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Turn 12

Posted: Wed Apr 26, 2006 9:57 pm
by Nick
Pvt Shiraks body was slumped against a wall with his head in a wierd angle when the squads found him just beyond the airlock. His helmet laid a few feet away on the floor. His mouth was open, and a small string of saliva fell down onto his shoulder. His eyes half-shut and his lips had started to tint slightly bluish in contrast to the pale white face. Pvt Carter checked him out but he was dead, broken neck, already turning cold.

Suddenly someone shouted "Movement!...wait...locking in...I think it's in the cargo containers!"

The squads quickly formed up, two by two formation, Squad 2 moved out with Sergeant Caden. Everyone trying clear their minds of Shiraks death-face that was burned to their retinas. Caden flared a few handsignals and despite several of the marines being fresh out of boot-camp and shook up by the current events everyone knew what to do. Pvt Green, to his disappointment, was left behind to cover the airlock with Pvt Dufresne while the rest of the marines scrambled up the ladder.

Chappell was first up. The silent hum of the engines were much softer up here, but still audible. The small vibration from the engines made a lose screw somewhere clatter slightly but part from that it was silent.

The deck itself were almost pitch black and his shoulder light once again lit up the empty cryo tubes, lockers and...wait! Panning back...slowly...there was something over there!...Movement?..Over by the lockers. Or was it the long drawn shadows that played all over the walls as he moved the light round playing him a trick?.

The other marines started to come up the ladder one by one. Chappell still frozen as he stood.

Seconds started to tick by. Slowly.

Turn 12

Posted: Wed Apr 26, 2006 10:46 pm
by tashw
Kelly quickly scaled the ladder to the upper deck. Emerging into the darkness, she played her smartgun in an arc, looking and listening for any sign of movement.

Not that she had any intention of shooting their rogue navigator. Not fatally at least. No, now the damn android was out of the picture she was feeling a whole lot better about the situation. Shirak had caught an unlucky break, but as far as Kelly was concerned any bad luck from now on was headed towards Veroskaya. Hunting her down should be no problem, and then they could ask a whole heap of very pointed questions.

Turn 12

Posted: Wed Apr 26, 2006 10:49 pm
by Nick
MacGuires smartgun suddenly jinked in her hands, aiming itself towards the row of lockers. A green crosshair appeared and the eye-piece told her the weapon temperature was nominal, it had 250 rounds left and that the gun was firmly locked on something or someone inside or next to the lockers.

Turn 12

Posted: Wed Apr 26, 2006 10:57 pm
by tashw
Kelly smiled in a decidedly unfriendly manner as the smartgun pulled her aim to the lockers. Same as always, the 'gun was the brains of the team.

Silently she signalled her target to the rest of the squad.

Turn 12

Posted: Thu Apr 27, 2006 3:33 am
by rednus
L.Cpl Chappell instinctivley raised his arm.
Again, hand signals came into play:
first , the universal sign for 'contact'
secondly, a signal was given for squad two to surround the locker.

Once this was achieved, silence fell like a dark shroud.

Nervously, Rednus let out a questioning "Natachya?".

With that, m41-A' ready and a nod to his squad, Rednus leaned in and swung open the locker...

Turn 12

Posted: Thu Apr 27, 2006 10:13 am
by Nick
Chappell grabbed the locker knob and pulled the door open, backing away in the same movement. He almost squeezed of a round off in pure reflex as something fell out of the locker towards him.

A somewhat skinny female of average height slumped down on the floor in front of him and rolled over to her back. She were dressed in olive green military style pants and wore a white tank top. But it was not her clothes that were interesting, why she slumped down on the floor or why she was bathing in sweat - It was what was attached to her face which caught the interest of the marines now surrounding the unconscious female.


Everyones lights fell on the young womans face, were this...horror slowly pulsated with every breath she took.

Turn 12

Posted: Thu Apr 27, 2006 6:50 pm
by HeavyGlenn
At the same time...

"Hey Dufresne, you like icecream? Man I wish I had some right now. And do you think that will be beautiful? Cause seriosly I havent seen a hot chick for weeks, I swear they took all hot chicks and moved them to some secret colony."
And after a while Ronald got silent and bit on his lower lip, staring down the corridor and felt how he should read a book. Maybe it was just the air the played a trick with his mind?

