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Turn 7

Posted: Wed Apr 05, 2006 12:23 pm
by Nick
The two squads started their sweep of the left and right corridors accordingly. The two corridors where a third as wide as the main corridor and two marines could barely squeeze themselves in abreast. The corridors were half-pipe shaped with one wall straight the other curving in towards the roof. Piping and cables ran along the roof and every two meters a pale bare lightbulb where screwed into the wall. The constant tapping of the tracker was only interrupted by someones armor brushing the sidewall, static from the radio or a helmet hitting a lose cable. Part from that it was as silent as a tomb.

Squad one had worked its way half-way through the left hallway when a very familiar sound interrupted the thick silence. "Tap...tap...blip...blip...blip...tap...tap" The contact signal dissappeared just as fast as it had appeared. It had been weak, but still so strong that it's position was locked into the access ladder.

Second squads tracker had not picked it up.

Minutemans voice broke the silence moments later. "Sergeant *static*...excercise caution...*noise*...ivilians in there!"

Turn 7

Posted: Wed Apr 05, 2006 9:30 pm
by HeavyGlenn
Ronald who know wish he was the one in command so things could go on sprinted to the ladder, ready to shoot at anything in sight, he throws a flare close to the ladder and looks up and down in it, always holding his smartgun in front of him.

Turn 7

Posted: Thu Apr 06, 2006 12:11 am
by tashw
"Oh well ain't that perfect," Kelly muttered irritably, looking over her shoulder as light flared at the front of the group, "I guess they won't be needing motion trackers to find us."

Stuck at the rear she was concentrating on any possible threats from that direction. Apart from anything else she'd have to turn both squads into mincemeat before she could take out anything to their front. Which unfortunately seemed to be where the potential action was.

Turn 7

Posted: Thu Apr 06, 2006 7:09 am
by pants
The harsh blazing of the flare threw glaring light around the access ladder, making whatever shadows were there disappear. Watching Green run towards the ladder, his Smartgun sweeping from side to side prepared to engage any targets, Steel was unsure whether he wanted to strangle him or applaud his initiative.

Turning to the rest of 1st Squad, Lt Cpl Steel pointed to where Green now was and then, using combat handsigns, indicated where he wanted the rest of the squad to deploy in support of their wayward Smartgunner. Quickly moving forward, Nick ended up next to Green trying to see what may have caused the motion tracker blip.

"Keep your eyes peeled Green, but don't engage unless you are sure the target is a hostile. And remember we are taking this nice and easy so don't get your panties in a bunch and go haring off without the rest of us. This whole ship could be one big trap and if I die because you get us blown up, I'm really going to be pissed!" he said, hoping that Green would take things easier from now on.

"Sarge we have a possible contact. Orders?"

Turn 7

Posted: Thu Apr 06, 2006 9:34 am
by AstroBoy
Bojan saw the flare and wondered what was going on. Getting no contacts on his motion tracker, he turned to Lt Cpl Chappell and asked, " Should we go and support team one or should we secure the rest of this level ro something else altogether?

Turn 7

Posted: Thu Apr 06, 2006 2:16 pm
by HeavyGlenn
Im sorry sir said Green as he still looked around, ready to act. I acted quickly cause everyone else seemed to enjoy starring at the walls, im here to solve a problem not stand around Sir. But if you wish me to calm down I will he finished and saluted. Ronald sighed silently for himself afterwards and looks down into the corridor, wishing that the civialians would shoot back.

Turn 7

Posted: Thu Apr 06, 2006 7:12 pm
by logician
"Tap...tap...blip...blip...blip...tap...tap" The contact signal dissappeared just as fast as it had appeared.
Pvt Dufresne looked anxiously back at Sgt Caden after getting a positive reading on the tracker. ...second Squad couldn't have made it around to the ladder that quick... Pvt Green seperated from the group, heading for the blip.


