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Re: M2T4

Posted: Sun Mar 08, 2009 5:41 am
by Obi
O'Brien double clicked his comm to indicate he understood the order to move.  Keeping a low profile with the M42 tucked into his right shoulder and looking over the scope, he started off at the quick moving in a slight zig zag to randomise his path incase some sod was lining him in their sights.  Mentally kicking himself as he moved regarding the fact that while he still had IR vision by looking through the rifles' scope, it didn't offer the full range that a helmet mounted kit did.  Which he thought, gritting his teeth, really would have come in handy right about now.  Getting into position he dropped to a knee and peeked through the rifles scope giving the area a quick scan. Seeing that it was clear, he adjusted his bush hat and reported in simply, "O'Brien in position."

(Sorry for the delay all, been at sea, cheers).

Re: M2T4

Posted: Sun Mar 08, 2009 6:31 pm
by Dirk Pitt
Dirk coverede the mic and looked back at Morse. " The labs are where the company makes it's lawyers Morse"

Re: M2T4

Posted: Mon Mar 09, 2009 2:49 am
by Hunk
The long cold ride came to a halt.  The door dropped and the APCs pored out the dropships rear.  He kept his M39 up in the high ready position, once he unsnapped his harness, and making sure he didn't flag any one his teammates as he exited the APC.  The mist gave Luke a wake up call, it hit him like a energy drink binge.  Once he  setfoot on the solid ground his Squadleader gave him the order to breach the door.  He moved up on the door,  looked at Quinn, and nodded as he put his rifle in the low ready position and proceeded with the breach.  The only thoughts that passed through his mind was what is behind that door waiting for him.

-=Tag 2nd Squad=-

Re: M2T4

Posted: Mon Mar 09, 2009 4:32 am
by eyeball
patch swiftly and efficiently scanned his assigned flank as he moved towards the communications building.

he arrived at the comms building thankfully un-spotted or at least unengaged by any hostiles, and set up just past the closed doorway, looking to the north east covering the north line of the building  across the open space down to the top of the generators.

visibility was still crap, but he had his motion scanner up and running.

Re: M2T4

Posted: Mon Mar 09, 2009 4:40 am
by eyeball
patch heard the order for the sarge and mentally prepared himself., he nodded that he was ready and as sgt simovic raised his foot he took a breath and was ready to go.

the door shattered away from its lock and the sound ripping out, but strangely deadened by the mist and wind, patch doubted the other squads had even heard it. patch was up and through the door before it even finished moving. he stayed low and to the right side as ordered, his IR engaged sweeping for targets and civi's alike.

(ooc sorry about late ish post had no notification that turn 4 was up)

Re: M2T4

Posted: Mon Mar 09, 2009 7:07 am
by Tyler Ishizawa
Ishizawa lay prone on the ridge while he viewed the compound with his binoculars. The visibility was much better now that they were closer to the complex, but it still left much to be desired. The buildings were still outlines, and the other Marines just figures in the fog.

As he continued scanning, all he could hear was the wind and the beating of the motion tracker. His heart was pounding, he just wanted somebody to hurry up and take the first shot.

But it was odd, for it had been a fair amount of time since the Dropship had set down, yet, the compound still seemed deserted. Nobody came out of the buildings to see what had happened. Nobody fired upon the Marines. Nothing.

Ishizawa whispered over to his squad, "Check your targets before you fire guys, the fog is still reducing visibility, we don't want any friendly fire"

Re: M2T4

Posted: Mon Mar 09, 2009 8:28 pm
by Raider65
As the mist enveloped him as Erik stepped from the APC.

"Aye, Aye Cpl Dirk I'll keep an eye on the tracker and give you a warning if I pick up anything and should we go to IR to see thru this soup?".

He went to the left of his fire team and took position. Glancing around to the left, his sector to watch even tho he couldn't see very far in the mist. He did a quick 360 with his tracker picking up the other squads. He zoomed the tracker to max reading distance several times as he turned slowly and in the direction they were to go.


OCC: Cpl Dirk, what am I armed with? Did we leave the Smartgun behind or is that what I have? Or am I carrying the Motion Tracker? I do have some skill with it.