream that was quickly silenced by the sudden burst of automatic pulse rifle fire mixed with the deeper sounding smartgun and the dull   swoosh   of a flamethrower completed the fury being unleashed.

Breaking out in an icy sweat he kept eyes on down the passageway, he shouted over his shoulder to 3rd sqd, " what the frigging hell is going on in there?!"

His comm burst alive, the voice of WO Honeysett booming in his ear piece.  Listening attentively, O'Brien concentrated as the WO rattled off movement and position orders to the marines.  Hearing his own name and position he moved quickly.  "This is O'Brien, in position Sir."

O'Brien dropped to one knee, with the rifle braced up against the door frame to offer further stability.  Heart racing, he took deep breaths and tried to slow his breathing.    Calm, slow down, you won't hit a thing breathing like this.    He told himself, keeping a visual through the scope, he paid no heed as the other marines quickly and took up their assigned positions.  With his heart still racing at a hundred klicks per hour, O'Brien waited for a target to appear in his rifles crosshairs.

Re: M2T8

Posted: Sat Apr 04, 2009 2:15 pm
by Dirk Pitt
Apachetear wrote: "Pitt. Stormhurst. Outside this room and move back so that you aren't visible from doorway to this room, or the one across the corridor with your flamer and smartgun now. I want you to burn the corridor as added insurance for the smartgun. If it gets too heavy, fall back into this room."
Dirk was almost in shock as he watched the two girls burn. What the fuck was that thing that came out of her and how the hell did it get in there? he wondered for a moment. The orders coming brought him back.

"Roger that. Burn the corridor, fall back if it gets to heavy" Dirk repeted as he got looked away from the burning bodies at last.

Slapping Stormhurst hard on the back he moved out of the room towards the corridor. Moving quickly so they could cut off what ever was coming.

Once there he let loose a stream of liquid fire, watching it burn as it lit up the darkness. Shutting down the flame unit he slung it and got his pulse rifle ready as he waited for contact.

Re: M2T8

Posted: Sat Apr 04, 2009 4:50 pm
by Morse
Morse was sickened by what had just happened. Being a medic he'd seen plenty a people have a bullet rip through them, but this wasn't anything like that. He checked his M41A, 86 rounds is what it showed, and that wasn't a surprise, that thing that jumped out scared the SHIT out of him. He felt some warm liquid hit his face when it happened. He touched his face. In the IR-EYE, it let off a slight glow and he could tell it was the womans blood.

Morse slowly put his hand on the second woman. There as suspected there was a hole. Morse then slowly put his hand on and inside the hole on the second womans chest, since the first one now was just a burnt crisp with about 30 holes in it this was the only one left he could check. It was horrible, that thing had buried itself well inside of the chest cavity, right around the heart and lungs somewhere, but he couldn't get a specific. About 6 ribs had been just cleaved straight out. If there was a painful way to go, that would probably be it.

He quickly removed his hand and wiped it with an alcohal based rag from his med-kit. 

Thats just God Dang disgustin. This womans had the same thing happen to her, i figure it about an hour before we got here. Morse said, walking back to the one who had told him to check.

< Tag Jacob

He then walked outside and crouched just outside the doorway as instructed. He was there before Johnson it seemed, course he'd be right behind him in about a second or two he guessed. He wasn't very shaken up, the thing poppen out just scared him because of the unexpected nature of it.

He reached into his pocket, where his new flask sat. Well what the sergeant don't know, probably aint gonna hurt to bad. Morse said taking a heavy drink from it. Then slapping it back in his pocket quickly.

