Turn 2

The 3rd Eightballs campaign. Terminated.
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Turn 2

Post by pants » Wed Mar 21, 2007 6:02 am

When L Cpl Eagle had finished his story Nick sat down properly in his chair and looked at the veteran marine with a new respect.

"Damn Eagle, that was a good story! I've got nothing to match that apart from all the stuff I've been through in the marines. Looks like the marines made a man out of me but it was just continuing a journey you were already on." He said. Nick gave the marine a respectful nod then turned as he heard the LT call him by name and nodded his understanding of her orders as she left the mess with the other woman.
Sir, I am the replacement rifleman for Second Squad, I was pulled in at the last minute, by the Lieutenants C.O, and put in the cryotube by the synthetic after the rest of you were a sleep. Looks like you haven’t been informed by Priest yet. Regardless my names Pvt. Dugan Simovic.

*Salutes his C.O*
"Nice to meet you Dugan, welcome to the 'Easy Eights'. The name's Sargeant Steel but you can call me Sarge. Your squadleader is L Cpl Chappell, which is this fine gentlman over here,' he said indicating where L Cpl Chappell sat, "he'll introduce you to the the rest of your squad once they report in. You seen any action before marine?"

Nick raised his voice so that he could be heard throughout the mess. "The briefing shall be held in a few minutes in the hangar. Let's get a move on you marines!"

Zoe Barr
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Turn 2

Post by Dugan » Wed Mar 21, 2007 6:37 am

"In the Marines, no Sergeant. However back home it was little different, sometimes conflict is unavoidable".

Dugan's words made him think of many times out on the streets of Harlem, even being a devout Christian he had learned never to give an inch to the street thrash and had often had to violently defend his family from gangs and racoteers out to take what few possesions they had. At first he'd had trouble coming to terms with this contradiction. Even pushing him to speak to his priest who forgave him saying that he should compare his journey to those of the crusaders who battled in the name of god. This eased Dugan's conscience to a degree and the money he sent home to his parents in the hope they could use it to move into a nicer area, would surely do the rest..
Image Ssg Dugan Simovic, Platoon Sergeant                 

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Turn 2

Post by tashw » Wed Mar 21, 2007 9:08 am

Williams nervously bit her lower lip and gave Lt Vincent a worried look. "Let me go..." she said, almost begging.

"For god's sake," Eileen snapped angrily. Until Williams started blustering Eileen hadn't really been sure, but now it was obvious Intelligence had something they weren't telling her.

"Understand this, you are not going anywhere until you tell me what is really going on."

nd Lieutenant Eileen Vincent
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Turn 2

Post by Nick » Wed Mar 21, 2007 8:20 pm

"What are going to do?" Williams asked defensively as she testingly moved closer to Lt Vincents blocking arm.

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Turn 2

Post by tashw » Wed Mar 21, 2007 9:17 pm

"What are going to do?" Williams asked defensively as she testingly moved closer to Lt Vincents blocking arm.
Eileen snorted a humourless laugh, then slammed her forearm across Williams shoulders, pinning her against the wall.

“Let me think, do I bounce you off a bulkhead or two, or do I take my platoon down there and chalk up a few more casualties to whatever you people are hiding this time,â€
nd Lieutenant Eileen Vincent
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Turn 2

Post by Dugan » Thu Mar 22, 2007 10:00 am

Dugan made his way over to his squad leader and saluted him, "Private. Simovic, sir your Sergeant speaks highly of you, and I hope to be able to serve your squad well".

Image Ssg Dugan Simovic, Platoon Sergeant                 

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Turn 2

Post by rednus » Thu Mar 22, 2007 2:51 pm

your Sergeant speaks highly of you, and I hope to be able to serve your squad well".
-'So he should, I've lost count of the amount of times I've saved his ass..'

Anyone that knew Rednus would know this was a lie, partly because he tended to flinch when the truth was obscured, But mainly , he just wasn't any good at it. However, the importance of being 'the ultimate squad leader' came second to him , as respect for his sargeant came first...

at this, Rednus shot his sargeant a glance, who he hoped wasn't listening.

"...kidding, of course, welcome to the Break shots, I hope you live up to that outstanding service record I've been provided with"

"Well, shall we?" Red motioned towards the hangar where the briefing was about to be held , began to turn toward it and discarded his smoke with a flick somewhere near the mess table...

Last edited by rednus on Fri Mar 23, 2007 6:25 am, edited 1 time in total.
.Cpl Rednus Chappell
U.S.C.M Rifleman
Eightballs, First squad.

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Turn 2

Post by Nick » Thu Mar 22, 2007 11:47 pm

"Ok, ok...easy down Ok?" Williams said, her voice two octaves above it's normal tone.

"I am here to evaluate a certain rumour...to collect evidence, if there is any" Williams said cryptically.

Vincent gave an unpleased look, her right eyebrow raised.

"Erm..." Williams gave Vincent a frightful stare "...we suspect that the pirates are doing their raids on order by someone"

"Mmmhhmmm.." Vincent replied while leaning closer.

Williams eyes widened slightly. Her voice sank to almost almost inaudible she continued whispering...

"...they only attack...certain vessels...carrying certain items...artefacts" Williams spat the whisperedwords out in rapid succesion. She glanced over Vincents shoulder to se that no one was listening.

"...things collected from LV-426 and other top secret archeological digs around the system."

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Turn 2

Post by Pale Rider » Fri Mar 23, 2007 10:21 am

"Damn Eagle, that was a good story! I've got nothing to match that apart from all the stuff I've been through in the marines. Looks like the marines made a man out of me but it was just continuing a journey you were already on." He said. Nick gave the marine a respectful nod then turned as he heard the LT call him by name and nodded his understanding of her orders as she left the mess with the other woman.
"Well sir, its nothing that my people, who are known as Native Americans on Earth didn't go through before the coming of the Europeans and for sometime after their arrival." Before he could ask him the question burning on the tip of his tongue the LT called Nick by name and a newbie ambled over to join the party. Buttoning up his fatigues James nodded amicably to the gentleman known as Dugan, "Welcome to the Marines, Dugan, most folks call me Eagle or Jim. Well gentleman I am off to get Betsy tuned up and I will meet the rest of ya'll for briefing"

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Turn 2

Post by Dugan » Fri Mar 23, 2007 11:27 am

"Nice to meet you Jim, what or who is Betsy?"

Dugan says with a puzzled look on his face, while offering out his hand to shake.
Image Ssg Dugan Simovic, Platoon Sergeant                 

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Turn 2

Post by Pale Rider » Fri Mar 23, 2007 1:43 pm

A big grin split Jim's face at the mans fresh attitude,"Betsy is the name I've given to my new found friend the M64 Smart Gun. Since I prefer women, I gave my gun a feminine name. Be careful when you are around her she has a tendency to burp something fierce and it doesn't feel to good when she burps on you." Turning he motioned the newbie to follow him.

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