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Turn 6 - Lower Level of Hell

Posted: Fri Jun 01, 2007 7:47 am
by AstroBoy
"Everyone keep ordinance flying!!!", Bojan shouted. The aliens would die if you could hit them. "Make your shots count, try to flank them if you're bunching and stay fluid. Keep them confused", he continued.

Bojan could see that the aliens were fast but they died almost as easily as a man. As long as they could keep them at a distance, they could hold them off.

He moved to a better firing position and started firing bursts, aiming carefully ahead of his moving attackers.

OOC: burst fire, single target, with aiming?

Turn 6 - Lower Level of Hell

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2007 12:13 pm
by Atypicalkiller
Bojan's reminder to keep fluid was a good one, Tarik began to strafe around the tunnel as much as possible while he kept firing.

Turn 6 - Lower Level of Hell

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2007 5:31 pm
by Pale Rider
Khan’s fingers closed around the trigger of his M56 Smartgun, the muzzle of the heavy machine gun spouting death as it locked onto its first target, the steel bee’s whining through the air striking the first of the Xenomorphs full on, punching through the chitinous exterior and spraying its acidic blood through the air. It rained down around the marines, who were firing continuously at the onrushing aliens. An orange burst leapt into the air as Simovic flash fried on of the aliens, its initial rush halted, but then it continued to race forward, at least that was the initial response, because suddenly it dropped on the ground, and began a spasmodic dance and cries of anguish filling the air. The acid rain evaporated as it fell, the intense heat of the flame thrower burning much of it out of the air.
The remaining aliens skittered rapidly out of the line of fire, and then dove through the air, claws extended as it pounced on Private Hawkins, the tail whistling through the air, twisting sideways, Angie was able to prevent the creatures tail from pinning her to the ground, unfortunately she was unable to prevent the claws from raking a trail of burning fire as they left half inch furrows down her stomach and back. The alien raised its tail back into the air, looking vaguely scorpion like in appearance. With startling speed the barbed tail flashed downward streaking toward the prone woman’s body; three blasts lifted the alien back off of the woman, its clawed appendages ripping more flesh away causing the woman to scream out in distress. Huey’s shot severing the tail off, Pvt. Robert’s blasted lifted the alien up and tumbled it backwards, and taking time and careful aim, Sergeant Bojan pierced the shiny, black banana like head, removing the ending. Again acid was sprayed through the air, striking Pvt. Roberts and Pvt. Huey Williams, as the Xenomorphs death throes, whipped its tail through the air.
A high pitched squeal echoed through the chambers, the sound eerily familiar for those involved onboard the Andromeda. As Bojan looked around his group, he realized that two were down with an acid bath, one was pinned down by a boulder, and one was bleeding from wounds on her stomach and back. All immediate threats seemed to be taken care of. Another shriek split the sky, followed by rustling sounds in the darkness of the tunnels.

Turn 6 - Lower Level of Hell

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2007 6:36 pm
by Atypicalkiller
Khan smiled arrogantly as the xenomorphs were destroyed one by one. A few of the soldiers had fallen in battle. Tarik paid them no mind, he lit a cigarette instead. "Damn...that was better than sex.." he said aloud as he approached Williams. He looked him over the acid shower had taken it's toll, but he didn't look incapacitated.

Tarik exhaled and spat at near Williams. "What the Hell's your problem back in formation" Khan replaced his hands on his weapon and took a defensive position to provide cover for the others.

The more and more Khan thought about this mission, the less he cared. At first he was incredibly concerned with their safety, and the agenda behind the curtians of the Corp. As time passed though he became more indiffrent and apathetic to anyones feelings. He had come to terms with the fact, they were all going to die. It was no longer a motto for some Lt or a Drill instructor it was a reality. They were paid to knowingly go to their deaths, and paid very little at that. There were two ways as far as Khan thought to deal with this. Worry about whats around every corner, or give in to death's desires. Death didn't seem to mind who it recieved be it Alien or man, Khan figured as long as he can keep the Devil happy with a steady supply he himself might be fit to live longer. Suvival of the fittest had a new meaning when these Xenomorphs were added into the equation. Khan had walked into this tunnel a decent man, there was no telling what would come out of it.

As the smoke swirled through the air, Khan cleared his mind and set his focus on completion of the mission. Bojan would surely call for back-up if not retreat entirely. The mission had few Marines assigned and now even less fully capable Marines. The mission would be chalked up as a loss. Khan didn't feel like a loser, he didn't feel like a winner either..he didn't feel much of anything at all.

