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Posted: Sun Oct 05, 2008 3:54 pm
by Nick
2179 AD 25th August
Location: CSC Sector, Crysalis, Camp Castaway

21.32 hours local time

Like on a given signal the rebels suddenly fled. They didn't withdraw, they fled. Head over heals, leaving their dead and wounded as they lay. Some even throwing their weapons away to move faster. The immobilized dozer was evacuated and the two crewmembers, jumped out of it and ran as fast as their feet could carry them. The marines squeezed off a few farewell rounds in their general direction, but no one of them hit their targets although Erika was very close. The rebel ducked insinctively as her round swooshed past one of the running figures head - He or she assumed a noticeably lower running stance after that...

The smell of burnt cordite stung the nostrils of the marines. Their ears rung fiercly in the silence that followed the musical from hell they had just listened to. They all bathed in sweat, despite it being extremely cold none of them felt cool. A few of the marines still felt the tingling of the adrenaline and some even had small shakes in the hands or knees that they had not noticed before in all the action. Perhaps even some had wet their pants, if they had they kept it for themselves - despite it being quite natural it was not in a Marines nature to admit any weakness. A few cigarettes, flared up in the darkness - despite it being forbidden due to the risk of sniper fire. The more experienced marines hunkered down or covered the glowing cigarette with a cupped hand. Inhaling the smoke with sweet relief.

The Rebels continued running until the reached the first hill, then they dove down behind it and took cover. A few heads bobbed up, checking if the Marines would pursue them.

:: Actions ::

OOC: Woohoo back to the Pool...suckas!!

Re: M1T8

Posted: Sun Oct 05, 2008 10:20 pm
by eyeball
The Rebels continued running until the reached the first hill, then they dove down behind it and took cover. A few heads bobbed up, checking if the Marines would pursue them.
"this is pvt Patch, scanner shows clear, ammo count good, no injuries, awaiting orders"

Re: M1T8

Posted: Mon Oct 06, 2008 12:06 am
by Tyler Ishizawa
Tyler was doubtful that the battle had been won. The rebels were in disorganized retreat, but it seemed all too easy. How could such an ill trained and equipped force cause such heavy casualties on the Marine Expeditionary Force?

Then, Tyler noticed the rebels had taken cover behind the hill, but they didn't keep going. They were holding, occasionaly checking up on the marines.

"Ah shit, Monks, it looks like the bastards are waiting for something, I don't like this...."

Re: M1T8

Posted: Mon Oct 06, 2008 1:45 am
by tpc
" Ya me too man ,I think we should get picked up by the dropships right now" ,he answers very speratickly.

Re: M1T8

Posted: Mon Oct 06, 2008 6:16 am
by Quinn
Sixtus kept a cool head throughout most of the engagement, and coldly considered the withdrawal of the rebels into the hills. Taking in the scenario, he popped onto the squad communications net.

"They might have just pulled back for mortar fire everyone. Be careful." he muttered into the comms. He kept hearing bits and pieces of conversation, the new people asking for orders. It was getting on the annoying side, but he shoved it out of his mind and directed himself into doing what he was supposed to do.

Dashing out from his cover, he took stock of the wounded. He took men seriously injured from the mortar attack back into the area designated for the wounded and directed different Marines to use their basic MedPacs to take care of little nicks and scratches.

Re: M1T8

Posted: Mon Oct 06, 2008 11:35 am
by Dugan
Simovic was relieved when he saw the enemy flee, but like Quinn he suspected that they would soon rally and attack again. Simovic checked the APC's armaments, again searching for a mortar system that he could use to hit them before they could regroup.

"Kurosaki I need you to try and direct the Dropships down. As our long range comms are still being jammed your have to do it the old fashioned way and pop a smoke near the landing pad, you'd best use a red one as this is still a hot LZ!"

Simovic then spoke into the command comms channel "Jones what do you think? Should we stay put here or send a couple of scouts forward under darkness and try and workout what their planning next? In the meantime I can see if I can get some mortar fire raining down on them, plus also direct the Dropships in to evac the wounded".

[O.O.C Nick do I find any mortar weapon systems on board the APC's?]

