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Turn 30

Posted: Fri Aug 11, 2006 10:05 am
by tashw
Eileen stood quietly to the side of the room, watching the assembled marines as they talked among themselves. She supposed she ought to be feeling nervous about her first mission, but instead she was just eager to get there.

As Sergeant Steel quieted everyone down, Eileen stepped forward, "Good morning, marines. I'm Lieutenant Vincent, and for now that's as much of an introduction as we have time for, because we've got a mission."

"Some of you have just dealt with a number of members of the Order of the Blue Dragon. Well now their leader has surfaced. ICC Intelligence has uncovered a plan by one Akuro Shotso, leader of the Order of the Blue Dragons, for a major terrorist strike using biohazardous material."

"They believe the cultists you encountered were the tail end of Akuro's organisation, cut loose when he initiated the plan for this attack. He still has with him the core members of his group."

"Intelligence believes the target for his attack is the luxury cruiser Andromeda, currently carrying 70 of the great and the good to a conference on organised crime on on the mining colony Thesus. They believe Akuro and his people are already on the Andromeda and waiting for the arrival of Irma Eberhardt, the ICC spokesman on organised crime, before striking."

"8th Platoon will arrive simultaneously, enter the Andromeda through the cargo bay and remain there until undercover ICC agents locate the cultists. We will then move in and eliminate them."

"There are 70 VIPs, 15 ICC agents, 20 journalists and cameramen, and 50 crewmembers, all in a 250 metre luxury liner, which gives Akuro's people a lot of room to maneuver. ICC believes they have the biohazardous material concealed within themselves, which means they have no problems moving it around."

"That gives us a lot of ground to cover, and there are no guarantees any cultists the ICC agents uncover will be the first and only. To improve our flexibility we'll operate in two teams."

"Sergeant Steel will accompany 2nd Squad. As soon as the agents identify cultists you will respond and eliminate the threat. I'll remain with 1st squad in the cargo bay. As soon as they realise our presence I expect any remaining terrorists to attack, at which point 1st Squad will respond."

"Our primary objective is to eliminate Akuro and his cultists. Kill them on sight, no questions, no hesitation. The ICC agents are there to protect the conference. Don't endager the delegates unnecessarily, but so long as they're doing their job, don't waste time backing them up," Eileen smiled slightly, "We're just there to kill people."

"All available details of the Andromeda have been downloaded for you to study. Are there any questions?"

(See 'Mission 3' under the 'Briefings' menu for the full mission briefing and ship details)

Turn 30

Posted: Fri Aug 11, 2006 10:10 am
by Nick
OOC: Briefing can be found here:

Turn 30

Posted: Fri Aug 11, 2006 1:17 pm
by Pale Rider
"Nighty night tubes" laughed Con as he inspected the cryo tube.
"Well looky here, there's one all for my self."
Con turned to Lt Cpl Screaming Eagle.
"I geuss we're bunk neighbours birdy boy, i hope you dont snore..."
James turned to Con with a grin on his face, "Yeah I snore so loud you can hear me in outer space and if you believe that I have a nebula with an awesome view I could sell you."
Ronald turned towards James, he laughed slightly and smiling before his face got deadly serious and leaned forward and whispered "Tell her and I gona kick your ass, if you dont tell her, then lets be friends" then he smiled again and winked before he grabbed the mans hand and shaked it well but friendly. "And I am a marine cause..." He stopped and thought for a long while before he kept on, our hero a bit slow. "I think its because no one else wants me, alone but happy. Well not that alone I got Jacod and Steel. Love them like brothers... I think I do at least" He finished with a loud laughter.

"No problem my friend," James responded. The man has a firm grip, it's not fishy like some, he thought. If he has as firm a grasp on reality as he does his hand then he will be a good man to have on your side. "I will gladly be your friend, because if you can't be friends here in this unit then you have no place to go but . . . ."
"Alright marines, listen up cause the Lieutenant is going to brief us."
"We can talk more later before we go under or after our sleep."

Turn 30

Posted: Sat Aug 12, 2006 6:10 pm
by Apachetear
Looking at the fresh faced new cadets - Jacob espyed his new squad leader

"He better be at least half as good as Steel was...I don't want a moron sending me to my death" he muttered darkly to Green

he moved away from everyone and lit a cigarette...He wondered how many people had heard him mutter fresh meat when the people arrived.

Slowly smoking he looked at the tubes - "goddamn hate those things, you have no idea how much you want a cigarette when you get out!" He half laughed half spat at no-one in general.

Jacob wasn't in the best of moods...he'd just lost the best squad leader to have him replaced by an unknown entity. These new guys needed battle training - soon.

Looking at the mission specs he looked around for the new Sarge

"Sir, what are the odds I could have myself an incinerator unit alongside the normal pulse rifle doolally for this mission...remember how many cultists we faced last time? Think how quickly they'd go if I turned 'em into roast!"

Grinning he moved towards his tube, waiting for an answer.

Turn 30

Posted: Sun Aug 13, 2006 3:52 am
by HeavyGlenn
Ronald shook his head as Jacob spoke to him and then answered with "I bet you or even me could do a better job!". He of course whispered not wanting to look like an ass and watched Jacob smoke his stick of death and then shouted at him "Then stop smoking you maniac! Ciggarets are like bullets that someone shoots at you, to many will be your death!"

Then he followed all instructions and went to his tube. He thought about all that scary information, he looked down on his chest, imaging having a big bomb or something scary like it, or bacterias that ate your brain or something even more scary. Ronald looked a bit scared about that, cause what can be scarier then stuff that eats your brain from within?

