Turn 39

The 1st Eightballs campaign
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Turn 39

Post by Nick » Sat Sep 30, 2006 12:02 pm

Pvt Alexander ran a bypass on the hull airlock, a small device was connected to the doors cables and a few moments later the heavy door started to open. The higher pressure atmosphere gushed in, pulling small debris and rocks into the airlock with it. The Marines went in one squad at a time. The airlock worked its cycle and soon first squad was inside the ship.

The atmosphere was intact inside the ship, in this sector at least. All lights were out and only the red emergency lightning worked, everything bathed in a red hue.

The Marines found themselves in a side corridor to the main cargo area it seemed. They where in the corner of an L shaped corridor, one leading of to their front the other to their left. Both ending in a steel door.

It was deathly silent, the breathing appratus was all that could be heard with the occasional radio static. Probably hull interference.

The motion tracker showed nothing.

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Turn 39

Post by Apachetear » Sat Sep 30, 2006 6:21 pm

Jacob could have nearly cried...there was no cover to hug in corridors, he was a sitting duck if there was an ambush. Still, to substitute the lack of cover, Jacob scanned each point enough, and stalked through the shadow always at a crouching run - the amount of shifting and moving he was doing - he could have done an entire squads patrol route on his own.

As he was being so cautious, he noticed the silence and felt overwhelmed by it - in his head the silence was like a vacuum - sucking everything into desolation...clenching his jaw, Jacob carried on - whistling, at a sound inaudible to anything not connected by comlink, the circus theme tune - he didn't think that the others would find this annoying or whatever, he needed something to shatter the silence...
Pvt. Jacob "smiles" Honeysett

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Turn 39

Post by HeavyGlenn » Sat Sep 30, 2006 8:16 pm

Ronald went on, his small eyes scanned every inch and feet, just waiting to press the buttom and the firing system would do the rest. Sure there were no covers but that meant he would be the biggest and best around here with his lovely little smartgun, he grinned as he heard Jacod and ignored the mans insanity and went on carefully. As they reached the steel door he waited for someone to open it, grinding his teeth and hoped the cultists wouldnt have guns, its was so easy to shoot them down when they were armed with knives and everyone knows that a being that only can do closecombat is a dead one when he meets a marine like Ronald. Well, that was Ronald thought at least...
an Donaldson

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Turn 39

Post by StConstantine » Mon Oct 02, 2006 12:41 am

"oh man" Con said "What's our orders Eagle Boy"
PFC Karl Sarafian
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Turn 39

Post by pants » Mon Oct 02, 2006 1:47 pm

First squad went through the airlock, while second squad waited for them to get inside the somewhat dubious safety of the ship. The airlock cycled opened again showing that first squad had gone through so Nick walked into the empty space just beyond the entry door and waved the rest of second squad inside with him.

The five marines, the three members of second squad, Nick and Lt Vincent, filled the space inside the airlock comfortably. When the airlock had cycled them through they found first squad deployed facing two doors in a L shaped corridor.

"Ok LT which door are we going through?"

Nick waited for Lt Vincent to point them in the right direction.
Zoe Barr
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Turn 39

Post by Pale Rider » Mon Oct 02, 2006 7:23 pm

"oh man" Con said "What's our orders Eagle Boy"
"Kill the chatter Con, we are awaiting orders and potential contact with cultists." Over 1st Squads general frequency James issued orders,"Okay gentlemen, we are awaiting further orders from Sarge and LT. Until then I want us to focus our attention on the left door. Con, check the lock, don't open it, but check to see if it is code locked or if it will open easily. Ron, I want you to cover Con, make certain nothing comes within three feet of him. Jacob, cover our sixes, I will make certain our nine is covered and we will have 2nd squad at our three o'clock, so that should be safe." He switched channels to the command frequency. "Sarge, LT, I don't like the vibes of this place. Everything seems to be functioning except for the lighting. May I suggest that we try to see if we can't get the emergency lighting off and the standard lights back on?"

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Turn 39

Post by Apachetear » Mon Oct 02, 2006 9:27 pm

Moving to the back of the squad, still silently whistling his little tune, Jacob began moving in zig zags towards the end of the L in the corridor and back again, slowly rotating in a full 360 degree circle as he moved, he constantly covered every angle of the corridor - from the ceiling to the floor...whistling in time with his spinning he must have looked a bit odd to anyone else, but Jacob was happy, he was safe, he was waylaying his underlying paranoia by covering every single point he could in his section. His only two fears were he would lose his cigarettes and not be able to smoke when the mission ended...and any of the other marines letting him down by allowing anything to slip past their perimeter...the chances were slim - but the possibilities were still there...
Pvt. Jacob "smiles" Honeysett

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Turn 39

Post by tashw » Mon Oct 02, 2006 10:55 pm

"Sarge, LT, I don't like the vibes of this place. Everything seems to be functioning except for the lighting. May I suggest that we try to see if we can't get the emergency lighting off and the standard lights back on?"
"If we can do it quickly," Eileen agreed, "More importantly we need a detailed schematic and the fastest route to the engine compartment. Alexander, as soon as you see somewhere you can patch into the ship's computer let me know."