Pvt Green was moving quickly and was almost to the access ladder. Caden grabbed his helmet mike:

"Chappell, take your Squad around to the ladder. We've got movement there. Watch out for Green. The boy's itching for something to shoot."

The two Squads met at the rendezvous point, where L Cpl Steel and Pvt Green were assessing the situation. Dispite the excitement, the trawler seemed as still as the moment of the USCM's arrival. The other Marines were looking around, wondering who would be lucky enough to head up first. Caden called out over the comm to Lt Minuteman:

"Looks like we may have something up in the Living Quarters; moving up to take a look."

Caden unstrapped the VP70 from his chest holster and turned to Pvt Dufresne:

"Let me borrow your tracker for a minute."

The Pvt handed over the device and the Sgt draped the holding strap over his sholder.

"Hey, Green... You want to use that thing?"

Caden motioned to Pvt Green's Smartgun with his free hand.

"Follow me. The rest of you, give me and Green a minute to take a look-see, then fall in behind us--unless we start firing. Then, come up double-quick."

Sgt Caden began slowly climbing the ladder, taking care to be quiet and keeping an eye on the motion-tracker display. As he reached the portal to the second level, he pulled up the VP70 and reached for the tactical camera on his helmet, activating thermal imaging for the HUD. ...come out, come out, where ever you are...

Turn 7

Posted: Thu Apr 06, 2006 8:41 pm
by HeavyGlenn
Yes sir said Ronald as he saluted and fell in behind him. Ronald took a few deep breathes and started to climb as carefully he could with the smart gun.

He waited a few seconds before he climbed through the portal to the second level to quickly stand next to Sgt Caden. He scanned the room with his eyes slowly, if something would be there and it had a weapon it would die, faster then a lightning bullet like he sister said long ago.

And without knowing a grin grew at Ronald's lips.

Turn 7

Posted: Fri Apr 07, 2006 9:45 pm
by Nick
The grin on Ronalds face froze and slowly faded as Ronald found himself staring into the muzzle of a pulse rifle pointed at his nose.

"Move and I will blow your head off" a male voice said menacingly.

"Wait, he looks like a Marine..." a female voice intervened.

"You think?" The voice sounded hesitant. "I think he looks like a retard!" The male voice continued.

"You know...Stephan...They are short on staff...maybe thats the best they got?" A short pause followed.

"I still think we should shoot him..."

Ronalds eyes slowly started to adjust. Two figures began to take shape in the dim light of the upper deck. As his eyes adjusted he saw two figures above him. Moments later the rifle was lifted and was exchanged with a reached out hand. "Just kidding mate!"

Ronald was helped up. "I'm captain Stephan...this is Catalyn, my navigator" He shook Ronalds hand.

He waited for the rest of the Marines below to start climbing up before continuing. "We have the situation under control, we have had problems with the comms or we would have let you know earlier. We have locked two of the malfunctioning androids in the cargo-container and they have no way of getting out. The third appearantly entered the escape-pod and disappeared a few hours ago."

Turn 7

Posted: Sat Apr 08, 2006 12:54 pm
by HeavyGlenn
Ronald laughed nervously and shoke the mans hand and answered "im.. im private Ronald Green.. heh..." Then he stepped away a bit letting the higher ranking marines solve things and talk.

Turn 7

Posted: Sat Apr 08, 2006 4:15 pm
by Magnus
Magnus clambered up behind the others. "What's this about malfunctioning androids? I can't stand androids."

Magnus pause. He screwed his face up and spoke deliberately into his mic. "Sorry Priest. No offense."

Turn 7

Posted: Sat Apr 08, 2006 8:43 pm
by Nick
"None taken" Priests dry voice responded.

Turn 7

Posted: Sun Apr 09, 2006 4:02 am
by rednus
"Captain Stephen," interjected Rednus.

"Our orders also entailed the retrieval of certain ...containers....." his voice trailed off...
.".the one's with the nasty symbol.." again his hands searched his pockets..

'And your opinion on what happened here?'
-said Chappell, eating another cigarrette.