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Turn 1 The Awakening

Posted: Sat Mar 17, 2007 8:21 pm
by Jocke
Apachetear wrote:"Alright Fresh meat when everything's eaten and, maybe, enjoyed. Get your armour dulled - boots too - I don't want light to shine off you giving away our position potentially"

Morrison filled his mug up again, smelling the aroma of what passed for coffee in the colonial marines.

Gotta give Abott a lesson on this...

"Good thinking. They do look a bit... shiny, don't you think?" Morrison chuckled.
"How many you reckon'll survive this campaign - old and new guys?" He took care to make sure nobody else heard him, that sort've talk was demoralising...
Thomas met Jacobs eyes over the brim of his mug "I don't know, buddy. And honestly- I don't really want to talk, or think about it. That's also why I want both APC's on the ground- more firepower, and more cover. As earlier mentioned, sure they would scare the locals- but I still don't know if we've been called into catch a couple of teenieboppers playing pranks- or heavily armed local militia wreaking havoc. Our orders just say "stop the incursions"- very unspecific. Power-demonstrations are seldom wrong, though."

Morrison then looked at his wristwatch, and drew a breath for more effective NCO-style barking:

"Ok people! Time is wasting! You don't get paid by the hour! Squadleaders and Sergeant Honeysett- I want to see you personally for the pre-drop prep- meet me in the dropbay in five mikes. FNG's! Unshine your gear- Green- you are in charge of this I trust your judgement on the matter. Questions? Good!" Morrison then turned and left for the dropbay.

Turn 1 The Awakening

Posted: Sat Mar 17, 2007 11:07 pm
by bull30548
"Ah yes the yummy grub of the auto chef mmmmm mmmmm. Get moving guys sounds like we going to be working up a sweat for dinner." Suiting action to words once more Jones moves off to get a sandwich and move on to the launchbay after the lieutenant.

Puffing on his cigar a wacky grin on his face as he moves off to follow. He loves it whenever he wakes up there is always something fun to do. "So Sarge think we got enough nicotine for this mish or should I get some grunts to hump some more for us?" Munching happily on the sandwich which it supposed to be turkey but how would he know. Unlike a lot of marines he worse to worse food than this being a colony brat. This stuff almost heavenly in comparison. The coffee on the other hand tastes like it was filtered through an APC air filter; a used one at that.

Walking into the launch bay like a homecoming for Jones. He worked in garges all his life and here he was in the most state of the art of them all. Running a hand affectionately over one of the APC's as he approaches the big boss himself. He finishes his sandwich and unclip his helmet kneeling down. Putting it under his ass to rest on as he waits for everyone and the pre briefing. Pulling out a little clipboard unit he begins looking at his squad's personel data as he waits. Absently sipping coffee and smoking his cigar as he does so.

Turn 1 The Awakening

Posted: Sun Mar 18, 2007 1:14 am
by Apachetear
Cheerfully stubbing out a cigarette, Jacob scraped the ash along his armour, making a charred smily face. Grinning to himself he started walking to where Morrisson had told 'em to head.

When he got there he saw Jones sitting on his helmet. Nodding in recognition he sat down, and then lay down - staring at the ceiling.

A moment or few passed of silence...

"So, you reckon we'll come out of this unscratched?"

The question was so out of the blue that Jones didn't at first know whether it was directed at him or not.

Still, there was no one else the question could have been directed at

Turn 1 The Awakening

Posted: Sun Mar 18, 2007 1:50 am
by tarpshack
"Hey buddy, I'm Con Alexander, leader of the Hell Hounds, whats going on?"
Joe quickly patted his pockets to see if anything was missing. Satisfied he wasn’t missing anything he looked at Con. “Not much. I’m just curious what you think I have that you’d want?â€

Turn 1 The Awakening

Posted: Sun Mar 18, 2007 1:54 am
by bull30548
"I do believe I was told that at the training mission we wouldn't have to worry about getting shot. So I say see training mission and try not to repeat. Other than that I can't say a new platoon and all. I am expecting injuries but not casualties. Cause I got a medic and hopefully he is as good as Bren." Showing the sarge the report on Konterran. Goes back to reading and smoking his cigar. "Of course that in a perfect world where the wonders of medicine has finally caught up with ways to kill ourselves. And considering it just you, Morrison, Con, and Green being the old hands, me being blooded literally, and the rest of the platoon being NFG's.... " he trails off shrugging.

"Though this squad of mine looks like it might have some pretty good skills. Got a former squad leader of a boot camp group here as a smartgunner. A medic as I said with a decent amount of skill with needle and thread. Though he going to be in the firing range a bit longer if we got the time. And then there this last guy got a few little comments about his family's glorious career in the corp. Think I will pair the smartgunner with the medic and this other guy with me."

