Turn 3 New Arrivals - Squad 3,4 - Personell Terminal

The Fourth Devil Dawgs Campaign
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Turn 3 New Arrivals - Squad 3,4 - Personell Terminal

Post by JuanPerez » Sun Oct 11, 2020 9:07 pm

<GAMEMASTER INFO: End Of Turn 18.10.2020>

<November 31, 2189, 21:00 p.m.

Polaris System, Planet Utica - Former Hiatt Corporation Mining-Complex
Mission Time 03:00, 21 grad celsius, slight-to-medium rain

On Approach To Personell Terminal>

The former personell terminal of the Hiatt Mining-Complex is a smaller, cordon-like building and one of the two targets in this area to be searched and cleared out.
Like the freight terminal, the personell terminal is dead. Nothing, besides sporadic flickers of emergency lighting inside and on top of the building.
The marines of 3rd and 4th squad appoached the building carefully, using the cover of darkness and scattered debris, dumped cargo vehicles, etc.
Coming close to 70 meter both squads stopped.

There were obvious options to enter the personell terminal:
- one of the two entrance hatches, both currently shut
- climbing the roof

<Tag Squad 3,4>
rain.jpg (19.57 KiB) Viewed 10038 times
Game Master
Image 1st Lt Daniela Harper - Platoon CO
USCM Special Forces Recon Team
Serial Number A08/TQ3.0.45013E2
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M10 Pattern Balistic Helmet
M3 Pattern Personal Armor
M41A Pulse Rifle (6 Mags, 20 Grenades)
Service Pistol (2 Mags)
Combat Knife
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M94 Marking Flares

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Re: Turn 3 New Arrivals - Squad 3,4 - Personell Terminal

Post by Corporal Hicks » Mon Oct 12, 2020 3:15 am

Sergeant Major Sykes blinked against the rain in his eyes as he knelt behind an abandoned logging machine. He peered around it at the structure ahead. The lights were out, and he thought it might be abandoned. That would be really nice since he didn’t want to see any of his team die today. The concern was still there, but now that they were close, he felt the logical comfort of a careful attack. He had to act efficiently and immediately and there was something freeing about it. All worries and concerns were entirely forgotten in the intense heat of action when it was ‘kill or be killed.’

Sykes pulled down his infrared eyepiece from his helmet. “Infrared,” he whispered into his mic to remind the rest of his team. He had taken Squads Three and Four since their squad leaders were inexperienced. He was confident that Morse and Hall could handle the other side of the attack.
<Tag everyone>

Now he had to make the decision. He scanned the building with his infrared binoculars. Climbing onto the roof seemed like a good plan of attack. First, he would deploy the various precautions. “Sokolova, Vasilev, deploy on the hill there and provide overwatch.” Vasilev was his third sniper in a year. He hoped the Russian could live up to the men he was replacing.
<Tag Sokolova, Vasilev>
(Roll: Awareness)

“Davros, Fernsby, deploy the HIMAT behind cover. Wait for orders to fire.” The M112 HIMAT (Hypervelocity Intelligent Missile, Anti-Tank) was a portable anti-armor weapon. It was a deployable missile launcher which fired a 60mm rocket up to 5000 meters. After the briefing, he had assigned the weapon to Davros and Fernsby. Davros carried the base plate, tripod, and missiles while Sykes had carried the actual barrel of the weapon and two more missiles. He passed off his backpack to Fernsby to deploy it.
<Tag Davros, Fernsby>

“McKenna, let’s take Third Squad forward and try to scale the building. I’ll move up with you but be ready to change plans if something new arises. Third Squad, ditch your packs here, we can come back for them later. We need to move light.” Sykes then quickly spoke into his mic, informing the other squads of his intentions.
<Tag Third Squad>
M112_HIMAT-1-.jpg (35.19 KiB) Viewed 9631 times
ImageSgtMaj. Danny Sykes - Platoon NCO
USCM Special Forces Recon Team
Serial Number: D26/TQ6.3.48412E9
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Re: Turn 3 New Arrivals - Squad 3,4 - Personell Terminal

Post by BarbarianMathematics » Mon Oct 12, 2020 6:50 am

Sokolova nods at Sykes' command. "Of course, sir! Right away!" she called to him, then turns her attention to her squad, adding a few comments to Vasilev in her Ukrainian accent, "Let's get in to position then. I'll be the spotter. I'll try dealing with any hostiles we find nearby us, but you are marksman."

