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Turn 20 pt 1.

Posted: Thu Jun 15, 2006 8:20 pm
by Nick
Check players section if you are unsure where your character are!

(OOC: This turn is aimed towards the Squads going with the APC to assault the front gate. See pt 2 for the Squad that assaults the roof)

The dropships engines increased in pitch as it swooped down into the skyline of New York. Buildings of glass, steel and concret, all of them several hundred meters high rushed past on both sides. The lead colored sky colored by the smogand the bad weather in the region. Bright white fingers of lightning lit up the cityscape in bright flashes. Beneath the dropship endless rows of yellow car lights, like ants on a row, crawled forward at snail pace. Traffic jams a problem as old as the invention of the car. The ship left the skyscrapers and entered an area with lower buildings and small patches of green areas such as parks.

The ship then banked hard right, then hard left making a hasty climb and then started to brake fiercly. The engine noise were deafening and for a few moments it felt like the restrainers would cut through the shoulder armor pads and into the shoulders.

"Immediate dustoff on my clear then provide air cover!" Minuteman said. "Roger that" The pilot replied.

A shudder was felt and the APCs engine revved up and rolled down the ramp of the dropship and out into the fierce rain. The APC accelerated down the barred off street. An iron ring had been thrown around the headquarters by Police and National Guard units. The APC rushed past this and towards the building.

Suddenly a loud "clank" was heard. Then another and then several in rapid sucession.

"Incoming fire" Minuteman stated. "Return fire" he ordered. The APC returned fire while stilld rushing forward with its frontal turret, the gatling machinegunes sounded like ripping canvas.

The impacts now rattled all over the APC as projectiles of all calibers hammered it on its approach. "Two hundred meters left..." Minuteman said calmly.

"RPG!" Minuteman shouted - A loud explosion was felt throughout the craft almost immediately after he screamed it and the APC veered vioelently to the right, its tires screaming as it skid sideways towards the building. "Another one! Get the fuck out...get the fuck out now!" The other RPG struck right behind the left wheelhouse just as the APC regained control. The noise was horrible, glowing chunks of metal flashed past and the pressure and heat from the blast was tremendous.

Smoke quickly filled the APC and someone emptied a fire extinguisher on the small sporadic fires that erupted inside the compartment. "Minutemans down!" Someone called out in the haze that stung both in the nostrils and throats of the Marines. Everyone coughed. The clatter of Small arms fire intensified against the armor of the APC. The situation was going rapidly down hill.


The APC is situated in the middle of a street. The street is two way with two lanes in each direction. The APC rests on the middle divider. The cultists complex lies directly to the west of the APC. Distance is a little over 150 meters. On the right hand side of the APC (to the North) there is a ditch some two meters deep and beyond that a abandoned industrial area on the left hand side (to the South) there are some worn down Office buildings, ranging between two and three stories high. The fire seems to be coming from the lower levels of the cultist house and from the frontside of the house.

If you have questions, just ask them putting OOC (out of character) and I will reply to the best of my ability.

Turn 20 pt 1.

Posted: Fri Jun 16, 2006 3:28 pm
by HeavyGlenn
"I want orders and I want them now!" Ronald screamed as he readied himself for the worst. Blood poured out from Ronalds nose but anyone who know this crazy man knew that it would take him a few minutes to notice it.

He coughed and held a hand over his mouth, waiting. Damn he hated to wait...

Turn 20 pt 1.

Posted: Sat Jun 17, 2006 7:08 am
by pants
"Minutemans down!"
The sudden assault on the APC left the squad's inside rattled. Taking in the situation quickly Lt Cpl Steel tried to bring some order to the chaos surronding him.

Moving to where Lt Minuteman was lying Nick quickly went over the injured Lieutenant trying to assess how injured he was and what measures would be needed to get the Lieutenant up and moving.
(OOC I have First Aid 40% if that helps)

"Lt Cpl Chappell is this vehicle still functional? Sarge as I see it we have several options. Firstly if this vehicle is still functional we can keep driving towards the building and assault the front doors however there is the chance that they have more RPG's and perhaps even some Mines, unlikely but possible, and that would mean our team could get wiped out if they get a lucky hit. Alternatively we can lay some smoke and drive back to unload Lt Minuteman with the Police then return and approach from another direction maybe with a quick assault by the dropship to keep their heads down.

"However those plans go out the window if this vehicle is unable to move. In that case we are going to have to assault on foot and will have to find as much cover as we can otherwise we are going to be sitting ducks!" looking up he glanced around seeing Pvt Green with blood pouring out of his nose.

"Green your injured! Clean yourself up and check the monitors to see if you can find the best route for us to get to that building, and see how many smoke grenades we have to give us some cover if we have to make a move," then he turned back to Lt Minuteman hoping that he wasn't injured to badly.

Turn 20 pt 1.

