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Posted: Sat Feb 28, 2009 1:31 pm
by Nick
2179 AD, 28th September
Location: CSC Sector, Saint John, 1 kilometer east of Anubis station
Mission timer: 00:00:08:38

Third squad stood on the large ramp beneath the dropship as the ground slowly approached. Behind them on the large ramp the APC loomed behind them. The Marines clung to cargo nets on the sides of the ramp in the violent crosswinds. A pungent smell struck their noses as they descended - It reminded of rotten eggs and the intensity of it increased as they neared the ground. They could see the ridge just a few hundred meters away, the station itself was covered by a sheet of mist that seemed to fill the whole valley area beneath the ridge.

The exhaust from the dropship whipped the ground beneath them and the Marines prepared to disembark. The dropships engines revved up and the shrieking familiar sound of the engines braked down the descent to an almost standstill. Excruciatingly slow the dropship slid the last few meters towards the ground, the Marines jumped of the ramp in a matter of seconds.

"Clear" Mongo shouted over the intercom and the dropship emmidiately nosed up and gained altitude rapidly. The ground they landed on was very soft but dry and concisted mainly of rock and sand of varying shades of brown. The smell that stuck in their noses seemed to come from the ridge area, and mostly the sulphur bogs beyond.

Third squad quickly advanced towards the edge of the ridge, it took them roughly five minutes to reach the edge. As they approached the edge of the ridge the wind of the plateu whipped their backs. With that in mind the scene below them gave an almost surreal experience. The whole valley floor was covered in a thick, grey, mist that when it reach the edge of the ridge was whipped up into the atmosphere in long ragged milky strands. The whole ridge area reeked of a sinister look. The station itself was completely covered by the mist and was invisible from their vantage point.

"Lt Anderson, the site is invisible from here - It is completely covered by mist. Advise over" Ishizawa said while looking through a pair of binoculars were he laid hidden between two large rocks. The bad thing with mist was that in addition to obstructing visible light it rendered all IR devices completely unusable as well.

"This is Lt Anderson, I read You Corporal - We saw that when orbiting the site before, but I didn't think it would be so bad when got closer. We are reverting to plan B. I want You and Your squad to rope down to the second ledge. We will go in hot and land on the landing pad and make a frontal assault on the base supported by the APC and Dropship if need be. I want You and Your squad to provide cover from the middle plateu due south of the base. Over"

The Marines inside the APC felt the dropship swirv to the side once more in the violent crosswinds over the plateu. "Sergeant" Lt Anderson said. "We are reverting to Plan B and will set down on the landing pad and make a frontal assault on the base. If we do it quickly enough we will overrun the base before they can set up a proper defense - The howling wind up here hides the dropship engine sounds until we are on top of them. Prepare to disembark in five minutes, combat seatings, we are going in hot" Anderson said, tension hinted in her voice.


Re: M2T3

Posted: Sat Feb 28, 2009 8:51 pm
by Dirk Pitt
Dirk waited, strapped into his seat as the dropship was blown side to side by the howling wind. Third was on the move. Not much to do but wait and see.

"Get ready 4th."Dirk said looking over at his squad

Re: M2T3

Posted: Sat Feb 28, 2009 9:14 pm
by MI_trooper
strapped into his seat pvt lippa put in a mouth gaurd andpositionedhimself comfortably and grinned at his squad mates.

Re: M2T3

Posted: Sat Feb 28, 2009 9:27 pm
by Morse
Morse felt the hard shaking and shifting of the Dropship. It was one of his harder drops. His stomach felt pretty good, kind of a tingly vibration but that was just because he had a good amount of the food. He wanted a drink, but he knew that the sergeant would see him at this point. Besides he'd probably spill a whole bunch of it if he tried to grab it now.

Shit, aint that somethin good. The ground team can't see a damn thing, and now we get to drop in the middle a the town square. I got 5 bucks says we get blown apart by Anti Air guns Morse said, laughing after he did. He didn't like to think where he was, because no body would willingly sign up for this kinda job knowingly.

<Tag Anyone

Re: M2T3

Posted: Sun Mar 01, 2009 12:41 am
by pants
Mongo was kneeling in the dirt of the new world trying to look like he was a tree or a shrub or what ever the hell this planet used for flora, with the scope of the rifle looking like it was glued to his eye scanning for movement or anything else he could spot in the mist near the target.

"Johnson you spot anything in this damn mist?" Mongo asked his spotter.

Shaking his head Mongo spoke into his commset set to the squad frequency.

"Corporal Ishizawa, I am unable to see anything in this mist.  Can't confirm hostile presence or if the target is still where its supposed to be.  Orders sir?"

Roll perception, awareness?

Re: M2T3

Posted: Sun Mar 01, 2009 2:09 am
by eyeball
"i'll cover that bet, these are corporation bums couldn't hit the side of a barn with a smartgun" it was a fairly safe call patch thought, anti air in a civilian base...bloody unlikely and an extra five never hurt anyone.