"He who makes a beast of himself, gets rid of the pain of being a man,"

Turn 6 - Lower Level of Hell

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2007 9:40 pm
by Corporal Hicks
Roberts fell backwards in pain, stifling the scream that wanted to burst out of him. He quickly got his gun and supplies out of the puddle. Then he fell backwards in it. He spit out a gurgling groan of anguish as he laid there. He bit his cheek to suppress another scream, and felt the onrush of blood from where he bit himself. He squeezed his eyes shut and forced himself to fall back into one of his mental refuges. He thought about a memory that made him happy, and tried to force his mind off of the worst physical pain he’d ever felt. When the initial sting had faded, he sunk back into reality and felt his singed face. There was an acid burn on his right cheek, next to his old hunting scar. He felt several other erosions, but no other major burns. Looking down at his armor he noticed many other holes. It would still be effective however. Eric grabbed someone’s hand and pulled himself up. He spat the blood out of his mouth and picked up his gear.

Tarik exhaled and spat at near Williams. "What the Hell's your problem back in formation" Khan replaced his hands on his weapon and took a defensive position to provide cover for the others.
Eric saw this as he was getting to his feet, and slapped his hand on Huey’s shoulder showing that any grudge from the argument was gone. Stress, pain, adrenaline, and cruelty could be a bad mix on someone’s nerves.

He walked over to Hawkins then, to see if he could help. He pulled out his M24 Electric morphine Administrator, as good of a time as any, and stuck it into her arm. Then he pulled it out of her and checked it, still about half full. Then he pulled out his personal medkit. “Anything I can do Angie?â€

Turn 6 - Lower Level of Hell

Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2007 12:25 am
by - JR -
Jonsson slung his rifle and ran to the injured marines. Huey and Roberts looked like hell, but they were up and walking. Hawkins' situation didn't seem so optimistic. It didn't take a medic to tell that she was hurt bad.

His mind scanned over several different options. He hadn't taken any of the cuts or acid in the struggle, and Angie seemed to need immediate evacuation. "Hey, should we get her out of here before more come?" He then turned to Bojan. "I'm not hurt, want me to do it, or should we get one of them?" Here he gestured at the two walking wounded. As he spoke he gave a nod to them, trying to assure them his inquiry had nothing to do with his opinion of them. All facts taken, a wounded soldier would probably be less effective than an uninjured one, and the best way to fully analyize their injuries would be to get them back out. Still, he was reluctant to leave the hunt, and didn't want to leave his squad mates after seeing what they were up against.

Turn 6 - Lower Level of Hell

Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2007 7:32 am
by Dugan
Simovic took a deep breath, the firefight had ended quickly but had been intense. Four Marines now lay on the floor injured in some way and now the sreams of more of these creatures could be heard. He quickly ran over to Huey "You ok buddy? Sorry no time to treat you just get the motion tracker online I think we have more incoming. Get ready everyone leave the injured for the time and cover both directions and also the ceiling".

Simovic then struck an M-94 flare on his flame unit, tossed it down the passage where they'd come from and took a defensive stance with the nozzle of his weapon pointing down there ready to spout napalm at any 'bug' stupid enough to appear.

Turn 6 - Lower Level of Hell

Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2007 9:02 am
by Huey
All those hours of weapons practice paid off, excellent shots by Marines brought down the evil beast that attacked Angela. But in doing so Roberts and Huey got burned bad. It was one of the worst things he ever felt in his life. He grunted in pain when the acid spray got him. A sweet smell reached his nose, it filled the air. He fell to the floor in pain, he could he smell the sweetish smell of his burnt flesh. Stumbling for a bit to get up he cringed and looked down on his Motion Tracker. Nothing so far, but if previous experience was a lesson the tracker wasn't all it was cracked up to be.

Damn...that was better than sex.." he said aloud as he approached Williams. He looked him over the acid shower had taken it's toll, but he didn't look incapacitated.

"Says you bitch" Huey said, there wasn't much to smile about. Chapell was pinned to the ground Angie, Erik and him all got seriously fucked up. He tapped his face, "That SOB's blood nearly messed up my pretty face" He said cracking a small smile.

Tarik exhaled and spat at near Williams. "What the Hell's your problem back in formation"

"Fuck you" Huey said throwing a rock at him. Roberts one of the Erics he'd been fussing with earlier gave him a pat on the shoulder after he helped him up. He nodded at him, he wouldn't be raising any trouble with him. Not after this shit.