Posted: Sat Jun 17, 2006 11:50 am
by HeavyGlenn
"Say what?" Ronald said as he wiped his nose "I be damned.. And yes.. sir?" Ronald were confused but went over to the monitors, trying to the little sense of tactics he had to try to make out a good route and counted the grenades as quickly as he could.

Turn 20 pt 1.

Posted: Sat Jun 17, 2006 12:35 pm
by Apachetear
As the small drama involving the safety of the CO unfolded, Jacob spat on the ground and lit a cigarette - in a stressful time like this, he figured that protocol could take second place.

Sprinting to some rubble, ducking and weaving to avoid fire, Jacob threw himself onto his stomach and started firing short sharp 3 or 4 round bursts at the muzzle flashes of the small arms fire.

'someone's gotta protect these people - more worried over a bloody officer than their own lives - they're mad!' he thought to himself...his cigarette in the corner of his mouth, Jacob hunkered down and waited for someone to give an order...

(OOC: I hope there's some rubble, if not - he's prone behind some sort of cover somewhere...)

Turn 20 pt 1.

Posted: Sat Jun 17, 2006 12:58 pm
by Nick
Pvt Honeysetts M41 burped away two four round burts at the building. The rounds impacted around and into a small window that some of the fire came from, Jacob was certain he had hit someone inside but it was hard to judge from this distance.

There where now three or four people still shooting at the APC from the building and they just became very interested in nailing the guy who nailed their buddy who was hiding behind that little rubble pile just to the north of the APC. Bullets whipped past Honeysett, some striking the pile and ricochetting over his head. Shrapnel and dust struck his face, he could both hear and feel the bullets missing him with bare centimeters. But despite him trying to be a small as possible it was inavoidable that he would get hit.

The first round glance of his helmet and the second round struck his right shoulder pad. The impact felt like a whiplash and the crack of the impact made Honeysetts right ear ring fiercly, his right shoulder ached but the armor had absorbed the impact completely - leaving the bullet lodged into the cracked armor piece.

Turn 20 pt 1.

Posted: Sat Jun 17, 2006 1:01 pm
by Nick
Chappell gave the APC a glance and quickly saw that it was not operational anymore. To make matters worse the APC had started to smoke violently from the engine compartment and small tips of flames could be seen gashing out from the ventilators.

Turn 20 pt 1.

Posted: Sat Jun 17, 2006 2:58 pm
by HeavyGlenn
After a short while Ronald gave up since he clearly couldnt find the monitors or the grenades so he decides to hurry out and hid behind the closest junk that was far away from the apc, taking cover from the shooting terrorists. He armed his smartgun as he lay down on the ground and crawled into a better positiong and started to fire his smart gun towards the cultists, trying to get them to take cover.

Turn 20 pt 1.

Posted: Sat Jun 17, 2006 6:19 pm
by Apachetear
Rolling behind the rubble so he was more or less completely obscured from view, Jacob checked his wound. Seeing it was just a crack in the armour he looked at the sky above and mouthed 'thankyou'. Seeing Ronald move up and open fire, Jacob took the opportunity to dart from cover to cover...always out of the arc of that smartgun...until he found a safe firing position about 75 meters away from the building

(OOC:Assuming he hasn't been incapacitated by fire in the run then he will do the next part)

from his cover, he peered over it to look to see if he could see and confirm any targets, which he could radio back to the rest of the team so they would know where to train their guns...

Turn 20 pt 1.

Posted: Sun Jun 18, 2006 3:36 am
by pants
Lt Minuteman was in a bad way thought Lt Cpl Steel as he administered first aid to the prone man. He was bleeding out of his ears and his nose and Nick had banadaged a large cut to his right hand. Looking up he looked around to see where everyone was and noticed for the first time that Privates Green and Honeysett were missing and the rear door of the APC was open and through it he could make out the unmistakeable sounds of a 'Smartgun' opening up in burst mode as well as the burp sound of a 'Pulse Rifle' and realised that the two privates had used thier initiative to engage the enemy.

"Crap! Pvt Honeysett, Pvt Green what is the tactical situation out there? How many enemy troops have you engaged? Are they all situated in or near the building or are you recieving fire from any other angles? Don't forget to check your back!" Lt Cpl Steel asked over the commnet.

"Well Sarge it looks like you, me, Lt Cpl Chappell and Pvt Macguire here are going to have to evac the LT out of here otherwise we are going to have drag him with us when we assault the building and I really think that might slow us down," looking at the surronding marines he continued "on second thoughts maybe Lt Cpl Chappell and Mcguire should join Privates Green and Honeysett in handing out an ass whooping to those cultists?"

Turning back to face Sergeant Caden he looked steadily at him.

"Orders sir?"

Turn 20 pt 1.

Posted: Sun Jun 18, 2006 8:22 am
by Apachetear
Hearing his comlink crackle, Jacob talked into it

"Fires coming from west building's lower floors. I've been hit but am unwounded, and Green's unscathed the lucky fucker. I estimate 5 people or less keeping us pinned here. How're you?"