Turn 1. All in a Marine's Life

The 6th campaign.
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Turn 1. All in a Marine’s Life

Post by Corporal Hicks » Tue Jan 08, 2008 4:16 am

[quote=""Quinn""]Quinn inspected the burns inside the man's mouth, looking them over carefully. The flashlight played around inside the man's mouth.

"Marine, these are some bad burns." he stated simply. "If you're lucky, I can keep you in the Corps. Where did you get these?"[/quote]

"It was, uhh, a chemical burn. Top secret military business, I signed a paper so I can't tell anyone. Besides, I've had 'em for two missions now and they haven't got in the way of my fighting capability. They're just superficial wounds anyway, but I thought you might wanna look at the bite injuries."

ImageSgtMaj. Danny Sykes - Platoon NCO
USCM Special Forces Recon Team
Serial Number: D26/TQ6.3.48412E9
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Turn 1. All in a Marine’s Life

Post by Quinn » Tue Jan 08, 2008 7:29 am

[quote=""Corporal Dwayne C. Hicks""][quote=""Quinn""]Quinn inspected the burns inside the man's mouth, looking them over carefully. The flashlight played around inside the man's mouth.

"Marine, these are some bad burns." he stated simply. "If you're lucky, I can keep you in the Corps. Where did you get these?"[/quote]

"It was, uhh, a chemical burn. Top secret military business, I signed a paper so I can't tell anyone. Besides, I've had 'em for two missions now and they haven't got in the way of my fighting capability. They're just superficial wounds anyway, but I thought you might wanna look at the bite injuries."


Sixtus gave the soldier a flat stare. "I meant what kind of chemical caused these burns? Whoever saw to these wounds obviously didn't know anything about them."

Sixtus took the canteen off his harness, which he had yet to take off due to not having any time because of Matthias taking up his time. He unscrewed the cap and handed it to the soldier. "Swig this around in your mouth and spit it out in the sink until the canteen is dry."

His tone of voice left no room for being disobeyed. Many a generals and sergeants may have authority, but none have the composure of a Marine Medic. "I'm going to be frank with you. With these burns, it'll be a miracle to keep you in the Corps, lucky to keep you eating and talking. You need to be VERY careful when talking. And I'll have to keep you in here for at least a week unless I can get you into a better facility."

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Turn 1. All in a Marine’s Life

Post by AstroBoy » Tue Jan 08, 2008 8:58 am

Bojan, overhearing the conversation between Sixtus and Eric, marked his page, stood up and walked over.

"Sixtus is it?", Bojan asked the medic which he hadn't gotten to know well yet.

He continued in a calm tone to explain to the new guy, "The eights have been through a lot of shit, most of it classified under gag orders and whatnot. The cause of those wounds on Erik is classified. Therefore, I advise you to do your best with what you are told. The only way for us to tell you what you've missed is if Honeysett gets told to tell you or we decide that in the field its life and death. Understand?"

"Also, you seem to have a good head on you, don't do anything stupid. Medic's don't seem to last long in the eights."

Bojan scratched his left palm as he headed back to the table to read; the scar on it was itching.
Last edited by AstroBoy on Tue Jan 08, 2008 9:01 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Turn 1. All in a Marine’s Life

Post by Dugan » Tue Jan 08, 2008 9:54 am

Dugan watched as Screaming Eagle was led away, some how he didn't think that'd be the last they saw of him. He then made his way to the locker room and unclipped his armour and stowed his pulse rifle away. He felt tired but hunger was his first priority and after quickly washing off the dried dirt and Mathias blood from his hands and face headed towards the canteen to see what glup was on offer.

He thought of the mission only two casulties one a WIA that wasn't bad for the Easy Eights standards, plus this time at least they were fighting an enemy they had a chance against. He thought about Gallagher the guy had barely had enough time to finish his hello's before he was being shipped off in a body bag. He could see now why VET's only bothered getting to know FNG's after a few missions. Dugan walked away from the dispenser with his food and a black coffee and sat down near where Roberts and Quinn were in conversation.

[quote=""Quinn""] "I'm going to be frank with you. With these burns, it'll be a miracle to keep you in the Corps, lucky to keep you eating and talking. You need to be VERY careful when talking. And I'll have to keep you in here for at least a week unless I can get you into a better facility."


"Quinn there ain't time for that, just patch him up as best you can. The squads already down one man I can't afford for it to be compromised anymore. It's a shit deal but we're used to it now".

"Speaking of which we should be due some replacements, any news Honeysett?"

Image Ssg Dugan Simovic, Platoon Sergeant                 

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Turn 1. All in a Marine’s Life

Post by Corporal Hicks » Tue Jan 08, 2008 1:13 pm

Sixtus gave the soldier a flat stare. "I meant what kind of chemical caused these burns? Whoever saw to these wounds obviously didn't know anything about them."
"Uhh, they weren't treated. That was two medics ago, and she got wounded right before I got hit."