Re: M1T8

Posted: Mon Oct 06, 2008 4:27 pm
by exowolf
Windrider was ready for some work here.  He looked around for some scrub grass to throw up in the air and get a wind reading.  Carefully taking his time he figures out the range for a head target on the mound and decided to reach out and touch someone.

Slowly he raised up the scoped rifle and took a long breath as he picked the closest head he could pop and squeezed the trigger...


Re: M1T8

Posted: Mon Oct 06, 2008 10:57 pm
by S. Collins
Hearing the reports of the enemy retreating with haste over the short range com bestowed Collins a feeling of relief. He turned on his back and sat down on the rough debris. Now finally getting his heartbeat to appease he felt his shirt soaked in sweat stick to his skin. Sean fiddled his canteen from the webbings and undid the cap. He rewarded himself with a amply swig for keeping his cool during the combat. It wasn't the most intense combat experience Sean witnessed during his service time in the USCM, but these experiences had the bad habbit to never be very pleasant. Then Sean reported in...

"Private Collins here, everything fine here, over." (tag anyone)

The worst thing that could happen now was that the marines would be hit with mortar shells again, driving them back deep into their slowly crumbling shelter. Drawing the tension back on their nerves. Sean tried to take his mind off these thoughts by reloading and conducting a quick maintenance check on his weapon.

((OOC: just kidding))

Re: M1T8

Posted: Tue Oct 07, 2008 8:55 am
by pants
Octavius watches the fleeing rebels run with an angry expression on his face.

"COME BACK YOU COWARDS!  Damn it!  I don't think I killed anyone in that engagement," says the slim marine disgustedly.

Looking around Private Mongo examines the marines around him looking for anyone that looks injured or hurt.

"Anyone injured in here?" he asks those marines closest to him.

"Hey Crazy Man did you shoot anyone?" Octavius asks Private Monks.

Turning on his comm Octavius tries to get in touch with the rest of his squad.

"Corporal Silvanus, Private Ishizawa are you guys alright?  Ishizawa did you down anybody?  I didn't hit a damn thing!  I think this gun is faulty," complains Octavius into his commset.

"It's funny though, I don't think we did enough damage to force the enemy to retreat that far back.  Perhaps they are planning to nuke us?"

Shrugging at the thought Octavius looks around for his canteen and takes a sip before continuing.

"What are your orders Corporal Silvanus?"

Re: M1T8

Posted: Tue Oct 07, 2008 12:29 pm
by tpc
"'',the private said threw com ,while he was trying to fined his neckles under his armor and shirt.

Re: M1T8

Posted: Tue Oct 07, 2008 8:54 pm
by Erika
"Calm down guys... we need your brains and not only your guts" said Erika

Erika kept checking and did not trust the action of these guys... she had a strange feeling...

Re: M1T8

Posted: Tue Oct 07, 2008 10:44 pm
by Bullet42
" Private Tomala here ammo's good to go no injuries of any kind. Orders Corporal Heart? " Tomala knew the worst was not over yet. Tomala smiled and awaited orders from the Corporal he lit a cigarette and stood there awaiting orders.

Re: M1T8

Posted: Wed Oct 08, 2008 3:06 am
by eyeball
Tomala smiled and awaited orders from the Corporal he lit a cigarette and stood there awaiting orders.
patch grabbed the marine standing up next to him and pulled him down behind cover  "hey i know i'm new but i'm certain that standing up ontop of a hill and sky lining is NOT a good idea, especially if you are gonna offense meant"

Re: M1T8

Posted: Wed Oct 08, 2008 11:26 am
by Kurosaki, Ichigo
Dugan wrote:
"Kurosaki I need you to try and direct the Dropships down. As our long range comms are still being jammed your have to do it the old fashioned way and pop a smoke near the landing pad, you'd best use a red one as this is still a hot LZ!"

Kurosaki nodded and quickly transmitted a message.
"This is India Kilo, to Stalker Nine, what is your ETA? Lz is hot, I repeat hot."

(tag Nick)

Kurosaki popped a flare, a red one on to the landing pad.

Re: M1T8

Posted: Wed Oct 08, 2008 8:27 pm
by Erika
Erika did not felt confortable... the majority of the Marines were inside the building... a shell could do a lot of damage...