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Posted: Tue Mar 03, 2009 9:13 pm
by Dugan
****** GM EDIT ******

OOC: I had to edit Dugans post since there was a little confusion about the right sequence of events. You cannot move posts within the topic with this forum software // Nick the GM.

****** GM EDIT ******

2179 AD, 28th September
Location: CSC Sector, Saint John, nubis station
Mission timer: 00:00:16:38

The UD4-L model dropship descended quickly into the thick soup-like mist that coverered the base. "Thirty seconds people..." Lt Andersons voice said over the intercom. The turbo-fans of the dropship increased in pitch and the ship slowed down slightly. The seconds slowly passed and the Marines looked at each other in the red hue of the APC interior. The suspense was the worst, once the fighting begun the adrenaline flowed freely and You wouldn't have time to think very much. You would be afraid, but You would also be so busy staying alive it didn't matter as much. Now You could just sit here and wait for that anti-air missile to hit You and end Your life in a bright, nano-second long, flash.

That didn't happen fortunately. The dropship set down on the landing pad with a thud and the APC immidiately rolled off and down onto the concrete slab. Third squad watched the spectacle from their up high position south of the station. As soon as the APC cleared the dropship ramp the dropship quickly rose and flew low, low over the marines of third squad providing cover. The large bulky shape of the dropship fluttered past the prone Marines heads at seemingly arm-length's distance. The sound from the engines was furious and the hot breath of the engines warmed their backs as it past over them, catching a glimpse of the dropship and co-pilot as they flickered past behind their plexi-steel glass canopy.

The APC exited the landing pad together with a few marines that had exited the dropship on foot next to the tall beacon tower north-west of the pad and quickly skid to a halt on the mushy ground behind the generators. The APCs engine was cut off and the rest of the Marines quickly filed out from the cramped crew interior. The mist was really dense, almost milky, and limited view to fifteen meters roughly. The generators  hummed and their wires sparked with electricity in the moist air just a few meters from the Marines. The smell of sulphur felt stronger as the air was stale down here, not the slighest wind could be felt - Of the howling wind a rought sixty meters above You could only hear a soft moaning.

To the north of the APC there was a huge communications dish, crowned with red lanterns that flashed every ten seconds. To the left the black shape of a towering dome of which the furthest parts were lost in a blurr to the mist could almost be felt as much as seen.

The Marines felt a shiver shoot up their spines. Perhaps it was the raw air. Perhaps a foreboding...


Simovic waited for Second Squad to get a head start on him as they had more ground to cover to get to their target. He then motioned 1st Squad to follow him the short distance to the Communications Disc and Bunker. As he ran he spoke into his comms "When we get to the door I'll kick it open. Patch you take the right side, Heart the left and Windrider the middle. Steiner keep your eyes peeled on your motion tracker, they might have some guards out patroling the perimeter". Reaching the door he gave it a forceful kick.

Re: M2T3

Posted: Tue Mar 03, 2009 10:28 pm
by Kurosaki, Ichigo
Quinn wrote: "Hey Corporal, I have an idea. Why doesn't Marreno kick the door down first so Lippa can have a faster reaction time? Also gives any tangos less time to react." Sixtus suggested as he took the demolition kit and breaching charges. "Are we going to bang and clear, frag and clear, or just bust down the door and clear?"

"Good idea" Kurosaki said.

"Do as he says"

Re: M2T3

Posted: Tue Mar 03, 2009 10:41 pm
by MI_trooper
"sir with all due respect, i suggest we find out what we are up against before we start fraggin and flashing everyhting, we may need to conserve our nades, besides i have a motion tracker so we should be able to see if anyhting is in the room we are about to bust into before we go rambo..."
<tag second
pvt lippa got back into a normal position in his seat.
"by the way im just acting like this will be easy so it helps my cool, god only knows what we will be running into down there"
<tag second
pvt lippa adjusted his helmet and cam
"how is my visual sir?"
<tag whoever is operating the kill cams (sorry i dont know your name)

Re: M2T3

Posted: Tue Mar 03, 2009 11:57 pm
by pants
"Yes sir," Mongo replied to Ishizawas orders.

Scanning their position Mongo slowly examined the surrounding area seeing if he could spot anything unusual or a possible enemy contact.  He hoped that Johnson was doing the same.

Re: M2T3

Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2009 12:05 am
by Quinn
((Dugan, I think you're going before all of us, but okay.))

When the dropships hit and the APCs rolled out and screeched to a halt, Sixtus popped his harness off and moved out of the APC with the rest of second squad. As he passed the door, he clicked the safety off his SMG.

Hitting the wall next to the door, he looked up at the rest of the squad and signed [Open, Bang, Clear] in a way so the entire squad could see. It meant open the door naturally, toss in a flashbang and clear the immediate rooms. Looking at Marreno, he signed [Marreno, open door. Lippa, on point.]

Poising himself next the door, Sixtus prepared a flashbang grenade to throw in once Marreno opened the door.

Re: M2T3

Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2009 2:19 am
by MI_trooper
pvt lippa slammed into the side of the wall as he ran to cover, braced himself checked his motion tracker (do i see anything?) flicks the safety of of his shotgun and SMG and grinns at his squad.
"checking for movement....." then he put the smg down letting it hang on the sling and cocked the shotgun.
" im ready" then pvt lippa got in position on the other side of the door to prepare to breach
" final call sir do we want to go in gunhoe? what if these are just civilians in here that lost contact ?"

he thinks for a moment

" screw it our lives are more important than some colonist sorry ass that cant even keep a steady comm link"

ooc: how does the motion tracker work does the GM tell me waht i see on it?