<Tag Sykes, Vasilev>

She turned around and looked to the Fernsby and Davros. "Just as he said, go out of sight, but near where we will be. Just remember, wait for the word on that one. Also let me know when you are both set up. I know it is something you men can handle," She tells them with a laugh at the end.

<Tag Fernsby, Davros>

Once the orders were conveyed, she hitched up her rifle into running position as she motioned up to the hill that Sykes had motioned towards, looking for a good position for them to both snipe well and stay fairly hidden. Once she found what she thought was a good spot, she went prone into firing position, pulling down her infrared eyepiece and pulling out a set of binoculars to help prepare for firing. Once in position, she called over the radio to Sykes, "In position Sergeant Major. We will take shot if we see one, da? Let us know when you are ready for artillery as well."

<Tag Sykes again>
<Roll awareness and spot>

Turning her attention to Vasilev once more, she adds something in Russian off the radio, "Skol'ko podtverzhdennykh ubiystv vy sovershili?"

<Tag Vasilev again>
ImageLCpl. Tanya Sokolova
USCM Special Forces Recon Team
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Corporal Nikolai Pushkin - ComTech
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Re: Turn 3 New Arrivals - Squad 3,4 - Personell Terminal

Post by lordstrand » Wed Oct 14, 2020 6:43 am

Davros made sure his infrared eye piece was on and functioning. He gave a two finger salute as he picked up the M112 HIMAT parts. He whispered quietly "I pick things up I put them down." He took note of where Sokolova and Vasilev were going thinking of sniping from. He mumbled about how he liked aggressive women.

Davros pointed out one or two places behind cover but close enough to the snipers in case either position needed help and looked at Fernsby for his opinion.
<tag Fernsby>
<roll perception, or awarness level professional???> not sure which is pertinent

After he and Fernsby selected a good position, he scanned the area to see he helped get the Rocket emplacement ready. He went over it once or twice to make sure everything was in its proper working order. He motioned for Fernsby to do the shooting if he felt capable, Davros was more adept at putting people back together than taking them apart. He put his pack down close enough to reach if he needed it but far enough that he wouldn't trip on it if the shit hit the fan. Making sure his medic kit was in a good position on his hip to grab things if he needed them, he never liked being without it. He set up a motion tracker so that it could be seen while manning the Rocket emplacement making sure that its set to not let out that little beep beep beep noise.
<motion tracker level professional.>
He made sure that his SMG was strapped in a good position on his body, and wouldn't be in the way if he needed to load rockets.
Silently in his head he counted the amount of steps it would take to get to any of his equipment, and made note of what was where. Double checked to make sure his on hand items were hanging where he wanted them and did one last check on the emplacement. He just couldn't help it.
He reminded himself that this was the "stealth" part of the mission when he gave his ready response to his squad leader.
"I'm ready to bag em' and tag em' if Fernando is ma'am."
<Tang Fernsby and sokolova>
Image LCpl. Strand Davros - Medic
USCM Special Forces Recon Team
Serial Number: S35/TQ9.4.48100E2


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Re: Turn 3 New Arrivals - Squad 3,4 - Personell Terminal

Post by Medic Guy » Wed Oct 14, 2020 8:40 pm

Corporal Clint McKenna felt the rain pelt down on his gear and skin, it was just cool enough to have a slight chill. The rain was thick and heavy, masking the sounds around them. He still checked with his men to make sure that everyone had any noisy gear strapped down tight to reduce the odds of making any unwanted noise. With plain sight the building was a dark shape against the dark sky. It appeared to be two or maybe three stories. The roof was trimmed in a dark green color that he could just barely make out. There were no windows or doors visible on the side of the building that they were approaching.

He heard Sergeant Major give orders to split the two squads. "Copy sir...third squad on me, we're heading for the angled section of the building. Mills, you're with me. MacGregor and Bennett cover us and then follow."

<tag Sykes, Mills, MacGregor, Bennett

He waited to see that the rest of the squad understood before moving across the gap to the building. Once they got to the side of the building, he pointed Mills to cover the left while he covered the right. They waited for McGreggor, Bennett and Sykes. As the other me arrived, Clint dropped his small bag to the ground fishing out a 200 foot length of rope and a composite grappling hook rated for 600 pounds. After slipping an end of the rope through the hook and making a grapple hitch to secure it in place. He stepped off the building about ten feet, judged the height of the building. He used his hands to encourage the guys to space away from where he was throwing. With about 60 feet pulled loose from the rest of the line, he began spinning the grappling hook up and let it go towards the roof of the building.
ImageCorporal Clint McKenna
USCM Special Forces Recon Team
Serial Number: L69/EA5.2.31782M9

