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Turn 6: Zero Gravity (Navy)

Posted: Mon May 11, 2020 2:58 am
by Corporal Hicks
“Don’t forget your rifles,” said Seaman Stark, gently tossing one forward to Fernandez in the zero gravity. “Courtesy of the Devil Dawgs. It’s not like it’ll weigh us down,” he said as he strapped his own rifle onto his back.

The six volunteers stepped off of the dropship, slow and inefficient in their space suits. Their arms seemed to have no weight as they walked along the hull of the massive space station. They could hear nothing except their own breathing and the voices of the others in their radios. The nebula above was utterly amazing and they had to pull their eyes downward to focus on the mission.

“Wow, that’s a hell of a thing!” exclaimed Seaman Stark.

The ground seemed to vibrate under their feet as they felt but did not hear the impact of the breaching explosions happening in the station beneath them. Everything seemed surreal, at least to the four humans among them. Not a sound to be heard and eternity in all directions.

“Forty-five yards to go,” said the synthetic, Preacher.
nebula.jpg (168.54 KiB) Viewed 7348 times

Re: Turn 6: Zero Gravity (Navy)

Posted: Mon May 11, 2020 6:13 am
by CarbebthePoncho
Fernandez turned to Seaman Stark and said "That it is, and working with the Dawgs you'll learn there is more to come of unbelievable sights. Let's get on to it!" With the last exclamation Fernandez turned to knight and nodded and waved his hand to signal him and Bryant to move up towards the access port.

<Tag Knight and Bryant>

Re: Turn 6: Zero Gravity (Navy)

Posted: Tue May 12, 2020 12:39 am
by LT_Chun
Bryant concentrated on creating a rhythm, albeit a clanky one, with her hull boots. The pulse rifle worried her, she had only shot one once and never with thick zero atmo gloves on. She glanced up at the nebula when Stark exclaimed. It was breathtaking, but she knew why they were out here. And there had been a conspicuous absence of some usual creepy crawlies that usually plagued the Devil Dawgs' operations.

"Yeah it's cool," she commed to the team. "If you don't see an anchor over a starstream, you're looking at the wrong Rosharch Blot."

She tucked the stock of the pulse rifle into the crook of her bulky elbow and returned to concentrating on her steps.

Re: Turn 6: Zero Gravity (Navy)

Posted: Thu May 14, 2020 6:08 pm
by JuanPerez
Knight replied to Fernandez geasture by responding with the universal *thumbs up* and began to walk into the direction of the access port. He thought about Bryants remark about a rohrschach test but could not make any sense about it. After a few yards, his superior synthetic eyesight recognized something strange, causing him to stop immediately ...

"Movement, about 90 yards away, looks like a critter, coming in fast"

... he reported over his comm, pointing towards the ... thing

Re: Turn 6: Zero Gravity (Navy)

Posted: Thu May 14, 2020 6:53 pm
by EvHall
Cohen followed the others, taking in the sights of the universe. His breathing remained quick but steady as he ventured for the first time outside. He listened nervously to the communication over the radio. For a few seconds he was distracted by the nebula when the radio activity picked up. Something was headed their way.