Turn 7 Recon squad

The 2nd Eightballs campaign
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Turn 7 Recon squad

Post by Nick » Sun Jan 21, 2007 10:31 pm

Date: 17th August, 2080AD, 2100 UT
Location: Barnard's Star, PT-554 (In Bush)
Operation: Training Op
Mission timer: 04:06:00

Eagle saw her first, a figure some twenty meters away. The figure moved very slowly in a crouched position with a compact rifle pressed against her shoulder. Judging by the movement it was a female. She wore black clothes and an imaging device was attached to her face, combined with her spindly legs it gave her an almost insect appearance. The rifle had a tube like extension, a silencer, Eagle guessed.

She had not detected him yet and she continued towards the back of the tower.

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Turn 7 Recon squad

Post by Pale Rider » Mon Jan 22, 2007 9:27 pm

Date: 17th August, 2080AD, 2100 UT
Location: Barnard's Star, PT-554 (In Bush)
Operation: Training Op
Mission timer: 04:06:00

James motioned the others to stop moving. He triggered the radio for 1st Squad, "Sarge and Smiles, watch yourselves. I have an unidentified bipedal human moving your direction. She, I repeat she, has a compact rifle with a silencer. She is on the backside of the tower. She is dressed in black and has an imaging device attached on her face. Sarge, shall I take her down? I don't think she is coming to play with the recon units. It is deathly quiet out here."

He motioned to the recon unit with his fingers to his eyes. He pointed at Dar and motioned him to the left, Bojan, he motioned forward beside him. Bob to the right of the clearing. "Stay within 6 meters of one another. I don't want us to be too far apart we can't see one another," he practically screamed with his fingers.

Inching closer to Bojan he leaned in and whispered into his ear, "Boj, I don't like this one bit. First we get grilled after we return from the last mission and we are sworn to silence concerning the Aliens. I tell you I believe this is situation has gone fubar. You know what I think. I think we have been set up to take a fall. We are going to be made to look like we took out the 3rd regiment and that we then turned on one another. If you see her taking aim at any of our marines I want you to take her down. Don't shoot to kill, but shoot to disable. Put a bullet through either her hands. Do you understand? If you have a problem with that let me know. I am going to try and sneak up behind her and take her down quietly."

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Turn 7 Recon squad

Post by Apachetear » Mon Jan 22, 2007 10:09 pm

Pale Rider wrote:Date: 17th August, 2080AD, 2100 UT
Location: Barnard's Star, PT-554 (In Bush)
Operation: Training Op
Mission timer: 04:06:00

James motioned the others to stop moving. He triggered the radio for 1st Squad, "Sarge and Smiles, watch yourselves. I have an unidentified bipedal human moving your direction. She, I repeat she, has a compact rifle with a silencer. She is on the backside of the tower. She is dressed in black and has an imaging device attached on her face. Sarge, shall I take her down? I don't think she is coming to play with the recon units. It is deathly quiet out here."

Comming back, not waiting for the sarge...Jacob didn't want to get sniped...

"A Bipedal human? Since when have they been around?" This was followed by a nervous chuckle..."I vote you capture and wait for us, I'm sure between recon and first squad someone can convince her to tell us what the fuck is going on..."
Pvt. Jacob "smiles" Honeysett

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Turn 7 Recon squad

Post by tashw » Mon Jan 22, 2007 10:41 pm

"November Five Five, Yankee One Zero," Eileen's voice sounded over the comm, "This is Papa Bravo. We're approaching Field HQ. Got a body here, one of our opposing force, shot in the back, left in the street. There's definitely another hostile group out there."

nd Lieutenant Eileen Vincent
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3 Bat, 2nd Reg, 8th Platoon

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Turn 7 Recon squad

Post by AstroBoy » Mon Jan 22, 2007 11:25 pm

If you see her taking aim at any of our marines I want you to take her down. Don't shoot to kill, but shoot to disable.
Bojan nodded to these instructions and silently set up his bipod and took aim. Screaming Eagle was right, the easy eights were in the middle of some political agenda since he joined. With the bio-hazards and many unexpected situations with their enemies, not one mission had gone smoothly according to the intel given. Taking a fall was indeed possible.