Re: M2T8

Posted: Sun Apr 05, 2009 12:41 am
by Dugan
As the Marines came upon the source of the fire he was just starting to think maybe there wasn't any mystery here and there'd just been some sort of electrical fault that had caused the fire and loss of signal from the research outpost. That was until he heard the firing and the comms chatter.
eyeball wrote: multiple signals, good strength 75, 70, 65 meters closing bloody fast, too fast to be a person even running, signal still clean.. 60 meters.. from the lifts too sub level two, someone get that smart gun up here and tell me what the god damn shooting was about!! weapons free sarge? patch asked over the comms

"Affirmative, First Squad on me". Simovic moved up to Patch's position "Steiner lay down some flame on the corridor and then drop back. Heart and Patch we will engage targets when they are in view, if we are getting over run drop back to the SE corner of the generator room. Second Squad form a defensive postion in the NE corner of the generator room and get ready to engage targets if 1st Squad has to fallback. Its time to earn our pay"

Simovic waited for Steiner to lay down a wall of flame and then got the others in position. Heart stood in the middle of the corridor going prone with the bulk of the M56 though possible was a very slow process, he then motioned to Patch to crouch and hug the right side of the wall, he mirrored him and hugged the left. As he waited for the engagement thoughts raced through his mind, what the hell was moving at that speed?...he'd heard of elite corporate troops using powered armour but why would they be here on this dirt ball planet?...maybe it was some sort of 'altered' animals, he didn't doubt that Wayland Yutani could be doing some genetic experiments here way outside of any ICC jurisdiction. Whatever it was they were about to find out, but whether they lived to tell anyone was a different matter.

Re: M2T8

Posted: Sun Apr 05, 2009 1:07 am
by Raider65
Wow. Erik had just reacted as trained but he had felt the Smartgun recoil on it's carrier arm. He'd dropped the Tracker to hold the huge gun with both hands, luckily it was strapped to his shoulder.
THe order to go cover the hallway that they had come down snapped him out of the daze of the grizzly scene of firing the Smartgun and watching the corpse dance to his gun's fire.
He rushed to do the bidding of the officer. He took a stance a little way's down the hall. Leveling the Smartgun so he could swing it and cover the whole hallway. He wondered if he should reload but he didn't think he'd fired that many rounds as he'd had it on burst and he didn't remember pulling the trigger that many times, no more than 5 times. That was only 20 bullets. Plenty more left then. He figured burst would allow better target follow through and gun control and also save on bullets. He sighted down the hall thru the Smartgun's sight link. Dialing down the fire's glow in the sight that Cpl Dirk had put down as a barrier for whatever or whoever was coming. He waited with nerves on a razors edge.

Re: M2T8

Posted: Sun Apr 05, 2009 10:00 am
by Apachetear
Morse wrote:
Thats just God Dang disgustin. This womans had the same thing happen to her, i figure it about an hour before we got here. Morse said, walking back to the one who had told him to check.

"Any sign of the creature?" Jacob asked.

He wasn't overly concerned - the thing had been tiny, and would be easily killed. He just didn't want too many distractions if they came under fire...

Re: M2T8

Posted: Sun Apr 05, 2009 4:30 pm
by tpc
"Wha,wha, what was that, sir. It,It ripped out of her,her chest",Monks said as scared as a hamster in it's cage while a cat stalked it, just inches from poor rodent. 99 bullets, okay that's good, he thought to himself

(tag dirk)

Re: M2T8

Posted: Sun Apr 05, 2009 5:59 pm
by Morse
Morse was close enough to the door that he could have just got up and walked back to talk to Jacob, but he was already in position and didn't feel like getting up.

No sign a the damn wormy bastard at all other then he's come rippin outa the second woman already. Course i'd love to know how the hell that damn thing got inside of her, and why the hell the damn company'd put people on this rock knowin these things live here. This place really is hell Morse said

< Tag Jacob and 4th squad.

Morse picked his M41A back up, he wasn't aiming it forward but he was visually scanning for anything that was a hazard.

Re: M2T8

Posted: Sun Apr 05, 2009 10:04 pm
by MI_trooper
Pvt lippa took a huge Gulp and cocked his shotgun and took the safety off.
"ok you heard em guys lets form up i dont know how much time we have but we should haul some ass, sarge do you need me to be on the motion tracker or should i have two arms free for this engagement?"

<tag second

looking around to make sure there were no more routes into the genorator room pvt lippa ran towards the NE corner and got into position.