"Take the door ahead Eagle, and keep a lookout for any signs of what happened here."
nd Lieutenant Eileen Vincent
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Turn 39

Post by StConstantine » Tue Oct 03, 2006 1:39 am

Con, check the lock, don't open it, but check to see if it is code locked or if it will open easily
"Yes Corporal, right away" Con said.
Con walked forward and waited for Ron to set up behind him.
"I think the door might be unlocked" Con said after testing the door "what are our orders".
Con rechecked his rifle for the uptenth time. Better to be safe than sorry, if we get stuck in a fire fight i dont want a jam or anything like that. After finishing the check of his weapon, Con began looking around, his keen eyes taking in every little detail, any discarded items, hiding spots, anything that might help him in any situation.
PFC Karl Sarafian
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Turn 39

Post by Pale Rider » Tue Oct 03, 2006 10:22 am

"Yes Corporal, right away" Con said.
Con walked forward and waited for Ron to set up behind him.
"I think the door might be unlocked" Con said after testing the door "what are our orders".
James listened to Con's voice coming over the ear piece. "We hold until we get our orders from the Sarge or LT."
"Take the door ahead Eagle, and keep a lookout for any signs of what happened here."
"Roger that LT," James responded over the command frequency. With a quick click he was back to 1st Squads general frequency. "Ok, jarheads we are going through the door directly ahead. I want our eyes and ears opened and peeled back wide. I will take point with Con directly behind, Ron you got his six, and Jacob you are tail gun charlie. If the room or corridor is wide enough we will take up formation Gamma, with Con in the center, Ron to the right, and Jacob to the left, and I will make up the tip of the triangle. I know I don't have to remind ya, but keep safe and I look forward to a round of coffee and hot chocolate in the galley."

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Turn 39

Post by Apachetear » Tue Oct 03, 2006 8:51 pm

Falling into position with silent efficiency, Jacob continued his slow rotating circle - but on the spot this time, no way was he going to get caught out here. The red lighting gave the place an eerie atmosphere - but was a damn sight better than darkness.

"What do we do if we have contact Jim? Do we shoot first question later, or wait for target confirmation?" Questioned Jacob in a whisper before going back to his tune. Wherever he looked, he did so down the aiming sight of his gun - he wasn't going to be caught napping at all - when you stop looking is when they get you - that was the motto that had kept him alive so far in the Marine Corps...though it had given a reputation as a jittery bugger in Boot Camp...and no doubt this mission would re-establish this idea, the other mission had been straightforward, but this mission was filled with other possibilites.
Pvt. Jacob "smiles" Honeysett

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Turn 39

Post by Pale Rider » Wed Oct 04, 2006 10:57 am

"What do we do if we have contact Jim? Do we shoot first question later, or wait for target confirmation?" Questioned Jacob in a whisper before going back to his tune.
"We simply and politely ask them to lay down on the ground with their hands behind their heads. If they don't oblige, we put them down where we want them and let someone else worry about cleaning up the mess."

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Turn 39

Post by pants » Wed Oct 04, 2006 2:14 pm

"Take the door ahead Eagle, and keep a lookout for any signs of what happened here."
Nick switched his com to send on second squads frequency.

"Ok marines look alive this is where we earn our money! Bojan, Pyro, you two marines awake? Your leading the way again boys and Bojan make sure you let me know the instant anything sets off the motion tracker. Pvt Pyro your our go to man for any medical emergencies. Once we get to the survivors your first job is to check them out. Anyone seriously injured I want to know about it straight away, we will have to decide what we are going to do for them once we are there."

Nick regarded the big russian marine who owned second squads Smartgun.

"Pfc Gagarin I want you ready to unleash hell if we need it, so stay fresh marine."
Zoe Barr
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Turn 39

Post by Nick » Thu Oct 05, 2006 12:30 am

An access node was situated next to the western door. While Gagarin covered Private Alexander he quickly patched into the connector next to the node. The contact was old but using one of his adapters he managed to establish a connection.

After being dropped a few times Alexander managed to patch into the mainframe of the Andromeda - By using his hardware key the Andromeda computer finally accepted his connection. The computer seemed to have taken some damage in the crash and where currently reconstructing the databases, but the schematics files were accessible. Alexander started downloading the file for the Engine deck which they appearantly were on - after a few seconds the file was secured on his palm computer.

OOC: See mission 3 link under briefing for the map. You are currently just north of the Door at the airlock bottom right corner.

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Turn 39

Post by tashw » Thu Oct 05, 2006 9:32 pm

Eileed studied the copy of the schematic on her computer with a resigned glare. It figured the engine room would be on the other side of the ship, and through one of the more perversely designed set of winding corridors she's ever seen at that.

"Alright, now we know where we're heading," Eileen said over the comm, "Same as before Eagle, follow the corridor ahead to the equipment room. According to this the suits are stored there, we can see if anyone's left the ship. After that we'll follow the corridor to the engine rooms. Clear?"
nd Lieutenant Eileen Vincent
Platoon Commander
3 Bat, 2nd Reg, 8th Platoon


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