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Turn 9: Engineering (Marines)

Posted: Sun May 31, 2020 5:23 pm
by Corporal Hicks
The Marines entered engineering through the starboard bulkhead. They saw a long hallway extending forward and another leading to the right. In the room directly on their right, they saw tall rows of generators. The whole area was eerily silent and dark. The beams of their shoulder lamps illuminated pillars and bulkheads and machinery, but no threat was visible.

They could hear the voice of Sergeant Major Sykes in their earpieces. “First Squad, take the corridor. Second Squad, clear the room with the reserve generators. Third Squad, move to the right and clear the room with the steam converters.”
<Tag everyone>

As Third Squad moved into the room with the steam converters, the hair on the back of their necks stood up. This whole area was pitch dark and tight quarters but something else made them uneasy. The creature above them peered down hungrily, seeing yet more prey that had entered its new domain. It set its sights on young Private Isabel Orozco. In the dark it was truly invisible, its black exoskeleton blending in with the metal around it.

The creature pounced! It landed on top of Isabel with a force like a freight train. She fell to the ground, pinned under the massive weight on top of her. The Marines beside her were thrown left and right by the tumbling melee that ensued. Duncan was just able to shout, “T’ird Squad needs back up, now!”

(OOC: Credit for the area map goes to Medic Guy.)
engineering 1.jpg
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Re: Turn 9: Engineering (Marines)

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2020 1:18 am
by eyeball
Paulson was in the second position just behind point when the call for assistance came, he snapped up his motion detector cursing himself for his uncharacteristic lack of using the thing constantly, sure enough there was 3rd squad over to his right with an unknown now sitting right in the middle of them. paulson quickly swept the rest of their surrounding area in case any new threats were about to reveal themselves.
<roll motion detector>

Re: Turn 9: Engineering (Marines)

Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2020 2:56 am
by LT_Chun
Henniger has been on point when the reduced platoon entered engineering. The Top had kicked Second and Third off to their right and Henniger had led off straight down the corridor. The call came across the comm from Third Squad.
Eyeball who was directly behind him snapped up his motion tracker.

Henniger slowed his pace but crept forward with the hair on his neck standing on end. He had been quietly pissing rocks about running into the nightmare acid monsters since the chow hall back on Ship. He'd been too damn busy fighting your everyday scumbags since they'd breached this behemoth of a station to do more than give the matter a constant shiver, and from the sounds off to their right, it was now time to face them. He'd be very pleased to be wrong.

He kept his head on a slow swivel and flicked the selector lever of his carbine to auto. He glanced back at his new squad leader to make sure he hadn't been ordered to halt then returned his attention ahead and above.

<roll perception>

Re: Turn 9: Engineering (Marines)

Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2020 3:56 am
by eyeball
"contact dead ahead range 15 meters" Paulson called out as his motion tracker spoke to him, "Wait two more range 40 meters and closing all straight ahead!"
making sure his light was shining down the corridor he moved up towards point so he maybe able to use his flamer, in this tight corridor everything was in range and that was a target rich environment, he took a knee near Henniger so others could shoot over him if needed.
Paulson risked a glance down at the motion tracker again, made sure his pilot light was lit and waited, listening to the return sounds from the motion tracker as it did its job his shoulder light wavering slightly as his nerves showed.

Re: Turn 9: Engineering (Marines)

Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2020 4:37 am
by LT_Chun
Henniger halted his advance.

He could swear he heard some clicking noises up ahead like subtle movement. There was something on the ceiling. He swore it looked like a big shiny black cockroach the size of a human being. He could have sworn it just moved.

"1st Squad Point. Freeze. 15 meters front, 5 meters up on the ceiling. Contact imminent." He slowly raised his pulse rifle, drew a bead on the area, said an enthusiastic "fuck", and engaged.

<roll gun combat>

Re: Turn 9: Engineering (Marines)

Posted: Wed Jun 03, 2020 2:18 pm
by maxvale76
(OOC: I have no idea what Tanya is carrying as there doesn't seem to be a character sheet for her in the Uploads section, I HOPE she has a Motion Tracker as neither I nor Dmitri do and the NPC Poole, as a Smartgunner, probably wouldn't have one's hoping!)

SGT Samantha Hall had deployed her 2nd Squad in a single file formation with Poole the Smartgunner at Point, her next, then the wounded Sokolova and Dmitri 'walking the drag'....

Sam had her head on a swivel, looking up, left, right, down and back....she'd crossed paths with these aliens (not to mention the Mercs) more times than she liked to remember and she knew what excellent ambush artists they were....

Hearing the calls over the comms from both 1st and 3rd squad, she called out to her people. " udder squads are in trouble, let's go help 'dem out". Turning to Dmitri, she called to him; "Okay Dmitri, double time it back and out to de left, let's help 3rd squad first"; as she kept her shotgun at the ready (Dmitri still carrying her Pulse Rifle). "When we get around de corner, if dere's enough room, Poole, you get dat big smartgun up to de front QUICK, you got it?"

(IF Tanya is carrying a Motion Tracker); "Tanya, you keep your eyes on dat Tracker....tell us if you see anyting DE SECOND you see it, okay?")

Switching over to the Platoon wide channel, "Dis is Hall, 2nd is moving to assist 3rd"

<Tag 2nd Squad>

Re: Turn 9: Engineering (Marines)

Posted: Thu Jun 04, 2020 7:36 am
by Medic Guy
Private Isabel Orozco

As they were entering their assigned area Isabel noticed that it was oddly quiet for an engineering area on a space station this large. Her shoulder lamp played across the darkened steam machines and the piping and other mechanical things that were connected to them. Suddenly she was knocked to the ground and the breath was knocked out of her lungs as she made a cut off shriek. She could feel something writhing around on top of her. She looked up to see what appeared to be a collection of bones forming a tail waving back and forth across her shoulder lamp. Near her feet was a large oddly shaped head. She tried to bring her rifle up to fire but it was pinned under the creature. She grabbed her pistol and pointed it towards the front of the head and squeezed the trigger.

<gun combat

Re: Turn 9: Engineering (Marines)

Posted: Fri Jun 05, 2020 12:28 am
by eyeball
Henniger opened fire next to him and Paulson did the same. the whole corridor lit with other worldly colours as flames spewed out from his flamer. He deliberately wavered his aim to incorporate both sets of targets, the furthest were out near max range but were still going to get the effects of heat and flame, the closest was hopefully going to get cooked and shot as Henniger continued his full auto rampage.
<roll flamer combat>

Re: Turn 9: Engineering (Marines)

Posted: Thu Jun 11, 2020 7:01 am
by taimdala

"Trakhni menya!" Dmitri muttered but hustled it back the way he came, rifle up, and turned the corner left making sure he wasn't in Poole's way.

It occurred to him--too late--that he still had Sam's pulse rifle. He'd keep it for now and pass it to her once her shotgun rounds were depleted. He just hoped she'd be near enough to catch it when the time came for the toss.