"squad dispersion on touch down corp?" patch asked

Re: M2T3

Posted: Sun Mar 01, 2009 5:12 pm
by Dugan
Simovic sat in his chair buffeted around by the turbulence his shoulder bashing against the side of the APC as the dropship shifted sharply to one side. He cursed and then over his comms he heard the Lt's order. Great they'd have to do a frontal assault hardly the best way to limit casulties. He clicked on the platoon comms.

"Ok listen up, I want 2nd Squad to move up and begin room clearing in the Living Quarters. 1st Squad move up with me and secure the Communications Disc and Bunker. 3rd and 4th Squad Sgt Honeysett will advise you on your deployment".

Simovic grabbed his Pulse Rifle and and did a final check of his gear, hoping the Lt was right that the fog and winds would conceal the dropship long enough for his men to dissembark and begin their assault...

[O.O.C here is a picture of the research base if anyone missed it].


Re: M2T3

Posted: Sun Mar 01, 2009 8:01 pm
by Quinn
Sixtus listened to the radio, and his squad could see his eyes grow a little wide in surprise in response to the Lieutenant's orders. It wasn't what he would have done, but she was the one in command.

Listening to Dugan, Sixtus nodded. "Affirm Sarge."

Looking to Kurosaki, Sixtus asked "We want to hit both doors with each team or enter one door with the entire squad? I'm in favor of the second myself."

Re: M2T3

Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2009 12:00 am
by MI_trooper
pvt lippa spit his mouth peice out.
oh my god this does not sound good guys! what position should i be in when breaching the rooms sir?
pvt lippa loads and cocks his shotgun and puts a clip into his Smg and takes the safety off
after a few seconds he cooled down
ha this will be a peice of cake... these colonists or bad guys are probably armed with cap guns

<tag second

Re: M2T3

Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2009 1:38 am
by tpc
"Let me tell you Dirk ........ I,m not die'n today man, I'm not!".Monks said while taking out a copy of H.G. Wells War of the Worlds.

(tag dirk Pitt)

" I like the science fiction." the Pfc Told anyone who was listening.

(tag anyone)

Re: M2T3

Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2009 5:38 am
by eyeball
1st Squad move up with me and secure the Communications Disc and Bunker
"roger that sarge"patch replied as he heard the command over the comms.

the drop ship was screaming now as it descended hard and fast using wind noise and fog to cover its entry, patch really hoped the Lt was right. he mentally noted that his objective was directly north of the drop site and there would be 1st squad and the sarge making a five man unit, all the better with an extra set of eyes and more fire power.
patch quickly ran through his pre-combat check list, he had already noise checked, before they boarded but now re-checked his ammo count and made sure the safety was on...stayed on till you left the apc last thing you wanted was a round ricocheting around in here from an accidental discharge.
he spotted  pvt lippa disengaging his safety caught his attention and motioned for it to be re-engaged, eager was good but careless could be fatal.

Re: M2T3

Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2009 5:43 am
by Morse
Morse heard Monks. Suprisingly though they had been in the same squad for a while, Morse had never really talked to him much. Of course Morse didn't care that much.

Aint never was one much for science fiction, all seems like a buncha crap to me. Aliens with ray guns in the like, ya know. There aint nothin out in black other then us and our'n. Besides, i was always more of a shakespeare kinda guy. "Though it not be written down, lest not forget, that I, am an Ass!"Morse said quoting Much Ado About Nothing. As suprising as it sounded Morse had read quite a bit of shakespearing plays in his younger years.

< Tag Monks and Anyone

Re: M2T3

Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2009 7:05 am
by Quinn
Morse wrote: Morse heard Monks. Suprisingly though they had been in the same squad for a while, Morse had never really talked to him much. Of course Morse didn't care that much.

Aint never was one much for science fiction, all seems like a buncha crap to me. Aliens with ray guns in the like, ya know. There aint nothin out in black other then us and our'n. Besides, i was always more of a shakespeare kinda guy. "Though it not be written down, lest not forget, that I, am an Ass!"Morse said quoting Much Ado About Nothing. As suprising as it sounded Morse had read quite a bit of shakespearing plays in his younger years.

Re: M2T3

Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2009 6:20 pm
by Apachetear
"Ok guys." Jacob was nervous, scared even - but he'd be damned if he let anyone else notice this. Frontal assaults never seemed to go as well as sneaking in and knifing everyone...

"4th, go in and search the lab dome. Take out the beacon first though - I don't want anyone to get alerted to our presence by a distress call."

"3rd, go and do a sweep of the general store, swipe some smokes for me if you see them. When you finish the sweep, double back and join anyone who's found some heat. provide backup and flanking. I'm gonna run with 4th for this mission. Everyone clear?"

Jacob reached into his pocket for a smoke and stuck it in his mouth on the descent.

"I don't think any of you want to die here. So how about we keep a level head - and I don't have to add a smily face to my armour."

Jacob had recently cleaned his armour so it was like a blank slate. He ran his hand across it - each little face had been a memory, a dead friend - a random enemy. A civilian with bad timing...He missed the memories they provided, but it was a new unit - and he hadn't had a chance to wipe the slate clean on the last mission.

Re: M2T3

Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2009 8:13 pm
by MI_trooper
sir yes sir!!!!! my appologize for my eagerness sir!!! pvt lippa stows his guns backa nd gets back into his seat