Huey got on the radio "Delta Dogs with his the Easy Eights" Huey started he had to focus mentally to keep his voice from sounding strained. He didn't want to sound like a bitch ever after all this stuff happened. "We got ambushed and took casualties, 2 walking wounded and two seriously injured, be advised the fuckers definitely know we're here" He said. Huey turned to Bojan. "Bo we need to get the Angie and Chapell the fuck up out of here to 9th Platoon. Roberts and I can keep going but we can't leave them here" He said. Williams didn't just want to leave when the going got tough that wasn't in his nature, but he didn't think they could carry on the mission with the two of them seriously hurt.

Huey kneeled down next to Roberts who was treating Hawkins "Let me treat her, you keep that Smart-gun ready alright" He said to him. He opened up her medkit which had far better medical equipment than the basic ones, and began treating her.

"You ok buddy? Sorry no time to treat you just get the motion tracker online I think we have more incoming. Get ready everyone leave the injured for the time and cover both directions and also the ceiling".

"Don't worry about me, I'll keep my eyes on the tracker just keep me covered." He told him, he wanted to get Angie treated and get back into the fight. The young Comtech turned the volume up on his Motion tracker up to Max, just in case.

"Hey Tarik, how bout you be useful for a change and help me" He said

OOC: Roll med skills on Angie for me please.

Turn 6 - Lower Level of Hell

Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2007 1:35 pm
by Atypicalkiller
"Usefull?" Tarik looked down at the xenomorph carcass then back again at his smoking barrel. He took another drag off his smoke and unhinged his weapon. Khan balled up his fist and started walking straight towards Williams. He looked Huey dead in the eye as he marched towards him, right as Khan was close enough to hit the man,he grinned and he walked passed him and crouched down to get ahold of the boulder which pinned down Chapell.

He looked at the Squadleader who didn't seem to be responding. "This is only going to hurt once....but God damn is it going to hurt."

Tarik Grabbed the rock with both hands and attempted to remove it off of Chappell.

OOC Roll what it takes to lift that sucka....

Turn 6 - Lower Level of Hell

Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2007 8:56 pm
by - JR -
While waiting for a response on what to do to get the wounded out of there, Jonsson noticed Khan's efforts, and the trapped Squadleader. He set down his rifle and grabbed a hold of the rock, adding his strength to Tarik's efforts. He wasn't the strongest of men, but he knew he wouldn't wear out. If they that rock got up off him, it wasn't coming back down.

OOC: modify Atypicalkiller's roll?

Turn 6 - Lower Level of Hell

Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2007 4:09 am
by Corporal Hicks
Huey kneeled down next to Roberts who was treating Hawkins "Let me treat her, you keep that Smart-gun ready alright" He said to him. He opened up her medkit which had far better medical equipment than the basic ones, and began treating her.
“Right, thanks manâ€

Turn 6 - Lower Level of Hell

Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2007 8:31 am
by AstroBoy
"Guys, stop arguing!", Bojan was getting fed up, arguing in the field helped no one.

"We need to get back out with Hawkins and Chappell, its too dangerous to take them in with us. Huey, tell 9th that we're moving out, keep trying until you can get contact. Jonsson, Khan, you work with Chappell. Dugan, Roberts, keep an eye out, take the motion trackers if you want. As soon as we're ready, we're gonna move out. I'm gonna see what I can do for Hawkins."

OOC: Roll Medicine on Hawkins. Help as much as possible and see if she's movable.

Turn 6 - Lower Level of Hell

Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2007 11:54 am
by Dugan
"We need to get back out with Hawkins and Chappell, its too dangerous to take them in with us. Huey, tell 9th that we're moving out, keep trying until you can get contact. Jonsson, Khan, you work with Chappell. Dugan, Roberts, keep an eye out, take the motion trackers if you want. As soon as we're ready, we're gonna move out. I'm gonna see what I can do for Hawkins."

"Someone in 1st Squad take the Motion Tracker from Hawkins we can't afford to lose that. Maybe someone should tell Morrison that we have incoming injured?"

He then went back to watching the rear tunnel.

Turn 6 - Lower Level of Hell

Posted: Fri Jun 08, 2007 3:46 pm
by Atypicalkiller
(GM approved lift)

Khan shoved Jonsson away. "Fuck off I got it" Khan's arms bulged as he picked up the rock that was no bigger than a small trashcan but seemed to weight more than it should and tossed it over to the side.

"How's that Williams good enough for you sir?" Khan half way smiled holding his cigarette in the other side of his mouth.

Khan went over to Bojan to speak with him in private.
(OOC CHECK PMs Bojan and Pale Rider)

Turn 6 - Lower Level of Hell

Posted: Sat Jun 09, 2007 7:19 am
by AstroBoy
Bojan continued chatting with Khan as a he tried to do what he could for Hawkins.