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Re: While we wait (mini adventure)

Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2014 4:57 pm
by Whisky
oooh didn't think about this...

Given the nature of this little mini adventure I shall count ranks as a having a little more say but otherwise it will be majority rule. How's that sound to you guys?

Re: While we wait (mini adventure)

Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2014 5:16 pm
by Quicksilver
"There might be something of value on the Admin Server."

1-B or 2

Re: While we wait (mini adventure)

Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2014 6:50 pm
by Corporal Hicks
(OOC: I vote that the officers have authority, but if they don't post in time it's majority rule. Either way, I'm gonna follow Quinn's orders.)

"Copy that, El-Tee. I got point," Roberts says. He moves further into the room with his smartgun.

Re: While we wait (mini adventure)

Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2014 9:09 pm
by Whisky
Despite the objections of Morse, Lieutenant Quinn orders the building swept and cleared as one unit. One of the fire team's smartgunners takes point, moving carefully through the debris. The rest of the marines spread out and filter amongst the desks and mess.

As they approach the back with the archive and office the lead marine spots something under the broken window. A marine to the left who is approaching the door to the archive room spots something as well. They both sound off, garbling the comms. Request clarification from:

1) Marine below Office
2) Marine by Archive

Re: While we wait (mini adventure)

Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2014 9:59 pm
by Corporal Hicks
"Boothe, repeat that," Roberts says into the comms.

(Option 1)

Re: While we wait (mini adventure)

Posted: Sun Apr 26, 2015 10:47 am
by Whisky
Booth who had been approaching the archive room repeats himself; "I've got a bloody hand print on the door here, and what looks like more blood on the inside." Moving closer he looks through the glass and sees there is indeed blood. Drops and the occasional smear forms a trail moving around the to the back of a bank of computers.

Booth notices the doors keypad is unlocked and the squad would be able to easily enter.

1)Enter the archive.
2)Leave the archive alone.

Re: While we wait (mini adventure)

Posted: Mon Apr 27, 2015 7:04 am
by Corporal Hicks
"Boothe, open the door, I got point," Roberts said.

Re: While we wait (mini adventure)

Posted: Mon Jan 25, 2016 7:11 pm
by Whisky
I think I'll continue this mini adventure for a bit.

Boothe reaches out and pushes open the door open. Hicks advances smooth and steady, Boothe follows him in, the rest of the squad wait outside. Following the blood trail they find the source. A body, dressed in dirty overalls is propped up against one of the banks of computers and in pool of congealed blood. Deep gashes criss cross the body. In one hand there is what looks like a keycard of some sort.

1) Take the keycard and leave
2) Leave the room.

Re: While we wait (mini adventure)

Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2016 8:10 pm
by Whisky
(No one wants to post? :/ )

Re: While we wait (mini adventure)

Posted: Mon Feb 08, 2016 6:07 pm
by Corporal Hicks
Roberts scans the room for threats. He sees only the messy corpse with the keycard. "Sal, grab that keycard and let's get out of here."

(Option 1)

OOC: I think im the only one who plays this mini adventure lol

Re: While we wait (mini adventure)

Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2016 12:44 am
by Quicksilver
"I got it." Mark said, gingerly moving into the room and making his way to the keycard.

(Option 1)


Re: While we wait (mini adventure)

Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2016 2:53 am
by Corporal Hicks
OOC: Here is roster as I remember it...

Lt Sixtus Quinn - Platoon Commander
Sgt Dirk Pitt - Platoon Sergeant

Cpl. Samantha Hall - Squadleader
LCpl. Eric Roberts - Smartgunner
PFC. Mark Giosso - ComTech
Pvt Salazar Boothe - Rifleman

Cpl. Allen Morse - Squadleader/Smartgunner
Pvt. Thomas Colson - Medic
PFC. Paul Williams - Rifleman

We can keep it or add in others if they wanna join. Any inactives can be cannon fodder >:D

Re: While we wait (mini adventure)

Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2016 9:55 pm
by Whisky
Giosso stepped over the pool of blood and pried the key card out of the worker's hands. Stepping back the it's clear there is nothing else worth investigating here. What ever killed this worker did a thorough job of it. As the marines start to exit the archive room the motion trackers light up. Williams of second squad calls out "10m, High. That's the office!"

1) Call out
2) OPEN FIRE! (They're coming out the god damn walls!)
3) Grenade (FIRE IN THE HOLE!)

(Not sure why I'm giving you these options. Well I do, got to cover second squads default MO ;) )

Re: While we wait (mini adventure)

Posted: Fri Feb 12, 2016 6:23 am
by Corporal Hicks
Eric Roberts heard Williams call out. "Second Squad, somethin' butchered this guy! Watch your asses!"

(Option 2 lol)

Re: While we wait (mini adventure)

Posted: Sun Feb 14, 2016 9:54 am
by Whisky
With a roar Roberts opened fire at the ceiling above him. Bringing down a shower of ceiling tiles. Then the rain came. Several of the marines lit up the office block. Glass, paper and sections of the prefab cumbled under the onslaught of barking pulserifles. "HOLD FIRE! I SAID HOLD YOUR FIRE GODDAMNIT!" bellowed Quinn. As the last pulse rifle went quiet that's when they could hear the screaming. Someone up in the office was bawling their eyes out.

Morse looked down at the grenade in his hand, shrugging he put the pin back in before slipping it onto his harness. Dirk did notice, he just decided not to comment.

1) Rush to aid the person.
2) Aid the person but exercise caution and approach slowly.