"Damn Eagle, that was a good story! I've got nothing to match that apart from all the stuff I've been through in the marines. Looks like the marines made a man out of me but it was just continuing a journey you were already on." He said. Nick gave the marine a respectful nod then turned as he heard the LT call him by name and nodded his understanding of her orders as she left the mess with the other woman.
"Nice to meet you Dugan, welcome to the 'Easy Eights'. The name's Sargeant Steel but you can call me Sarge. Your squadleader is L Cpl Chappell, which is this fine gentlman over here,' he said indicating where L Cpl Chappell sat, "he'll introduce you to the the rest of your squad once they report in. You seen any action before marine?"Sir, I am the replacement rifleman for Second Squad, I was pulled in at the last minute, by the Lieutenants C.O, and put in the cryotube by the synthetic after the rest of you were a sleep. Looks like you haven’t been informed by Priest yet. Regardless my names Pvt. Dugan Simovic.
*Salutes his C.O*
Nick raised his voice so that he could be heard throughout the mess. "The briefing shall be held in a few minutes in the hangar. Let's get a move on you marines!"