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Turn 28

Posted: Mon Jul 31, 2006 12:36 pm
by Nick
Cedar Groove, NY
Outside building, Cultist HQ
Mission timer: 00:43:15

The Marines quickly searched through the complex, room by room. But it was ultimately deserted. The furniture were wrapped in plastics, dust rested on old computer screens and all plants were brown and dryed out.

This was no cult HQ. It was a trap. A decoy at best. Why the cultists would want to fight it out with the superiorly armed and trained Colonial Marines was a question yet to be answered. Perhaps they just wanted to die?

Over forty Cultists had payed the ultimate price and laid dead. Shot to death by the Marines of the 8th Platoon. The "Easy Eights". But the Marines had not come through without losses either. Minuteman had suffered a skull trauma and was in a coma. MacGuire had caught a stray round and was killed in the very last minute of the battle.

The Marines gathered outside the building. The rain had stopped only a few lone drops found the faces of the Marines. The puddles of water reflected the ash grey sky above them. A westward wind blew in and the temperature barely reached above 5 degrees celsius. The marines shivered, hopefully the Dropship would arrive soon. No sight if it yet. Just a press chopper that circled above. Two hundred meters away the APC stood, still smoking. Struck by an anti-tank rocked the cultists fired. Beyond the wreck the Police line and a pack of scoop hungry journalists. Camera flashes tried to probe the dusk, tele-objectives desperate to caught a glimpse of the Marines. In the distant the whine of the approaching dropship could be heard.

Turn 28

Posted: Mon Jul 31, 2006 4:44 pm
by Apachetear
Deliberately moving away from the rest of the survivors, Jacob sat down and lit a cigarette, after the fighting - the search of the complex had been tense and frustrating - and completely unrewarding.

Breathing a sigh of relief after the first inhale, Jacob looked at the covered body of MacGuire and informally saluted it. The gesture may have looked dismissive, but Jacob saluted in this manner to every dead marine's body he'd ever seen - and, if you knew him well - you knew this salute was the most respectful thing he'd ever do.

Looking at the floor he smoked some more before looking at the bullet holes in his armour, the crack in his carapace armour - and he felt the rough hole where the bullet had scored his helmet

"Hell, I was nearly you MacGuire..." he muttered to himself.

Then glancing over to the squad he called out "When's our fuckin' ticket out of here? The less time I spend around this building we've turned into a bloody morgue the better"

Turn 28

Posted: Tue Aug 01, 2006 3:03 am
by HeavyGlenn
Finishing his talk with some random lieutant he went over to Jacob and petted his shoulder and then his cheek, smiling and laughing all the time and then kept walking towards the journalists as close to them that the lieutants allowed him.

Looking over his shoulder briefly he waved to the others then back at the journalistsa and starts posing like he was some kind of epic hero. Smiling happily with his foot on his helmet which layed on the ground. Moving his smartgun around like he was aiming for invisible enemies, and of course he didnt shoot. After a few minutes he shouts happily and waves more to the journalists and moves back to Jacod.

"They loved... I think" He said, smiling dumb, like always.

Turn 28

Posted: Tue Aug 01, 2006 9:04 am
by AstroBoy
Bojan hung around with his squad. He didn't feel the need to talk to anyone about the mission. He was more interested in why the cultists were so willing to die for an apparently empty building. Turning to Morrison he asked, "did we manage to take any of them alive?"

Turn 28

Posted: Tue Aug 01, 2006 9:44 am
by Apachetear
HeavyGlenn wrote:"They loved... I think" He said, smiling dumb, like always.
Grinning, Jacob looked up at the journalists and at Green

"They sure did, look at them...eating it up aren't they!"

Grinning. Jacob stood up and readied his pulse rifle "Lets pose for them some more, really take the piss eh?"

Laughing he went with Green to the journalists...

Turn 28

Posted: Wed Aug 02, 2006 10:42 am
by pants
"Damn it! We lost a good marine for a damn decoy!" Lt Cpl Steel spat those words out from between his gritted teeth, as he looked at the bodybag which held Pvt McGuires body.

Nick scanned the surrounding area, taking in the hordes of press held back by the police presence and the helicopter circling like a vulture. He also saw Green and Honeysett heading towards the line of press.

"Green! Honeysett! What the hell do you think your doing? Your not celebrities! Your marines damn it! We're keeping a low profile so I don't want to see your ugly mugs on the news at 6!"

Shaking his head in exasperation at the antics of his squadmates Nick moved to where Lt Cpl Morrison stood and offered his hand.

"You did a good job Morrison. It's just a pity that our intel was so bad. I'm not sure what's going to happen with Minuteman in a coma but it's going to be interesting. After we get debriefed I want to buy you and the rest of our platoon a drink. What do you say?"

Turn 28

Posted: Fri Aug 04, 2006 7:21 am
by HeavyGlenn
Ronald looked over at Steel, a bit sad since he really wanted to be on the news, maybe they would make a show about him he thought for himself. He waved again to the journalists and then walked back to the rest of the squad and pulled Jacob with him or at least tried to. He looked a little sad as he put on his helmet, clearly not liking to see the body bag and looked around again trying to see something else of intresst.