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Turn 10 Get Your Red Hot Xenos Here!

Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2007 10:17 pm
by Pale Rider
Date: December 2, 2080AD
Location: Firebase Alpha, Security Wall
Their ammo was running low, everything had been brought forward from the reserves, giving each Marine a loaded weapon and two spare clips. The Queen was advancing on the group; her height brought the crown of her head within inches of the 7.62 meter tall security fencing. Rounds penetrated her thick hide, spraying her acidic blood all over the wall, her screams piercing the night air; smoke begins boiling up from the wall as her blood eats away the metal sheeting, with a load whumping sound the xenomorphic queen fell, her side pierced repeatedly by the heavy rounds. Her blood flowed over the wall, the side rapidly collapsing, her massive frame penetrating the compound. The Alpha Xenos began to act sporadic lashing out at one another as much as at the Bravo Xenos. The Alpha Xenos were quickly eradicated by the Bravo Xenos who mercilessly attacked them, driving them to rapid extinction before the eyes of the marines.
Finding the breach the Silvery toned aliens poured into the hole, attacking any person foolish enough to remain on the ground. The screams of the wounded quickly rise in pitch as the marines are attacked, the assault coming with surgical precision, the blows not killing, but incapacitating the marine personnel.
As you watch, they begin the advancing on the walls, moving steadily crawling over their dead brethren. The smallest of them standing close to 3.048 meters (10’) tall and the tallest around 4.267 meters (14’) tall peered up at them before screaming almost excitedly as they scrambled over each other to get to the nearest one.

Turn 10 Get Your Red Hot Xenos Here!

Posted: Tue Jul 17, 2007 12:08 am
by Dirk Pitt
Dirk saw the queen go down"Ya! Take that you fucking bitch!! Take..." Then he saw what her going down did to the wall. "Oh shit. Con are you seeing this?

The Bravos made short work of the Alphas. Then they went for the Marines. Thier screams filld the com. Dirk started to fire at all xneos he could find. He looked over at the APCs. He hoped that if that was the way they would fall back they could get to them. With his smartgun red hot and running Dirk held his ground. They would not get his buddies with out a fight.

"Hay Con. These mother fuckers made a mistake. Now I can shoot in any direction!!!" Dirk said as he poured fire into the xenos attacking the Marines and comeing through the hole

Turn 10 Get Your Red Hot Xenos Here!

Posted: Tue Jul 17, 2007 6:29 am
by StConstantine
Dirk saw the queen go down"Ya! Take that you fucking bitch!! Take..." Then he saw what her going down did to the wall. "Oh shit. Con are you seeing this?
"Yeah I see it" Con said looking at the giant smoking hole and the aliens coming through it. "Theres nothing we can really do about it. Any bright ideas anyone?"

Turn 10 Get Your Red Hot Xenos Here!

Posted: Tue Jul 17, 2007 12:29 pm
by Dugan
Dirk saw the queen go down"Ya! Take that you fucking bitch!! Take..." Then he saw what her going down did to the wall. "Oh shit. Con are you seeing this?
"Yeah I see it" Con said looking at the giant smoking hole and the aliens coming through it. "Theres nothing we can really do about it. Any bright ideas anyone?"

The exhilaration of dropping the large Alien quickly turned to horror, when Dugan watched as the south wall melted before his eyes. Seeing the Alpha Aliens being decimated by the Bravo Aliens momentarily rose his spirits but then he realised the shit had hit the fan as they breached the whole lashing out at Marines.

"I say we fall back to the APC's and get the hell out of here".

Turn 10 Get Your Red Hot Xenos Here!

Posted: Tue Jul 17, 2007 2:49 pm
by Atypicalkiller
Tarik could tell the moral seem to be dwindling and not without warrant, the incredible numbers of the aliens vs the few warriors of the Marines it seemed almost impossible to defeat the odds.
"Theres nothing we can really do about it. Any bright ideas anyone?"
As Khan kicked another fuel barrel into the swarming horde he thought of one thing he wasn't sure if it was a good idea but it was an idea non the less.
"Let's fall back into the APC's and run these suckers long as we keep moving they shouldn't be able to flip us over.."

Turn 10 Get Your Red Hot Xenos Here!

Posted: Tue Jul 17, 2007 6:10 pm
by Hunk
Fox was glad that the queen died, a little. But it dumped a bigger problem on the marines, the wall can be breached.

As he saw the wall melting, he slid in the railing down the steps and got ready to kick one of the gasoline filled barrels towards to crowd of Bravo's that had breached the wall.

Hey Khan, you ready?

"Couldn't we barricade that part of the wall with the APC until air support gets here?"

Turn 10 Get Your Red Hot Xenos Here!

Posted: Tue Jul 17, 2007 6:17 pm
by bull30548
Turning the APC in the direction of the big hole Wrench lets loose with the whole compliment of weapons. "This is USCM APC flight number one and two. We recommend that all passengers hurry up and haul ass into the APCs as we prepare for our daring escape outside of the friendly firebase. Please make sure you are in an upright and secure postiion. Weapons should be safety for the purposes of our journey. Will the resident commtech get on the horn so we can get a dustoff somplace as close to reasonabley safe as possible. As a second precaution I will be giving our resident android a shipcall to turn this fire base into a nice friendly crater from orbit shortly. Flight one and two will be departing shortly so please hurry to get those double frequent bug flight miles." Calling back into the APC itself to anyone in it. "I want whoever in here to grab some ammo and give coverfire as necessary for incoming troops. Use pulse rifles it will take to long to get back in the APC otherwise unless you want to be a blood stain in the back compartment." With that he turns back to his weapons and firing up the APC for a wild ride out of this place.

Turn 10 Get Your Red Hot Xenos Here!