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Pvt. Isabel Orozco - Rifleman; formerly of the U.S.S. Shiloh Marine Detachment, currently on public relations campaign.
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Re: Turn 3 New Arrivals - Squad 3,4 - Personell Terminal

Post by Joel » Wed Oct 14, 2020 9:06 pm

"I knew i should have wore my climbing boots" mills said under his breath as he started climbing up the rope. The rope looked old and frayed, as if its been used many times before.
ImagePFC. Bobby Mills - Medic
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Re: Turn 3 New Arrivals - Squad 3,4 - Personell Terminal

Post by Corporal Hicks » Thu Oct 15, 2020 1:39 am

Danny Sykes had to bite his tongue as McKenna gave orders to his squad. He had opened his mouth to say something like "I'm going first, follow me," but he swallowed the thought. McKenna was in charge of his squad, Sykes was supposed to focus on the big picture. Besides, there would likely be plenty more chances to throw his life away before this night was over.

He whispered into the comms, "I see heat signals in the windows. Keep your eyes open and if you see something, call it out on this frequency. I don't want any surprises so call it out." He didn't want something important to get missed because somebody was afraid to look dumb in front of the others. He absentmindedly ran his fingers over the shoe polish that he had used to black his face. Jingti Long likely had infrared but he didn't want to advertise his presence.
<Tag everyone>

He put his head down and covered the distance to the building at a dead sprint. Those were the standard tactics employed when crossing an open area with no cover: cross it quickly. He didn't know why, but he had a bad feeling in his gut like he had made a mistake. Too late now, better to just go with the first decision. Trying to change plans now would likely be a bigger mistake. Nevertheless, he reassessed the situation to see if the plan needed to change.
(Roll: leadership? Perception?)
ImageSgtMaj. Danny Sykes - Platoon NCO
USCM Special Forces Recon Team
Serial Number: D26/TQ6.3.48412E9
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Re: Turn 3 New Arrivals - Squad 3,4 - Personell Terminal

Post by NPC » Thu Oct 15, 2020 2:00 am

lordstrand wrote: Wed Oct 14, 2020 6:43 am Davros made sure his infrared eye piece was on and functioning. He gave a two finger salute as he picked up the M112 HIMAT parts. He whispered quietly "I pick things up I put them down." He took note of where Sokolova and Vasilev were going thinking of sniping from. He mumbled about how he liked aggressive women.

Davros pointed out one or two places behind cover but close enough to the snipers in case either position needed help and looked at Fernsby for his opinion.
<tag Fernsby>

He reminded himself that this was the "stealth" part of the mission when he gave his ready response to his squad leader.
"I'm ready to bag em' and tag em' if Fernando is ma'am."
<Tang Fernsby and sokolova>
PFC. Cain Fernsby, the quiet smartgunner, shot his partner a half-smile in the dark as he said something about aggressive women. His smile became more like a frown as the Sergeant Major handed him a heavy pack. In addition to the massive smartgun it was almost too much for him to manage. When his buddy asked his opinion, he was pretty quick to choose the nearer place behind a boulder. Detaching the smartgun and laying it aside, he opened the pack with the missile launcher inside it. "Base plate," he muttered to Private Davros who was kneeling beside him. He could feel the mud seeping under his shin-plates and the water soaked through to his skin. As Davros produced the base plate, he attached the missile launcher to it. "Bipod," he muttered, and held the weapon while Davros attached the bipod. Now the weapon was ready to fire, and he sat back on his feet and settled in to wait. In Cain's experience, waiting was 90% of the job in the Marines, 'hurry up and do nothing.'

Cain shot a sideways glance at Davros when he said 'Fernando.' "It's Fernsby," he said in a quiet, emotionless voice.
<Tag Davros>

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Re: Turn 3 New Arrivals - Squad 3,4 - Personell Terminal

Post by BarbarianMathematics » Mon Oct 19, 2020 4:39 pm

Tanya, having viewed something from her binoculars whilst looking for a shot, mentioned to Sykes over the headset, "Spotted what looks like kid in windows. Small person's frame."

《Tag Sykes, Vasiliev》

Continuing to spot, she hears the response back from the mortar team. Deciding to respond to the two, she gives confirmation over the radio, "Good. We are on standby for now."

《Tag Davros, Fernsby》

Taking the time to scout out anything else out of the ordinary, she scouts around the perimeter, though pays particular attention to where Sykes and the other squad were.
ImageLCpl. Tanya Sokolova
USCM Special Forces Recon Team
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Corporal Nikolai Pushkin - ComTech
(Currently recovering)


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