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Posted: Sat Feb 21, 2009 11:36 am
by Nick
2179 AD, 28th September
Location: CSC Sector, Orbit, Saint John, USS Fidanza, Mess hall

"What the fuck is this?" the Dropship Pilot Carlson grunted, poking the all too solid pile of goo with her spoon. "Looks like a corporate brain to me..." her co-pilot McRoger said loud enough for the two civilian advisors to hear a table away. The two advisors ignored the remark and carefully tried to figure out what was edible on the autochef metal plate in front of them. The two advisors, one man and one woman, were dressed in formal plain clothes in stark contrast to the marines somewhat worn combat trousers in brown and tan camouflage. Lt Anderson entered the messhall, the only marine except Simovic, to actually wear the camouflage shirt - The other marines wore variants of tank tops and t-shirts mixed freely with issued wear and civilian variants. The discipline among the Bandits were tough when on a mission, but before and after the discipline were relaxed - Especially dress code. Lt Anderson hade not changed, or try to, change that - Instead she kept a rather low profile. Well aware that she was the new kid on the block.

"Marines, listen up for a second" Anderson said as she put down her plate next to the two civilian corporate advisors. "This is Mr Hendricks and Ms Uzuki. You might have met them prior to us leaving Gateway. Mr Hendricks is a Corporate Lawyer and Ms Uzuki is a bio-engineer and medical analyst. They are both from the Corporation."

Weyland-Yutani was so large that most people formally referred to them as the "the company" more or less.

A few marines nodded in recoqnition to the two strangers, most gave them a glance and continued studying the plate. A few comments let to sublte laughs, the Marines felt uncomfortable with the presence.

"Sergeant, I want mission prep and combat loading done in eight hours. We will leave here in nine hours, preferrably sooner."

"Carlson & McRoger, load number 2 and see to it that number two is fueled up and that it is remote launch ready just in case" Lt Anderson said to the dropship crew.

"Priest, Angel - You two prep the APCs. You know what to do" Lt Anderson said to the two synthetic persons sitting at a separate table.


OOC: Feel free to move around the ship during these eight hours. Next turn will be combat drop and insertion of the recon squad.

Re: M2T2

Posted: Sat Feb 21, 2009 1:50 pm
by MI_trooper
what is this goup? it looks like green eggs and ham...
and i really hope the Lt dont want us to baby sit those, two hopefully its just her way of show and tell.

Pvt. Lippa finished his food, and stayed at the table a little longer, just to let it go down.

Re: M2T2

Posted: Sat Feb 21, 2009 4:33 pm
by tpc
"Man ,I wonder what happened to those poor marines, out there in the outer reaches of space........... Anything can happen out there, man, anything
"Monks said with a slightly frieghtened tone. Not even thinking about his food.
                                  (tag anyone)

Re: M2T2

Posted: Sat Feb 21, 2009 6:46 pm
by Tyler Ishizawa
Ishizawa sat with the rest of his squad, while he poked his so called "food" with a fork. He set it aside for awhile and ate his cornbread instead, one of the few decent foods available in the corps, at least in his opinion.

"Gotta love Marine food", he said, barely audible with a mouth full of cornbread. He swallowed his food and continued on.

"Anyways, regarding everyone's questions during briefing, here's the deal: Mongo and O'Brien are the best shots in 3rd so they'll  be taking the M42's, while me and Johnson will take the trackers. Johnson, you stick with Mongo. O'Brien, your with me. We good?"

Re: M2T2

Posted: Sat Feb 21, 2009 7:25 pm
by Ranger2011
"Anyways, regarding everyone's questions during briefing, here's the deal: Mongo and O'Brien are the best shots in 3rd so they'll  be taking the M42's, while me and Johnson will take the trackers. Johnson, you stick with Mongo. O'Brien, your with me. We good?"
Johnson looked up from his "food" to listen to Ishizawa. "Roger that sir." He acknowledged after swallowing the rest of the goo. He then looked over at Mongo. "I'll try not to cramp your style." He teased, winking at his sniper. Realizing he had gotten food all over his civvie shirt, his eyes widened and he swore aloud, wiping the green stuff away with a napkin. "Well, it'll take a couple washings to get that out." He muttered, his mood ruined.

(Btw, his shirt is the same one Frost was wearing in the movie Aliens at their breakfast. "Peace through superior firepower" With a Pulse Rifle. :D)

Re: M2T2

Posted: Sat Feb 21, 2009 11:31 pm
by Obi
Moving is food around his plate trying to determine if it was some form of alien life Obi listened to the chatter around him.  Hmm may be Dad was right, perhaps i should have joined the Navy, he always did say that the scran was awesome.  But then again, if this lump does move on my plate at least i know i was right thats gotta be worth more than a privates wage... He sighed gazing around the compartment, taking in his fellow Marines.  Yep, you can sure pick us new guys out, noticing how the BDU's of the FNG's stood out compared to the faded ones of the units old hands.  He smiled when he saw the Company reps.  His BDU's might be crisp and sharp, but at least he is dressed for the occasion those two look like they are ready for a night out on the town.  He frowned at that, thoughts going back to the the briefing on LV-426 and the missing Marines.  Not just Marines, but an entire starship as well, and they are not exactly small things to misplace.  His thoughts were interrupted with the sound his name being mentioned. "Sure thing CPL, I'm on your six."  He spoke up again,  "Aside from the 42' CPL is there anything you want me to take?"

