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Blind Panic

Posted: Wed May 15, 2013 8:08 pm
by Sawblade
<DATE: **/**/****>
I'm told man can imagine an infinite variation of horrors. *Right Now* I'd take /anything/ other than what I'm experiencing.
I've heard it said that bravery is the ability to carry on despite fear. I have medals for bravery. I'd trade them all to live through this.
What I'm experiencing is best described as blind panic.
We were sent to take a Xeno Sample. It was Reptilian as far as I could tell. We had a Scientist aboard and TWO Artifictials. Plus a few corporate representative from Weyaland Yutani and a Heavy Squad of USCM veterans plus my little pack of coyotes.
All that's left now is My NCOIC, Their NCOIC, part of an Artificial, and myself. It WAS NOT Reptilian.
It looked like a 4 ft long Gila Monster. Ends up that's what it /ate/ last. It really looks like a GIIIAAANT Amoeba.
It can take the form of whatever it eats ... except Artificials. Just as a Note Artificials piss it the hell off. It just tries to rip them apart.
From what I've /heard/ being eaten by this thing is very very painful. And it's impossibly intelligent. Not intelligent like we are. But it learns from whatever it eats.
We are currently sealed in the engineering control center. We've disabled the ship because the damn thing was trying to fly away with it. Lord knows where. We got off a Distress Signal before we had to seal ourselves in here but we had to disabled communications because the damn thing would just lie to anyone responding. We have minimal sensors down here. If *anyone* comes to rescue us we'll send a burst message with all our logs in it before we shut down and wait.
We've tried everything we can think of to kill it /including exposing it to a vacuum/!
It's just as comfortable in a vacuum as it is killing us ... and that's pretty damn comfortable.
/If/ we get to the point of starving I'll order the engines overloaded.
I truly hope it doesn't come to that because I honestly don't think even that would kill it.

Here's hoping help comes.
Here's hoping they have new ideas.
Here's hoping I live to stay Frosty somewhere else.