Making some notes on his pad he slides it over to Honeysett. "That is if the Sergeant agrees with my recommendations. I will probably recommend at least one of these guys for promotion just so the squad has a backup commander if I go down. But I won't do that until after I see how they perform. What do you think Sarge?" Dropping Sarge like a slur and a grin knowing that Honeysett still in a bit of shock at his rapid advancement. Finishing his coffee he just sits there smiling with the cigar wedged in his teeth. Even though Jones got shot five times that not going to slow down his humor or wit a bit. And he knows that Honeysett knows if Morrison hadn't of taken away his rifle during that last mission he would of hobbled off the bird to go get First Squad and Steel out of the tunnels they were in.

Turn 1 The Awakening

Posted: Sun Mar 18, 2007 5:59 pm
by Altair
More and more of the marines woke up from the cold slumber. The air was filled with smoke from the cigars, smoked mostly by the officers. Altair himself was a non-smoker, not that he disapproved of it, he himself and his twin-sister have tried smoking at the age of six but due to the young age and no experience in that particular filed, both of them didn’t like it and never had tried it again. Later in medical school the boy had observed the example of lung cancer the smoker’s get and decided that pleasure from smoking, wouldn’t cover the nightmares he saw on those pictures. Driving the troubling thoughts out of his mind, Altair took another bite out of his sandwich, followed by a gulp of his herb tea; or as close as the machine on board the ship could get to the taste of tea. The boy opened his med pack, just as his eyes went through the contents.

Two large wound dressings


Two pressure bandage dressings


Two bandage rolls


Plastic face mask for revival purpose


Scissor with blunt edges to cut open clothes




Distilled water


6 auto-injectors with morphine


This was enough to attend to the minor wounds; anyone seriously injured would be transported to the APC or the drop ship. Those two were equipped with the state of the art medical equipment. Approvingly nodding to himself Altair closed the medical pack, attaching it to his webbing. Taking another gulp from his cap and finishing the last piece of his sandwich Altair looked up just in time to see a marine not older than himself approach. Taking a quick look at the young man, Altair noticed that he was well built and by the way he moved, Altair assumed that the marine took classes in martial arts.
Extending his hand for a handshake Joe greeted the lone medic, “Hi… Altair is it? I’m Joseph Harmon, though most people just call me Joe. The food any good?”
Smiling the boy returned the handshake rising momentarily from his seat. “Indeed I am Altair, Altair Konterran.” The boy answered formally. “As for the food it depends on your personal taste, as well as standards.” Not feeling quite comfortable, the boy stood up. “Excuse me I have to take care of this.” With those words the boy took the wrappings of his sandwich and the cup of tea and made his way towards the rubbish dispenser. Finishing the last bits of his tea on the way Altair was glad for an excuse to get away, not quite ready to make friends with the members of his new squad even though deep down he knew that one day he would have to do it.
"Alright Fresh meat when everything's eaten and, maybe, enjoyed. Get your armour dulled - boots too - I don't want light to shine off you giving away our position potentially"
Altair looked at the sergeant who was probably only a year or two older than himself. It felt strange to be bossed around by someone who was so young and for a moment the boy wondered how would Tarik feel about that, taking a mental note to ask his friend a few questions concerning the subject at hand Altair cursed under his breath, momentarily surprised, since he never cursed aloud before because this was another thing he was not allowed to do back at home. The reason behind such an outburst of emotion was the fact that the boy had spent almost a day to try and make his armor all shiny and spotless, and now all his work would be spoiled.

Reemerging another curse he had heard from Tarik, Altair took off his armor, making his way towards the locker. What they tough at boot camp was how to clean your armor and boots and make them all shine and spotless, what they didn’t teach was how to make it all dull and dirty again after you’ve done the first part of the job. Taking a quick look at the contents of his locker the boy found nothing handy that would make his armor dirty or dull, nothing but the boot polish. Hoping that this would do the trick, the boy went through the process of dirtying his armor. After a few minutes the boy examined his work. From being clean and shiny now it resembled, something strange to say the least. The armor was now dark gray almost black, thanks to the polish, and the boy hoped that his superiors would not be too harsh when they see his handy work.

Putting on his black armor, Altair looked at himself in the mirror; he decided that if you didn’t look to closely, the amour appeared to be painted in a solid black color, a more close inspection, revealed the origins of that color. Altair just hoped it wouldn’t rain, since water would almost definitely wash away the boot polish he used. Closing the locker Altair went to look for his old friend, to show off his handy work.

Turn 1 The Awakening

Posted: Sun Mar 18, 2007 6:38 pm
by Apachetear
bull30548 wrote:"I do believe I was told that at the training mission we wouldn't have to worry about getting shot. So I say see training mission and try not to repeat. Other than that I can't say a new platoon and all. I am expecting injuries but not casualties. Cause I got a medic and hopefully he is as good as Bren." Showing the sarge the report on Konterran. Goes back to reading and smoking his cigar. "Of course that in a perfect world where the wonders of medicine has finally caught up with ways to kill ourselves. And considering it just you, Morrison, Con, and Green being the old hands, me being blooded literally, and the rest of the platoon being NFG's.... " he trails off shrugging.