Turn 12

Posted: Fri Apr 28, 2006 1:10 am
by Magnus
"Holy Shit!" Magnus exclaimed. "Hey Sarge, let me check her out, will you?"

Turn 12

Posted: Fri Apr 28, 2006 9:31 am
by Nick
As Magnus knelt next to the woman and looked closer the tail of the...facehugger, for lack of better description, closed its grip tighly around her neck.

Turn 12

Posted: Fri Apr 28, 2006 12:18 pm
by Magnus
"Wow. That's got a pretty good grip on her." Magnus looked her over, checking to see if he could notice anything else about the woman and the... thing on her face. "I'm not sure we should try to take that off."

Turn 12

Posted: Sat Apr 29, 2006 12:28 am
by tashw
Kelly peered forward at the fallen woman in morbid fascination without actually getting any closer. Maybe that damn thing wasn't quite as attached as it looked. She'd never seen anything remotely like that in her life, chalk up another pointed question for Veroskaya when they tracked her down.

With that thought it occurred to her she was paying an awful lot of attention to one stationary woman on the floor and not nearly enough to the quite possibly hostile one still roaming the ship. Reluctantly she tore her attention from the fallen woman to scan the surrounding area again, "Sarge, maybe we need to hunt down Veroskaya, find out what the hell's going on here."

Turn 12

Posted: Sat Apr 29, 2006 1:24 am
by logician
Sgt Caden reached up to his helmet and tilted the mounted camera toward the fallen woman.

"Lt Minuteman... Are you getting this? We've got some kind of xenomorph attached to a crew member here..."

Caden bent down a bit to get a closer look. The play of the lights on the Marines' helmets moving across the victim's body gave the scene an eerie ambiance.

"Carter, Bojan... Turn her over gently so we can get a better look at this... thing."

The Marines crept forward, one grabbing under the arms and the other across the legs, careful to keep their distance from the organism. The female's body was limp, almost as if she were asleep. The skeletal structure of the critter showed through its yellowed skin, looking somewhat like an outstreched hand covering the majority of her face.
Pvt. Macguire: "Sarge, maybe we need to hunt down Veroskaya" [...]
"Right... Let's get this individual back for a full medical evaluation."

Caden turned toward Pvts Carter and Bojan.

"I want you boys to find a service elevator and get this one to the transport. There should be a stretcher somewhere around here at a medical station. I'll call ahead and let Green and Dufresne know you're coming. This keeps getting weirder... killer robots, face leeches... what's next?!"

Turn 12

Posted: Sat Apr 29, 2006 5:37 am
by rednus
Sarge, maybe we need to hunt down Veroskaya
L.Cpl Chappell's attention was drawn quizzically to pvt. MacGuire.

"Pvt. Bojan ! , I trust your 'mo-trak' is still functioning?..."
"...Haven't noticed ..I don't know..any other signals have you ? ... good." said Rednus, not waiting for an answer and still looking at MacGuire.

Chappell was still convinced this was Veroskaya, considering all six original crew had been located, the 'captain' was wasted, and one synth had apparently escaped with a container... This had to be her....he thought,

As such, Rednus began searching the pockets of the motionless dreamer in an attept to find some I.D and to clarify the situation , for himself more than anything.

A soul-killing new picture now placed itself sharply in Chappell's mind, he froze and looked up wide-eyed...
"Sgt. Caden, the hush-puppy will not register her - let alone her little facial abnormality as 'friendlys', recommend pack-up of 'A'-gun"

He glanced at the tailed, breathing 'hand.
-"I'd say that counts as a bio-hazardous sample, meaning there's possibly three more of the bastards!..."

This last fact he let settle in before continuing his search for answers through the sleepers pockets.

Turn 12

Posted: Sat Apr 29, 2006 9:16 am
by AstroBoy
"Here sir." said Bojan giving his motion tracker to Chappell. "Its gonna get in the way anyway trying to get her out." continued Bojan motioning to the woman with the parasite on her face.

"Any ideas where the medical station is Carter"?

Turn 12

Posted: Sat Apr 29, 2006 5:55 pm
by Nick
Chappell soon found plastic ID card

100201R111 Natachya Veroskaya, Navigator, Weyland-Yutani 109. A picture of young shortcut brunette woman with a slightly worn look was on the card.

She also had a small piece of paper with a few numbers on them, a gnawed pencil, three paperclips and a half full pack of bubblegums. Part from that she had nothing on her.