Posted: Tue Jul 17, 2007 6:38 pm
by Dugan
Simovic hearing Jones' comm message "Jonsson I want you to fallback to the 8th's APC, Roberts fire up the Engines and Weapon systems we're coming aboard".

With that Dugan motioned to Jonsson to follow him as he backed off towards the APC with his gun raised at the breached hole where the Bravo Aliens were coming from.

Dugan fired his last M60 Incendiary grenade towards the hole hoping that the fire might put off the Aliens advance long enough for them to get to the APC.

(Roll Ballistic)

Turn 10 Get Your Red Hot Xenos Here!

Posted: Wed Jul 18, 2007 2:39 pm
by Atypicalkiller
Khan kicked forth every fuel barrel in sight, once the barrels met the small wall of fire they had previously ignited the spewed forth flame in every direction crashing under the feet of the aliens as they approached burning their initial soldiers and spreading that fire to others as they thrashed about in pain and acid filled fumes choking the air. "Fuck it..." Khan said as he lobbed his entire supply of grenades one after another into the swarm of aliens.
(ROLL THROW/ Luck for Barrels)

Tarik decided to go with the flow and fall back with the rest of the platoon he gave the order of the comm channel of his squad to fall back to the nearest APC and report in to him after they were secure.

Khan couldn't imagine how in hell they had gotten this far...but he hoped their was still a chance of survival for him and his comrades.

Turn 10 Get Your Red Hot Xenos Here!

Posted: Wed Jul 18, 2007 6:23 pm
by Hunk
Fox ran over to the Apc and got to the door way. Spraying bullets at the breach to suppress incoming tango's, until everyone got in the APC. He thought this would be his moment of wreckoning if he were to cover people fleeing to the APC. He like the sound of it,not being a hero was key in his role.

Come on, I got you covered for the retreat to the APC.
fox shouted.

Huh you wants some more F**kers. You too. Got enough to share for all you mother*******! It was the first time anyone has heard Fox scream like this.

(OOC- Multiple Fire, Multiple Targets on the bravos)

Turn 10 Get Your Red Hot Xenos Here!

Posted: Wed Jul 18, 2007 11:42 pm
by Dirk Pitt
"Ready when you are Con. You lead the way I'll bring up the rear and cover the squad, If thats ok with you"Dirk said while still fireing at the xenos. looking around Dirk picks up a discarded M-41. Slinging the weapon Dirk thought he might need it as his ammo was running out.

"Hay Roberts and Fox!! You guys got room for a few more in those APCs?"Dirk said with a smartass grin"Because it looks like we could use a ride!"

Turn 10 Get Your Red Hot Xenos Here!

Posted: Thu Jul 19, 2007 7:20 pm
by Apachetear
Looking around at the mayhem Jacob's heart sank. He fell back to cover by the APC and commed in

"Everyone pull back about Wrench's APC...Morrisson...when are we leaving? Soon I hope!"

he fell back and dropped to one knee, aim, fire, relocate. Constantly moving around the APC Jacob didn't want the aliens to focus on any one position he was in. A cigarette burning in his mouth he aimed carefully and loosed shot after shot after shot.

He kept his zippo in his hand, the lucky ace lighter he had had for all these years, a good luck charm if it was anything - he hoped it would see him true this battle...

Turn 10 Get Your Red Hot Xenos Here!

Posted: Thu Jul 19, 2007 11:51 pm
by Corporal Hicks
Eric heard the orders from Dugan and Wrench. He fired up the 8th's APC. It was as if he was on autopilot as he got on the turret and opened fire into the hole in the wall. Then he began driving the APC towards Dugan and Jonsson. "Dugan, I'm coming Sir!" then switching the channel, "Dirk, I'm comin' for your squad, just gotta grab my squad first, hold together for one minute." He drove up behind Dugan and Jonsson, and opened fire over their heads with the 8th's APC turret.

(Roll for Heavy Weapons, Drive APC)

Turn 10 Get Your Red Hot Xenos Here!

Posted: Fri Jul 20, 2007 3:27 pm
by Dugan
[quote=""Corporal Dwayne C. Hicks""]Eric heard the orders from Dugan and Wrench. He fired up the 8th's APC. It was as if he was on autopilot as he got on the turret and opened fire into the hole in the wall. Then he began driving the APC towards Dugan and Jonsson. "Dugan, I'm coming Sir!" then switching the channel, "Dirk, I'm comin' for your squad, just gotta grab my squad first, hold together for one minute." He drove up behind Dugan and Jonsson, and opened fire over their heads with the 8th's APC turret.

(Roll for Heavy Weapons, Drive APC)[/quote]

"Ok my squad get in that APC, on the double", as Simovic said this he slid the heavy side door of the 8th's APC open. "Johnson, Dirk's squad is in the other APC, this one is for ours and Khan's squad".

(O.O.C there are two APC's so I presumed we are splitting up 8th's squads into one, and 9th's squads (who are now section B) into the other. Johnson is currently controlling one APC and Wrench the other).

Turn 10 Get Your Red Hot Xenos Here!

Posted: Fri Jul 20, 2007 5:09 pm
by Corporal Hicks
[quote=""Dugan""]"Ok my squad get in that APC, on the double", as Simovic said this he slid the heavy side door of the 8th's APC open. "Roberts, Dirk's squad is in the other APC, this one is for ours and Khan's squad".[/quote]

"Understood Sir. Get in guys." He switched his comlink to Khan's squad. "Khan, we're comin' for ya', just hold up." He switched the comlink to Dirk's squad. "Sorry guys, change of orders, looks like you'll have to take the other APC." Eric took off driving as soon as Dugan and Jonsson had the door shut. He continued firing with the APC turret.

(OOC: Roll drive, turrets)