Re: M2T2

Posted: Sun Feb 22, 2009 12:59 am
by Dirk Pitt
Dirk slowly drank his coffee as he watched the two company people move to a table. He shook his head and looked back at his food, or what the Corps said was food.

Nasty food, bad coffee and now a lawyer and a bio-engineer.

Looking over at Monks he tried to smile."Don't sweat it Monks. Just keep your head up, stay alert and you'll do fine." Dirk said, almost believeing it him self.

No longer hungery he stood and put his tray away. "Get to the hanger in one hour 4th. We'll get ready for whatever action we might see then." HE said

Lighting a cigaret, Dirk put his New York Yankees cap on and left the chow hall

Re: M2T2

Posted: Sun Feb 22, 2009 2:31 am
by MI_trooper
with the awkward silence at his table pvt lippa felt like an outsider well cya later guys...pvt lippa then put his tray away and whent to the lockers and armory to suit up
<tag the people at my table assuming its 2nd squad

dude keep frosty your new to the unit, they will eventually talk to you, after all the LT didnt choose you for this mission just because you are a marine
<tag pvt lippa was talking in his head

Re: M2T2

Posted: Sun Feb 22, 2009 3:34 am
by Kurosaki, Ichigo
MI_trooper wrote: with the awkward silence at his table pvt lippa felt like an outsider well cya later guys...pvt lippa then put his tray away and whent to the lockers and armory to suit up

Re: M2T2

Posted: Sun Feb 22, 2009 3:47 am
by MI_trooper
pvt lippa heard yelling to hold up, he turned and looked and saw his squadmates talking and some one of them were looking at him so he returned to the table.

hey im pvt lippa im the tracker in this squad, i havent been in many fights yet but the ones ive been in i proved myself to be a dedicated marine so you can count on me nice to meet you all.

Re: M2T2

Posted: Sun Feb 22, 2009 4:13 am
by Raider65
Erik went and got some coffee first then went to get his plate of GI rations. It was suppose to be good for you with all the stuff your body needed but sometimes the taste was awful, thats why he always carried bottles of hot sause to cover it up. After eating he thought he'd go down to the Armory and get some practice with the Smartgun simulator so he would be the best he could be. He looked for Morse to sit down by. The tables seemed to be broken up by squads and the higher ups. He'd do what he was told and toe the line. He had a feeling he'd need all of his smartgun practice time soon.

Re: M2T2

Posted: Sun Feb 22, 2009 5:35 am
by eyeball
what is this group? it looks like green eggs and ham...
"green eggs and ham..i do not like green eggs and ham, do not like them Sam i am".....patch recited remembering an old old children s book.

patch scoffed down his food it was great, warn full of nutrients virtually no chewing needed. he ate fast always had ever since doing stints as a hospital medic, you always got paged right in the middle of your meal, everyone did every there's a conspiracy theory worth investigating.

"OK" patch thought "8 hours tops, better be available and ready in 6 just in case" then he got up nodded to Quinn just to acknowledge the other medics presence, then left the chow hall. "hit the gym, check the med kits, clean his personal weapons, talk to Quinn to see if he had got any more info on possible reagents in play down side, another shower, not cold this time, eat again if time allows, stow squad medical gear and spares on APC, gear up lock and load" yep that would take about 6 hours more or less, patch thought to himself as he left the mess hall.

Re: M2T2

Posted: Sun Feb 22, 2009 8:00 am
by Morse
Morse decided he would spend his time doing absolutely nothing productive. He was off the clock so he'd do what he found to be best. He was wearing a gray shirt with Texas Flag dead in the center of it. Food was first on his list of things to do. He grabbed a tray of highly neutricious "Food" as they called it, which was more like protien paste ala benzine for taste. Sitting down next to Eric he proceeded poke and pry at the food, without eating it like he tended to do. It was a habbit he had, but it wasn't de constructive.

Don't ya just love USCM Soup, bland as hell, no texture at all, but its the healthiest shit this side a the system. Morse said proceeding to laugh afterward.

<Tag Raider

Re: M2T2

Posted: Sun Feb 22, 2009 8:29 am
by Raider65
"You're from Texas Morse," said Erik as he watched Morse poking at his food "You want to use some of my hot sause for a taste of home"

"Maybe do you want to do some target practice later with me down in the combat simulator so I can brush up on the Smartgun techniques. I don't want to let you guys down."

Re: M2T2

Posted: Sun Feb 22, 2009 6:33 pm
by Morse
Never was much a fan a the crap the burns your mouth out, bland is just fine. Morse replied. He was extremely sensitive to hot and spicy things, so much that he refused even eat and touch the stuff. Course i guess i'll take ya up that offer for the sittin n shoot, Hell it aint no secret i could probably use more practice with the damn thing anyway. Morse finished

<tag Raider