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Turn 19: The Last Stand

Posted: Sun Sep 13, 2020 4:15 pm
by Corporal Hicks
The creature was unbelievably strong; so strong that three grown men were struggling just to hold it away from Morse’s face. The pulse rifle didn’t exactly burn in half, but the twisted frame fell away as they grappled with the alien. Henniger’s helmet acted as a shield to keep the acid off of Morse, but he was choking out from the tail. Then someone was beside him, peeling the tail away relentlessly. Dimitri had the end of the tail in his hand, which gave him leverage on the rest, and the tail was slowly pried from its hold. The facehugger came loose from Morse’s neck and suddenly it was flailing wildly in their hands. Morse had its middle two left legs in a vice-grip hold. Dimitri still held the tail. Henniger’s burned helmet slipped off of it and he stumbled backwards and fell on the wounded leg.

As Isabel Orozco had called out, there were hideous black shaped entering the hangar from numerous entrances. They were crawling out of doors that lined the high walls, many of them three or four stories above the ground. The xenomorphs had located their prey and were attempting a final charge. Isabel aimed and fired at some of the creatures lining the walls and catwalks. She splattered two of them dead but there were plenty more to come.

Paulson and Sykes stood on the ramp of the terrorists’ ship, scanning the walls of creatures. Paulson saw something move out of the corner of his eye. Spinning around, he let loose with the flamethrower. One of the skittering spiders was coming down the ramp at him. He opened fire with the flamethrower which lit the little thing on fire. It swooned and then continued down the ramp, but Sergeant Major Sykes shot it with his pulse rifle. The acid melted through the ramp, rendering the ship no longer space-worthy.

Meanwhile, the dropship had entered the airlock. Knight worked the airlock controls rapidly and the outer door sealed behind the dropship. As he rhythmically tapped his fingers down on the keyboard, a red light began to blare, and the inner airlock doors began to open. The dropship was now inside the hangar with them.
dropship1.jpg (35.09 KiB) Viewed 12395 times

Re: Turn 19: The Last Stand

Posted: Mon Sep 14, 2020 1:32 am
by eyeball
Paulson and Sykes looked at the hole now forming in what had been a perfectly good space ship, they both swore profoundly at their predicament then looked up at the approaching xeno's. Paulson's heart rate shot up and the hair on his neck did the same,he had not seen this many in one place that he could immediately recall and certainly not all headed his way.
he stepped back slightly, one out of shear fear, but secondly to provide a little closer support to the group that was still downed after the small skittering thing had lept on Morse's face. he risked a look at his motion detector but knew it would be a big cluster fuck of signals.
<roll motion detector>
the creatures ran down vertical walls as if they where floor surfaces and began to approach. Paulson waited as calmly as he could muster, which wasn't very, as the xeno's inevitably closed in. Marines with longer ranged weapons opened fire, sparks flew of bulk heads as ammo missed but there where hits as well and creatures fell but as Paulson feared soon they would be within his range and that's when things got messy, the closer they came the more deadly they where.
<aim 2 fire flamer as they come into range 30m ish>

Re: Turn 19: The Last Stand

Posted: Mon Sep 14, 2020 5:52 pm
by LT_Chun
Henniger landed in an ungraceful heap that would have earned him scorn from his old parachute instructors. His leg was screaming at him again. He saw his fellow Marines above him
struggling with the creature. It was at least no longer strangling the staff sergeant. Henniger brought his pulse rifle around and braced the stock into his chest armor. He yelled to Dimitri and Morse.

"Throw it clear I'll blast the fucking thing!" He indicated to their strong side with the barrel of his carbine.

<tag Morse/Dimitri>
<roll reaction>
<roll gun combat prone supported>

Re: Turn 19: The Last Stand

Posted: Mon Sep 14, 2020 10:34 pm
by maxvale76
Samantha had nightmarish visions of seeing poor people injected with the eggs of the spider/crab/alien THINGS and for a moment, she froze....

Then seeing Morse gasping for air as several other Marines yanked it away from him and Henniger called out that he was ready to blast it, she spun around and looked all around and up and down to see if she saw anymore and if she did, she would open up on them. She called out...."AS SOON AS YOU CAN, GET TO DE DROPSHIP!"

<Tag Everyone>
<Roll Awareness, Roll Gun Combat: Master if needed>

Re: Turn 19: The Last Stand

Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2020 1:32 am
by eyeball
as Paulson looked around searching for targets a strange shape became apparent to him in the black ship ahead, in fact several shapes, they appeared to be eggs of enormous size with their tops peeled open like small fat bananas.
"what the fuck are those open eggs??" Paulson question Sykes pointing up the ramp "and should i burn them? Its not as if we can use the ship any more its got a bloody big hole in it!" He continued.
Paulson could not see any movement inside the ship and his Motion detector was currently clear at that range only picking up movement at a greater distance, but better safe than sorry he was thinking, two small bursts from the flamer should set them all alight they where really crammed in there, was his train of thought.
he waited for Sykes to give him the nod and then, they would be on fire and hopefully off their list of troubling monsters.
<aim at eggs wait for order to fire>

Re: Turn 19: The Last Stand

Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2020 5:20 am
by Corporal Hicks
The sight of eggs in the terrorist ship explained a lot. The bastards must have brought xenomorphs to Gaia Station as biological warfare. That was bad news and fucked up for a number of reasons, but Danny Sykes didn’t have time to reflect on those now. He nodded to Paulson. “Light ‘em up.”