Re: M2T3

Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2009 6:34 am
by Kurosaki, Ichigo
Kurosaki nodded at Quinn. He listened for a long time, trying to hear something.

(roll awareness)

OOC: Lippa, say something like " Lippa took out his motion tracker and moved it side to side.

Roll Motion Tracker"

Re: M2T3

Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2009 9:24 am
by eyeball
patch was confused as buggery, and he was sure that if he ever got some of that he better be fucking confused indeed.

what happened to do not fire unless fired upon??? flash bangs, kicking in doors, he wasn't even sure there were hostiles, this was supposed to be a corporation base that had lost contact..hell it could be comms failure? then a loud voice kicked off in his head " PATCH YOU GOD DAMN IDIOT...SARGENT S  KNOW FUCKING EVERYTHING ABOUT EVERYTHING ALL THE TIME, DON'T QUESTION SHIT DO AS YOU ARE GOD DAMN ORDERED!!!!!" no one was actually talking to him, but he remembered the conversation he had had with a corporal in basic training

as he exited the now parked APC he turned off his saftey and began to scan his assigned zone, moving rapidly but efficiently north towards the comms building, well he thought to himself we will soon find out if this is all a big false alarm.

Re: M2T3

Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2009 2:48 am
by Ranger2011
Johnson came up to cover Ishizawa and the rest that were going down. He held the Motion Tracker low to keep the glow from showing, at the same time he held the Pulse Rifle in one hand scanning for anything.

Re: M2T4

Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2009 4:49 am
by Quinn
When the dropships hit and the APCs rolled out and screeched to a halt, Sixtus popped his harness off and moved out of the APC with the rest of second squad. As he passed the door, he clicked the safety off his SMG.

Hitting the wall next to the door, he looked up at the rest of the squad and signed [Open, Bang, Clear] in a way so the entire squad could see. It meant open the door naturally, toss in a flashbang and clear the immediate rooms. Looking at Marreno, he signed [Marreno, open door. Lippa, on point.]

Poising himself next the door, Sixtus prepared a flashbang grenade to throw in once Marreno opened the door.

Re: M2T4

Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2009 6:49 pm
by Dugan
Simovic waited for Second Squad to get a head start on him as they had more ground to cover to get to their target. He then motioned 1st Squad to follow him the short distance to the Communications Disc and Bunker. As he ran he spoke into his comms "When we get to the door I'll kick it open. Patch you take the right side, Heart the left and Windrider the middle. Steiner keep your eyes peeled on your motion tracker, they might have some guards out patroling the perimeter". Reaching the door he gave it a forceful kick.

[O.O.C this is the same as my previous post but I think I made that one a bit to early].

Re: M2T4

Posted: Sat Mar 07, 2009 12:10 am
by Kurosaki, Ichigo
"IR eyepieces down people"

Kurosaki said, before flipping his down as well.

Re: M2T4

Posted: Sat Mar 07, 2009 12:17 am
by MI_trooper
pvt lippa saw the command and imediately got into position and pumped his shot gun and checked his motion tracker moving it side to side

after checking his tracker he strapped it to his belt and got into breaching position. and then put down his IR eyepiece and said to his squadmates.
"stay frosty lets keep it clean, no one gets left behind"

Re: M2T4

Posted: Sat Mar 07, 2009 4:44 pm
by Dirk Pitt
Apachetear wrote: "4th, go in and search the lab dome. Take out the beacon first though - I don't want anyone to get alerted to our presence by a distress call."
Dirk was thinking about his orders as he stepped out of the APC into the mist. Looking around slowly he was griped with a sense of foreboding. With a visibility of 15 ambush would be a real problem.

"OK 4th, lets move out and take out that beacon. We'll move to the lab once that's done. I'll take point. The rest of you in a tactical diamond formation. Stormhurst take left and keep your eyes on that motion tracker. Monks take right. Morse, take the rear and keep your head down. Secure anything that makes noise. Tags or whatever. I don't want to give anyone a chance to hear us coming." He said as he double checked the flame unit on his back and the M-41A he held in his hands.

Dirk started towards the beacon. The soft moaning of the wind above only added to the feeling that they weren't just going to walk through this one with no problems.

Re: M2T4

Posted: Sat Mar 07, 2009 5:00 pm
by Morse
Whisps of the mist entered into the APC as the door had been opened and the men started pouring out into it. It had a funny smell to it but it didn't bother Morse much. Place looks like Wet Rock, in west Louisiana. Smells like it too, i aint to sure were even on a different planet. Morse said snapping up his M41A and stepping off of the the APC.

He remembered their orders, then heard Dirk give them a little plan for how to do it. Morse liked being in the back, that way he was least likely to get taken by suprise. He did as ordered and began to move quickly behind them towards the beacon shifting from looking backward to forward to make sure he didn't walk into anything. He didn't like this place much, somethin about it gave him an uneasy feeling. Great, lab duty, so we get to see all them gross things that these corperates been makin in their basement. Morse said quietly as they proceeded forward.

< Tag 4th squad