Turn 30

Posted: Sun Aug 13, 2006 6:38 am
by pants
"Sir, what are the odds I could have myself an incinerator unit alongside the normal pulse rifle doolally for this mission...remember how many cultists we faced last time? Think how quickly they'd go if I turned 'em into roast!"
"That's a question better answered by the LT, Smiles." Nick replied to Pvt FC Honeysett.

"It's a good question though. So what do you think Lieutenant, can Pvt FC Honeysett lug around a flamer? My thinking is that if the cultists are carrying around this bio weapon inside them, it might be a good idea to flame their bodies so that whatever is inside them gets burned up as well. Of course that depends on whether or not this bio weapon can burn?" asked Nick to Lieutenant Vincent.

"As well as the bio weapon situation, how sure are we of the ICC agents? The first mission we were on I got fooled by someone who I thought was trustworthy and one of my marines died. That's never happening again." Nicks face was set and his eyes hard as he briefly remembered what had happened on the platoons first mission.

"Ok, there are going to be a lot of people on this ship and I think we need to clearly be able to distinguish between the good guys and the bad guys. How are the ICC agents going to identify these guys and gals, crazy comes in all genders, to us?"

"Will we have access to all the door codes on the ship?" I think that Lt Cpl Morrison should be put in charge of whatever demolitions work we might need to do. I'm talking about opening doors or even creating new doors where necessary, Lieutenant."

Turn 30

Posted: Sun Aug 13, 2006 4:26 pm
by Zafubern
"It's a good question though. So what do you think Lieutenant, can Pvt FC Honeysett lug around a flamer? My thinking is that if the cultists are carrying around this bio weapon inside them, it might be a good idea to flame their bodies so that whatever is inside them gets burned up as well. Of course that depends on whether or not this bio weapon can burn?" asked Nick to Lieutenant Vincent.!
"Sarge, I think it would be a great idea to have a flamethrower with us. just think of the easy work we could make of the cultists and we do not have to risk much lives to do the same work and that would give me lesser work as the medic. I am not sure what do I have to bring along as this is my first mission and I do not have space to fit in all the medical equipments."
"Ok, there are going to be a lot of people on this ship and I think we need to clearly be able to distinguish between the good guys and the bad guys. How are the ICC agents going to identify these guys and gals, crazy comes in all genders, to us?"
"Sarge, how about issuing arm bands to friendlies? That would make it much easier to identify us."

Turn 30

Posted: Sun Aug 13, 2006 6:12 pm
by tashw
"That's a question better answered by the LT, Smiles." Nick replied to Pvt FC Honeysett.

"It's a good question though. So what do you think Lieutenant, can Pvt FC Honeysett lug around a flamer? My thinking is that if the cultists are carrying around this bio weapon inside them, it might be a good idea to flame their bodies so that whatever is inside them gets burned up as well. Of course that depends on whether or not this bio weapon can burn?" asked Nick to Lieutenant Vincent.
"Sarge, I think it would be a great idea to have a flamethrower with us. just think of the easy work we could make of the cultists and we do not have to risk much lives to do the same work and that would give me lesser work as the medic. I am not sure what do I have to bring along as this is my first mission and I do not have space to fit in all the medical equipments."
"Thank you for that Private Pyro," Eileen said, a wry smile on her face. Figured that one would have a thing for flamethrowers. She turned her attention back to Steel and nodded, "Let's take the flamers, it should be useful if they hole themselves up. Honeysett for first squad, Bojan for second. However, you'll both be using rifles as standard. You get the flamers out only if Sergeant Steel or I tell you. I expect the cultists to be among the civilians, and I do not want to find myself explaining to the ICC why we've roasted their spokeswoman."

"As for the bodies," Eileen paused and considered it, "It's a good idea, but I don't have information on the nature of the biological risk, but we know the cultists are currently walking around without spreading it. Incinerating the bodies risks releasing or activating it. If they look normal, leave them be, if they're showing signs of contamination, burn them."

"As well as the bio weapon situation, how sure are we of the ICC agents? The first mission we were on I got fooled by someone who I thought was trustworthy and one of my marines died. That's never happening again." Nicks face was set and his eyes hard as he briefly remembered what had happened on the platoons first mission.

"Ok, there are going to be a lot of people on this ship and I think we need to clearly be able to distinguish between the good guys and the bad guys. How are the ICC agents going to identify these guys and gals, crazy comes in all genders, to us?"
"Sarge, how about issuing arm bands to friendlies? That would make it much easier to identify us."
"Unfortunately Pyro that would require us to know who the friendlies were in advance. If you're worried about them identifying us, I think even the ICC can work out we're the ones in uniform carrying big guns."

"As for the ICC agents, I've been given no information that raises suspicion about them," Eileen smiled inwardly. Of course if there were any issues she'd hardly expect the ICC to be advertising them, "Neither have they indicated any means of identifying cultists. We won't be leaving the cargo bay until they make their move, it's the ICC's job to identify when that occurs. At that point we take out the people they direct us to and anyone acting in a hostile manner. Pay special attention to the ship's crew and the journalists, those are the easiest groups for the cultists to have infiltrated."

"Will we have access to all the door codes on the ship?" I think that Lt Cpl Morrison should be put in charge of whatever demolitions work we might need to do. I'm talking about opening doors or even creating new doors where necessary, Lieutenant."
"I've instructed Priest to contact the Andromeda on our arrival to obtain all relevant codes. If we need any doors opened, closed or created a little more destructively Corporal Morrison can go right ahead, although I do recall from the records Private Bojan has a knack with electronics if you want something done in a less explosive manner."