"Though this squad of mine looks like it might have some pretty good skills. Got a former squad leader of a boot camp group here as a smartgunner. A medic as I said with a decent amount of skill with needle and thread. Though he going to be in the firing range a bit longer if we got the time. And then there this last guy got a few little comments about his family's glorious career in the corp. Think I will pair the smartgunner with the medic and this other guy with me."

Making some notes on his pad he slides it over to Honeysett. "That is if the Sergeant agrees with my recommendations. I will probably recommend at least one of these guys for promotion just so the squad has a backup commander if I go down. But I won't do that until after I see how they perform. What do you think Sarge?"
Smiling briefly, Jacob sat up briefly to light a cigarette and saw one of the fresh meat with newly blacked armour walking from the locker room...Sitting up he called across "Hey, Good job on the armour! You aint gonna show us up on the field now!" he didn't wait to see if the marine had heard him, and he lay back down to ponder what Jones had said.

He flicked through the dossiers that he'd been given, that guy with the black armour must have been Altair...

Flicking through the pages, Jacob inhaled and looked at the squad Jones had in more detail.

"Your squad should be able to hold up quite well looking at it - they're all fresh meat, but once they've had their trial of fire...well, it shouldn't go to badly...unless they all die - but fingers crossed eh?"

Coughing roughly, closed his eyes in pain briefly, this habit was no good. It hadn't been so bad before the marines, he'd have one or 2 a day...then he joined up - boot camp had seen his habit escalate to 10 a day. After boot camp he'd carried on at 10 a day, but in his very first outfit he'd been ambushed more times than he cared to remember because of a double agent sarge in his platoon...the stress of those days had seen his intake double and double again...and since then he smoked whenever he could find a moment, his lungs must be in bad shape now he thought about it...

Looking up at Jones he smiled weakly "I'll give up one day...I swear...." He didn't sound as if he meant it.

"It's Squad one I'm worried about, Con 'n' Green are tried and tested - but Green can't handle...well, can't handle some things. Don't take it personally Jones - but I had to sign an act of secrecy, so I can't tell you what it is he's scared of." There was no hint of a joke in Jacob's voice as he spoke now "And then there's one lump of fresh meat in there, he'll find it difficult to fit in, Green and Con aren't exactly famous friends, and they're one squaddie short of a full troupe...It doesn't look too good to me..."

Blowing smoke into the air, Jacob tapped some ash onto the floor next to him.

Very slowly he sat up and ran his hand through his hair, before flicking his cigarette end across the room and sliding the dossier back to Jones. Sighing he then examined where his finger used to be...he tapped the stub rythmically and hummed lightly to himself...

Turn 1 The Awakening

Posted: Sun Mar 18, 2007 8:29 pm
by Jocke
Morrison waited in the bay until all of his NCO's had arrived, and then he started his briefing, notepad in hand, keeping his voice so low that it wouldn't carry to the ears of the Marines.

The FNG's who bothered to look, could see the command-team more or less huddled up, smoking, talking, and bantering- every now and then a face would freeze in seriousness, before cracking up with a smile.

And why did the LT spit on the deck every so often?

Turn 1 The Awakening

Posted: Sun Mar 18, 2007 9:28 pm
by HeavyGlenn
Ronald frowned and went away, he wasnt suprised Jacob had ignored him and sighed. He went over to his ammonation and loaded his pistol and stared at it a few seconds before he put it where it belonged. He sighed and wiped his head, he sweated a little, he softly ignored people and bumped into people that he passed.

Turn 1 The Awakening

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2007 2:35 pm
by Atypicalkiller
Still a little disorientated from his Cyrotube experience Tarik closed his eyes again and twisted his head to crack his neck. He looked down and noticed he was a little more "excited" than usual. That was one helluvah dream. he thought as he "adjusted" himself. He stepped out of the tube and felt stiff in every muscle and joint in his body. He dropped immediatly to the deck in the push up position and began to crank them out. As his body began to pump more blood to the system his senses sharpened. Smoke time he pulled out a cigarette and lit it taking a look around seemed that everyone else was up and about. Tarik wiped the sweat from his brow. His new squad leader seemed to have an "in your face" approach to his subordinates. That's fine' he thought. Tarik was almost positive that kind of behavior would of ended with the Drill Instuctors at boot camp, but it wouldn't be hard to deal with he'd been doing it for months. He followed his new squad leaders orders and hit the showers.

After a brisk cold shower Tarik was almost feeling 100% Marine. As he began the don his gear he felt this little ceremony needed a little something extra he took a red marker and and wrote "Have a Nice Day" on the front of his armor. There we go, now I'll know it's mine. He grabbed his cover and goggles and hit the chow line.

After filling up on whatever didn't look like it had been chewed once, Tarik took off his armor and dragged it across the deck all the way to the hanger, before entering he replaced it and casually walked in trying to stay unnoticed. Once he was close enough to Jones and the other he made his pressence known by striking up a match and lighting a cigarette. Tarik noticed that out of the three men only one seemed about his age. Reguardless they all outranked him so he kept his distance and tried to remain as silent as possible. better to be seen and not heard he thought.

(OOC sorry my post is a little late, didn't have access)