He was too far from the Morse situation to render aid, and it appeared to be in hand anyway. He turned his rifle on the hordes of aliens on the periphery of the room.
(Roll: Gun combat)

Re: Turn 19: The Last Stand

Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2020 7:50 am
by Medic Guy
"guys there's a ton of creatures coming into the hangar from the rest of the station. Need some support here." Isabel called out to the others.

<Tag all

She swapped out mags realizing she had gone dry. She took aim at the multitude of banana headed creatures entering the hangar.

<aim and shoot in short bursts

"It is really time to be leaving now. This station is completely lost."

Re: Turn 19: The Last Stand

Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2020 3:47 am
by eyeball
“Light ‘em up.” Sykes said and that's all the encouragement Paulson needed, two blasts later all the egg cases and the inside of the ship turned into a flaming mess.
with that immediate problem solved Paulson went back to paying attention to the now swarming mass of adults approaching.
<roll aim and fire as they come into range please>

Re: Turn 19: The Last Stand

Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2020 2:56 pm
by Morse
Dmitri had been instrumental in the saving of Morse's life. Morse was well aware of that. The small creature had left him feeling closer to dying then being shot. The raw fear of what that thing could do to him left a carnal horror in him that he might be dealing with for a long time. The way it burned his rifle down to a twisted hunk of metal and plastic could just as easily been his face. Or he could have been rendered as a vessel for something even worse. But that may have a been a fate just narrowly avoided. With the legs in Morse's grip, and the tail in Dmitri's hands he was seeing far fewer stars, and a lot more of the horrifying reality of their situation.

"Throw it clear" Henniger had said, and Morse was in no position to argue. He threw his arm as hard as he could in a backhanded motion, almost like throwing a Frisbee to get it as far away as fast as possible. He hoped that the private was a good enough shot, because if he wasn't they'd be back at square one... only this time Morse wouldn't have his rifle as a shield.

But Morse was not going to wait either, he pulled his pistol. It had been some time since it was an actual necessity.

He heard the screeching and skittering all around the hanger. He heard the dropship come in. He heard Hall call out for everyone to move, and that was there only shot. Run and gun. They'd likely be overwhelmed if they held, and it was time to get moving.

"You heard her!" Morse roared. "RUN!!!!"

Morse himself did not run, he was taking aim at the skittering facehugger on the ground. Either he or Henniger would get it if he was lucky and then he'd start a sprint himself and firing into the mouth of anything that got close.

<Roll Awareness
<Roll Pistol gun combat

Re: Turn 19: The Last Stand

Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2020 11:03 pm
by eyeball
"RUN" Morse had roared and Paulson did not want to argue so ran he did, whilst at the same time looking for any targets of opportunity, unlike most marines left here he only had short range weapons on him so he hoped he would not need to use them.
<fire at anything that comes in range>

Re: Turn 19: The Last Stand

Posted: Thu Sep 17, 2020 4:39 am
by taimdala

"Bozhe moi," Dmitri growled and threw the face hugger as hard and as fast as he could away from him and Morse. He knew Henninger would turn it to fucking mush. Once the creature left his hands, Dmitri brought his rifle up and ready to shoot it should Henninger miss ... and then he got a good look at the walls.

Oh FUCK ME! Dmitri didn't even have the time to *say* the words before he heard the order to run for the drop ship.

Dmitri put his rifle to his shoulder and sprayed bullets the xenos' way, trying to clear a path to their ride out. He wasn't leaving Morse and Henninger, however. Tagging Morse on the shoulder as he passed behind the crusty Marine, Dmitri signaled his intention to move out and he mwent to Henninger's side (avoiding the bullets, thanks!) to give the man a hand up off the deck. There was no way Henninger was going to make it to the drop ship lying flat on his ass. That bum leg of his would make sure of that.


Re: Turn 19: The Last Stand

Posted: Thu Sep 17, 2020 1:33 pm
by LT_Chun
The platoon net was chaos in Henniger's earpiece. It was a crescendo that just barely clashed with the audible shouting off the comm and in the fetid hangar deck air around him. His leg was a swollen mass that felt...spongy. It made his bile rise.

He was already aiming completely down the site rail of his pulse rifle. Not focused on the front sight post as he would at a point target at distance, but focusing past it for a closer, area target. From his peripheral vision he saw the NCOs chuck the...thing, hard. Time slowed. The screaming and firing became distant, muted thunder. He heard the slowing beat of his pulse in his ears and the slow, ragged breaths he took. The crab creature flew in an arc as it writhed upside down, trying to right itself and orient its legs to the deck. He heard the cavernous sound of breath being taken in, then held. The creature slowly drifted to the deck about ten meters to his front. He squeezed the trigger when it was three feet from the deck, fully in his sight picture.

<gun combat, supine supported, full auto, three to six round bursts>

Re: Turn 19: The Last Stand

Posted: Sat Sep 19, 2020 3:35 am
by BarbarianMathematics
Having been distracted with the incident with the face hugger and given her gun wasn't built for that close of quarters, Tanya DID hear the gunfire and the order to catch the dropship along with the sound of shots being fired, she didn't hesitate to head toward the ship, having to look back every now and then to see if she needed to fire a dart down at any unassuming hand-like creature or xeno, or even a terrorist that might stop them from the dropship. However,getting on was her top priority.

《Roll awareness: fire on any open target not by marines》
《Actions: go to drop point, fire if way is blocked and no marines are nearby or something obstructs other marines. Otherwise avoid combat》