<roll awreness

Re: M2T8

Posted: Sun Apr 05, 2009 10:26 pm
by Dirk Pitt
"Keep your eyes open for the little fuckers Erik. Could be a lot of them down here. Dirk said as he waited for the attack.

Re: M2T8

Posted: Sun Apr 05, 2009 11:50 pm
by Tyler Ishizawa
As 4th neared the woman's locker room, Ishizawa held up his fist, motioning for 3rd to hold position. He motioned for 3rd to take up position outisde the change room and cover 4th as they moved in. Ishizawa knelt, aiming his pulse rifle down the hallway.

Without warning, a scream shot through the air, followed by a sickening bursting sound, droned out by a barrage of gunfire and a loud "whoosh" as an incinerator came to life, lighting up the room and hallway behind 3rd.

Snapping his head to look behind, he called out"What the hell is going on back there?". Suddenly, the comms came to life. Contact, 75 meters and closing. Ishizawa fumbled his tracker and tried to see if he was picking up what the other marine had.
Apachetear wrote:Tyler, I want you to explore the room we're entering. Put a bullet in the head and chest of anyone you find if they don't look well. I can't be bothered with playing the good guy at the moment...give constant motion tracker updates, when you're done I'll crouch and you can fire over my head."
"Uh.... got it sergeant". A bullet in the head and chest of someone that doesn't look well? What's he talking about?. Regardless, Ishizawa carried on, although he didn't exactly know what "somebody who didn't look well" meant, or why he would want to shoot such a person in the first place.

As the other marines scrambled to defensive positions, Ishizawa quickly ran up to the wall outside the men's locker room. Holding for a moment, he peeked inside the room with his rifle, then quickly slipped out of cover and moved into the room.

OOC: What do I see nick?

Re: M2T8

Posted: Mon Apr 06, 2009 7:51 am
by Kurosaki, Ichigo
Kurosaki heard the gunfire, both real time and over his squad radio. One of the marines was going catanotic overthere. Something about the contact not being human?
eyeball wrote: patch briskly moved to the corner of the long corridor heading towards the generator sweeping the motion scanner to get a good fix on the targets.
multiple signals, good strength 75, 70, 65 meters closing bloody fast, too fast to be a person even running, signal still clean.. 60 meters.. from the lifts too sub level two, someone get that smart gun up here and tell me what the god damn shooting was about!!

patch checked his saftey was off, someone had started shooting, chances of hostiles was extremely high...

weapons free sarge? patch asked over the comms

(roll motion tracker and perception)
Contact? Kurosaki thought. What the fuck? Not human? Has everyone lost their minds?
Dugan wrote: As the Marines came upon the source of the fire he was just starting to think maybe there wasn't any mystery here and there'd just been some sort of electrical fault that had caused the fire and loss of signal from the research outpost. That was until he heard the firing and the comms chatter.
eyeball wrote: multiple signals, good strength 75, 70, 65 meters closing bloody fast, too fast to be a person even running, signal still clean.. 60 meters.. from the lifts too sub level two, someone get that smart gun up here and tell me what the god damn shooting was about!! weapons free sarge? patch asked over the comms

"Affirmative, First Squad on me". Simovic moved up to Patch's position "Steiner lay down some flame on the corridor and then drop back. Heart and Patch we will engage targets when they are in view, if we are getting over run drop back to the SE corner of the generator room. Second Squad form a defensive postion in the NE corner of the generator room and get ready to engage targets if 1st Squad has to fallback. Its time to earn our pay"

"Get in the corner! Lets go!" Kurosaki nearly screamed, his heart pumping. He remembered his first combat area; he had nearly shit his pants. He didn't fire his weapon at all; came out of the mission alive without firing a single round.
"Sergeant Dugan, would you like me to get on the horn to the Lieutenant?"

MI_trooper wrote: Pvt lippa took a huge Gulp and cocked his shotgun and took the safety off.
"ok you heard em guys lets form up i dont know how much time we have but we should haul some ass, sarge do you need me to be on the motion tracker or should i have two arms free for this engagement?"