Eric was looking worried. He didn't want to get moved after all he'd seen with his squad. But then Bojan and Dugan pitched in for him. "I suppose we can tell him the chemical, right?

(OOC: The burns are on the outside, not inside the mouth)
ImageSgtMaj. Danny Sykes - Platoon NCO
USCM Special Forces Recon Team
Serial Number: D26/TQ6.3.48412E9
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Turn 1. All in a Marine’s Life

Post by Dirk Pitt » Tue Jan 08, 2008 6:23 pm

[quote=""Corporal Dwayne C. Hicks""]

"Uhh, they weren't treated. That was two medics ago, and she got wounded right before I got hit."

Eric was looking worried. He didn't want to get moved after all he'd seen with his squad. But then Bojan and Dugan pitched in for him. "I suppose we can tell him the chemical, right?


Dirk was quiet through the entire conversation, letting Quinn ask Roberts about the burns. Patting Roberts hard on the back he looked at Quinn.

"Don't worry about the burns. We all have them" He said showing the right side of his lower face and neck "What happened, happened. I don't think any of us really want or can talk about it anyway. "

"Hay Jonsson, nice face." He said with a smile looking at the burns " Looks like we all match"

Dirk grabbed a cigaret out of his pack and lit one with his battered zippo. Inhaleing deeply and then blowing the smoke out slowly he looked around at the other Marines.
"So anyone know what out next op is?"
Cpl Dirk Pitt
First squad leader

Pulse Rifle w/ 4 grenades, 8 canister shells
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Turn 1. All in a Marine’s Life

Post by - JR - » Tue Jan 08, 2008 8:51 pm

[quote=""Dirk Pitt""]"Hay Jonsson, nice face." He said with a smile looking at the burns " Looks like we all match"[/quote]
"I aint got none of your burns. This is knife work. From a ways back too."

As for him," he said, pointing to Roberts with a grin, "let's just say he got them from being an idiot and leave it at that."
Sergeant Sara Wang - Communications Chief

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Turn 1. All in a Marine’s Life

Post by Corporal Hicks » Tue Jan 08, 2008 9:19 pm

[quote=""SentinelBlade77""]"I aint got none of your burns. This is knife work. From a ways back too."

As for him," he said, pointing to Roberts with a grin, "let's just say he got them from being an idiot and leave it at that."[/quote]

Roberts grinned back at Jonsson. "I'm not the one who charged the damn thing with a sword."
ImageSgtMaj. Danny Sykes - Platoon NCO
USCM Special Forces Recon Team
Serial Number: D26/TQ6.3.48412E9
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Turn 1. All in a Marine’s Life

Post by Dirk Pitt » Tue Jan 08, 2008 10:00 pm

" A sword?" He said with a small laugh. Then looking at Roberts "No Roberts, You used a knife. Didn't you?

Ditk then crushed out his cigaret and lit another while drinking his coffee
Cpl Dirk Pitt
First squad leader

Pulse Rifle w/ 4 grenades, 8 canister shells
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Turn 1. All in a Marine’s Life

Post by - JR - » Tue Jan 08, 2008 10:17 pm

"That was me, not him. College boy here stuck to his gun," he said, his humor both unusual and self-deprecating, as if he were sharing an inside joke with himself.

"Machete," he growled, looking suddenly irritated. "Same one I lost on shoreleave.. Bastards." He motioned for a cigarette as Dirk pulled one out for himself.
Sergeant Sara Wang - Communications Chief

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Turn 1. All in a Marine’s Life

Post by Dirk Pitt » Tue Jan 08, 2008 10:28 pm

[quote=""SentinelBlade77""]"That was me, not him. College boy here stuck to his gun," he said, his humor both unusual and self-deprecating, as if he were sharing an inside joke with himself.

"Machete," he growled, looking suddenly irritated. "Same one I lost on shoreleave.. Bastards." He motioned for a cigarette as Dirk pulled one out for himself.[/quote]

Dirk handed Jonsson a cigaret and lighted it with his battered zippo.Then he started smiling.

"I don't know why, but every time I think about shore leave I seem to get a headache" He said reaching up and feeling the scar the bullet left high up on his forhead.

"Hay, what ever happened to that hot EMT anyway?"
Cpl Dirk Pitt
First squad leader

Pulse Rifle w/ 4 grenades, 8 canister shells
M1911 Colt .45 caliber Sidearm
Smoke Grenade x2
KBAR Combat Knife
Portable Welder
Ithaca Shotgun

Non Combat Equipment
Zippo lighter


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