Bojan whispered to Screaming Eagle, "What do we do if we see yellow armbands, they may think we are enemy.?
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Turn 7 Recon squad

Post by Grambo » Tue Jan 23, 2007 12:06 pm

He motioned to the recon unit with his fingers to his eyes. He pointed at Dar and motioned him to the left, Bojan, he motioned forward beside him. Bob to the right of the clearing. "Stay within 6 meters of one another. I don't want us to be too far apart we can't see one another," he practically screamed with his fingers.
Dar nodded acknowledgement, then started moving slowly to the left. He paused once he got five meters out, and ensured the unit was all still moving. When Eagle began moving in on the hostile's position, stayed within the five meter distance, and slowly moved towards the target. As the distance closed, Dar quietly slung the pulse rifle, and drew a combat knife... at close range, he was deadly with the knife... result of all too many fights on the streets before he became a marine.

Dar watched the flank as Eagle closed on target. His job was to make sure there weren't any other hostiles about, and to stay tight. He scanned the left flank while keeping an eye on the target.
FC Dar Vaughan
Recon Section - Scout
3rd Battalion, 2nd Regiment, 8th Platoon

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Turn 7 Recon squad

Post by Pale Rider » Wed Jan 24, 2007 2:00 pm

Use the skills he had developed as a lad while hunting and those skills which had been further honed by his training James continued to inch forward. Using extreme caution he allowed his weight to slowly descend on the carpet of the jungle. He didn't need any snapping twigs or other jungle debris. He froze as he noticed a motion out of the corner of his eye. Carefully, moving his head in small fractions until he could get a clear view he watched as the grass on his left parted and something akin to an earthborn snake slid its way through the grass. He watched as it slid across his forward arm. He almost jumped up in shock as it slithered over his arm. It was warm to the touch, but it also was covered in a fine down of fur. As its head drew close to his face he watched in fascination as it stopped and a small nose began to sniff the air, drinking in the scent of the surrounding environment. It had a suprisingly rodent like face. After a few seconds it seemed satisfied that everything was okay and it continued past James' eyes. He received another shock when from tiny pouches on its back three small heads stuck out to sniff the air. All in all it was approximately six feet in length.

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Turn 7 Recon squad

Post by Nick » Thu Jan 25, 2007 9:43 pm

The female halted and crouched. Swept the area slowly with he weapon at her shoulder - like if the sensed the presence of Eagle.

She continued a few more steps. She was now less than ten feet from Eagle.

If she moved any closer she would see him.

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Turn 7 Recon squad

Post by Pale Rider » Thu Jan 25, 2007 10:46 pm

Realizing his position was about to be compromised, James wiggled his left index fingers for Bojan to drop her. He prayed he could get the man to drop the woman as fast as possible and then he would pounce on her, taking her down as quickly and efficiently as possible. He counted the seconds, waiting to see his man put a bullet in her hopefully a crippling shot.


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Turn 7 Recon squad

Post by AstroBoy » Fri Jan 26, 2007 12:21 am

James wiggled his left index fingers for Bojan to drop her.
Bojan waited for a second as he realxed then took aim at the woman's arm and squeezed the trigger.

OOC: Can i take an intelligence check if its a bad idea to shoot at her arm in order to incapacitate her? I don't know where Bojan should shoot

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Turn 7 Recon squad

Post by Nick » Fri Jan 26, 2007 11:14 am

OOC: That depends on what you mean with a bad idea. Her arm will most likely never be usable again if thats what you mean - And there is a high chance she might die from the shot.
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Turn 7 Recon squad

Post by AstroBoy » Sat Jan 27, 2007 7:21 am

OOC: Pale Rider seems to mean to not be lethal. Im wondering if its such a long shot its stupid to shot the arm or if the arm is more dangerous? I dont know. Bad idea according to waht Screaming Eagle wants done.
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Turn 7 Recon squad

Post by Nick » Sat Jan 27, 2007 12:08 pm

OOC: All shooting is dangerous. Especially with High explosive tipped ammunition. She will most likely be seriously wounded regardless where you shoot her.
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Turn 7 Recon squad

Post by AstroBoy » Sat Jan 27, 2007 12:17 pm

OOC: Ill just fire where its most likely to incapacitate then. So, most likely to hit/take damage or where soldiers are taught to shoot.
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Turn 7 Recon squad

Post by Nick » Sun Jan 28, 2007 7:24 am

The shot rang out with a whip like crack. With a bright flash the 10mm round penetrated and exploded inside the black clad females arm. A miniature volcano spewed blood and tissue for the fraction of a second. The female spun half way around before regaining her balance. Dazed she stood, looking in awe and shock on her destroyed right arm hanging limp at her side.

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